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Governing Nonprofit Organizations: Federal and State Law and Regulation Marion R. Fremont-Smith
The nonprofit sector is a vital component of our society and is allowed the greatest freedom to operate. The public understandably assumes that since nonprofit organizations are established to do good, the people who run nonprofits are altruistic, and the laws governing nonprofits have reflected this assumption. But as Marion Fremont-Smith argues, the rules that govern how nonprofits operate are inadequate, and the regulatory mechanisms designed to enforce the rules need improvement. Despite repeated instances of negligent management, self-interest at the expense of the charity, and outright fraud, nonprofits continue to receive minimal government regulation. In this time of increased demand for corporate accountability, the need to strengthen regulation of nonprofits is obvious. Fremont-Smith addresses this need from a historical, legal, and organizational perspective. She combines summaries and analysis of the substantive legal rules governing the behavior of charitable......
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Togo Country Study Guide Ibp Usa
Togo Country Study Guide...
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In Sputnik's Shadow: The President's Science Advisory Committee and Cold War America Zuoyue Wang
In today's world of rapid advancements in science and technology, we need to scrutinize more than ever the historical forces that shape our perceptions of what these new possibilities can and cannot do for social progress. In Sputnik's Shadow provides a lens to do just that, by tracing the rise and fall of the President's Science Advisory Committee from its ascendance under Eisenhower in the wake of the Soviet launching of Sputnik to its demise during the Nixon years. Members of this committee shared a strong sense of technological skepticism; they were just as inclined to advise the president about what technology couldn't do-for national security, space exploration, arms control, and environmental protection-as about what it could do. Zuoyue Wang examines key turning points during the twentieth century, including the beginning of the Cold War, the debates over nuclear weapons, the Sputnik crisis in 1957, the struggle over the Vietnam War, and the eventual end of the Cold War,......
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Питание матери и ребенка
Эксмо. Красота и здоровье. Уровень здоровья человека во многом определяется качеством питания именно в детском возрасте, когда ребенок стремительно растет и все обменные процессы протекают интенсивно. Поэтому важно составить ежедневный рацион так, чтобы в его организме усваивались все необходимые вещества. На страницах этой книги вы познакомитесь с основными принципами такого питания, обеспечивающего полноценное развитие ребенка и предупреждающего многие заболевания. А если ребенок заболел, то существенную помощь окажет тоже питание, но уже - лечебное, которое является одним из основных факторов в комплексе терапевтических мероприятий. В этой книге вы найдете рекомендации по приготовлению блюд, способствующих лечению инфекционных болезней, анемий, ожирения, заболеваний пищеварительной и мочевыделительной систем, а также аллергии. Большое внимание уделено анализу детских смесей, используемых в кормлении детей до года, приведены рецепты, гарантирующие сбалансированное питание ребенка младшего и старшего возраста.......
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Work Motivation: Past, Present, and Future (Organizational Frontiers Series)
This edited volume in SIOP's Organizational Frontiers Series presents the current thinking and research on the important area of motivation Work Motivation is a central issue in Industrial organizational psychology, human resource management and organizational behavior. In this volume the editors and authors show that motivation must be seen as a multi-level phenomenon where individual, group, organizational and cultural variables must be considered to truly understand it. The book adopts an overall framework that encompasses "internal"--from the person--forces and "external"-from the immediate and more distant environment--forces. It is destined to challenge scholars of organizations to give renewed emphasis and attention to advancing our understanding of motivation in work situations....
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Governing Nonprofit Organizations: Federal and State Law and Regulation. Marion R. Fremont-Smith . Книги.
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