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Admin911: SMS Rod Trent, Rod Trent
"Call on Admin911 to learn what’s going on with your network, to understand your options, and pick the right solutions." -David Chernicoff, Windows 2000 Magazine This essential survival guide for system administrators contains problem-solving and troubleshooting techniques for Microsoft System Management Server. Kathy Ivens is Series Editor....
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Absolute Beginner's Guide to Creating Web Pages (2nd Edition) Todd Stauffer
Absolute Beginner's Guide to Creating Web Pages assumes that readers are true beginners - no prior Web page experience is necessary! This hands-on tutorial teaches readers the fundamentals of creating Web pages, along with more advanced ideas like message areas, chat, and e-commerce options to make the page look like it was created by a professional. The book begins by explaining the need for HTML and the basics of good Web page design. It then covers using HTML tags and tools, formattingtext, adding images, and building links. Later chapters demonstrate how to add features to Web pages including tables, colors, frames, multimedia content, JavaScript, Style Sheets and Dynamic HTML. The author has also included several hundred pages of useful additional information, perfect for the beginning Web designer....
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Information-Theoretic Aspects of Neural Networks Perambur S. Neelakanta, P. S. Neelankanta
Information theoretics vis-a-vis neural networks generally embodies parametric entities and conceptual bases pertinent to memory considerations and information storage, information-theoretic based cost-functions, and neurocybernetics and self-organization. Existing studies only sparsely cover the entropy and/or cybernetic aspects of neural information.Information-Theoretic Aspects of Neural Networks cohesively explores this burgeoning discipline, covering topics such as:oShannon information and information dynamicsoneural complexity as an information processing systemomemory and information storage in the interconnected neural weboextremum (maximum and minimum) information entropyoneural network trainingonon-conventional, statistical distance-measures for neural network optimizationsosymmetric and asymmetric characteristics of information-theoretic error-metricsoalgorithmic complexity based representation of neural information-theoretic parametersogenetic algorithms versus neural......
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Advances in Computers (Advances in Computers, 59) Marvin V. Zelkowitz
Since 1960, Advances in Computers has chronicled the constantly shifting theories and methods of Information Technology which greatly shapes our lives today This volume, the 59th in the series, presents two general themes. The first 4 papers discuss tool use in developing software - how groups work together to produce a product, and why the very industries that need them often do NOT adopt such tools. The fifth paper addresses a current hardware issue - cache coherence. As we build faster machines, a way to increase performance is to have multiple CPUs working on solving the same problem. This requires two or more CPUs to address the same memory at the same time. The cache coherence problem is how to allow both machines to access the same memory without "stepping on each others toes" so that memory gets lost or corrupted *In depth surveys and tutorials on new computer technology *Well-known authors and researchers in the field *Broad overview of many important......
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Н. Н. Яковлев. Избранные произведения. Маршал Жуков. 13 ноября 1942г. 2 сент Н. Н. Яковлев
Молодая гвардия. Н. Н. Яковлев. Избранные произведения. В трех книгах. Книга 3. Маршал Жуков. 13 ноября 1942г. 2 сент. В сборник входят три ранее публиковавшиеся работы крупного историка-международника Н. Н. Яковлева. "Маршал Жуков" - первая попытка создания биографии Г. К. Жукова, виднейшего советского военачальника. "19 ноября 1942 г." посвящается сражению под Сталинградом. "3 сентября 1945 г." охватывает период 30 - 40-х годов, время захватнической политики милитаристской Японии в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе, войн на Тихом океане....
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Admin911: SMS. Rod Trent, Rod Trent . Книги.
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