Competition and Structure: The Political Economy of Collective Decisions : Essays in Honor of Albert Breton

Albert Breton, Pierre Salmon, Ronald Wintrobe

  Competition and Structure: The Political Economy of Collective Decisions : Essays in Honor of Albert Breton  Albert Breton, Pierre Salmon, Ronald Wintrobe  The essays in this volume share to an unusual degree a common concern with the competitive mechanisms that underlie collective decisions and with the way they are embedded in institutional settings. This gives the book a unitary inspiration whose value is clear from the new understanding and insights its chapters provide on important theoretical and practical issues such as the social dimension and impact of trust, the management of information in bureaucratic settings, the role of political parties in constitutional evolution, the impact of ethnicity and nationalism on federal institutions or arrangements, and the response of governments and overarching institutions of globalization.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The essays in this volume share to an unusual degree a common concern with the competitive mechanisms that underlie collective decisions and with the way they are embedded in institutional settings. This gives the book a unitary inspiration whose value is clear from the new understanding and insights its chapters provide on important theoretical and practical issues such as the social dimension and impact of trust, the management of information in bureaucratic settings, the role of political parties in constitutional evolution, the impact of ethnicity and nationalism on federal institutions or arrangements, and the response of governments and overarching institutions of globalization....

Choice, Welfare and Measurement

Amartya Sen, Amartya Kumar Sen

  Choice, Welfare and Measurement  Amartya Sen, Amartya Kumar Sen  In the course of his distinguished career, Amartya K. Sen has scrutinized the foundations of economic theory and analysis. He has brought into sharper focus such concepts as choice, preference, rationality, aggregation, evaluation, and measurement, and applied these concepts to the economic issues underlying universal social concerns, among them inequality, unemployment, poverty, human welfare, liberty, rights, justice. The twenty essays in this book encompass both these aspects of Sen's economic endeavors. Kenneth Arrow has written that In the course of his distinguished career, Amartya K. Sen has scrutinized the foundations of economic theory and analysis. He has brought into sharper focus such concepts as choice, preference, rationality, aggregation, evaluation, and measurement, and applied these concepts to the economic issues underlying universal social concerns, among them inequality, unemployment, poverty, human welfare, liberty, rights, justice. The twenty essays in this book encompass both these aspects of Sen's economic endeavors. Kenneth Arrow has written that "Sen's mastery in the fields of social choice, the foundations of welfare economics, and, more broadly, distributive ethics and the measurement problems associated with these fields is unquestioned. The selection of articles fully reflects his work in this area ... a number of the papers are already classics." The author has provided a substantial introduction to the book that interrelates his diverse concerns and analyzes......

Opportunities in Farming and Agricultural Careers

Adrian A. Paradis

  Opportunities in Farming and Agricultural Careers  Adrian A. Paradis  Opportunities in Series * MOST COMPREHENSIVE SERIES. With over 150 titles, students can explore virtually any job opportunity to their heart's content. * FULL CAREER DESCRIPTION. Tells students what each profession is all about and the various job opportunities available. * OVERVIEW OF THE JOB MARKET. Provides information on educational requirements, salary opportunities, career advancement, and the employment outlook. * ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Bridge readers to other resources on employment opportunities in the professional field.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Opportunities in Series * MOST COMPREHENSIVE SERIES. With over 150 titles, students can explore virtually any job opportunity to their heart's content. * FULL CAREER DESCRIPTION. Tells students what each profession is all about and the various job opportunities available. * OVERVIEW OF THE JOB MARKET. Provides information on educational requirements, salary opportunities, career advancement, and the employment outlook. * ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Bridge readers to other resources on employment opportunities in the professional field....

Opportunities in Science Technician Careers

J. Chirico

  Opportunities in Science Technician Careers  J. Chirico  Opportunities in Series * MOST COMPREHENSIVE SERIES. With over 150 titles, students can explore virtually any job opportunity to their heart's content. * FULL CAREER DESCRIPTION. Tells students what each profession is all about and the various job opportunities available. * OVERVIEW OF THE JOB MARKET. Provides information on educational requirements, salary opportunities, career advancement, and the employment outlook. * ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Bridge readers to other resources on employment opportunities in the professional field.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Opportunities in Series * MOST COMPREHENSIVE SERIES. With over 150 titles, students can explore virtually any job opportunity to their heart's content. * FULL CAREER DESCRIPTION. Tells students what each profession is all about and the various job opportunities available. * OVERVIEW OF THE JOB MARKET. Provides information on educational requirements, salary opportunities, career advancement, and the employment outlook. * ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Bridge readers to other resources on employment opportunities in the professional field....

Jobs That Don't Suck

Charlie Drozdyk

  Jobs That Don't Suck  Charlie Drozdyk  "I completely and totally remember what it's like graduating from college and having absolutely no clue what to do with my life." --Charlie Drozdyk Sound familiar? Then turn off the tube, get off the couch, and read this book. Why this book? Drozdykisn't one of those so-called career experts who tells others how to get a job but hasn't gotten one himself in years. He has learned firsthand how to open doors that seem jammed shut and get an offer over hundreds of other applicants. His advice comes straight from the employment trenches. Here's his advice on: Deciding which job is right for you--and which ones will lead to a life of eternal misery Resumes and cover letters--what works, what sucks, what you can get away with Interviewing Hell--staying cool in the hot seat Successful Getting your boss to love you--and giving good phone Moving up the ladder--from being an......

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Competition and Structure: The Political Economy of Collective Decisions : Essays in Honor of Albert Breton. Albert Breton, Pierre Salmon, Ronald Wintrobe . Книги.

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