Introduction to Social Psychology: A European Perspective (BPS Textbooks in Psychology)

  Introduction to Social Psychology: A European Perspective (BPS Textbooks in Psychology)  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

Preparing for Eternity: A Catholic Handbook for End-of-Life Concerns

  Preparing for Eternity: A Catholic Handbook for End-of-Life Concerns  Joseph M. Champlin  Joseph M. Champlin  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Joseph M. Champlin...

All-New Baseball Brainteasers: 60 Major League Puzzles

Michael A. Morse

  All-New Baseball Brainteasers: 60 Major League Puzzles  Michael A. Morse  Sterling.   Was a run ever scored that went unnoticed by everyone on both teams - and the official scorer, too? Can a runner from first base be tagged out stealing second when the batter is walked? Fans of the Great American Pastime want to know! This second edition of Baseball Brain Teasers features 60 challenging rules situations that occurred in real-life Major League games, with each incident broken into three parts. First comes the problem, with all the basic details; then a description of the actual game where the play happened; and finally an explanation of the correct call. Readers can just enjoy the entertaining stories - or the baseball-savvy can test their knowledge and see if they're smarter than the professionals who were actually involved.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Sterling. Was a run ever scored that went unnoticed by everyone on both teams - and the official scorer, too? Can a runner from first base be tagged out stealing second when the batter is walked? Fans of the Great American Pastime want to know! This second edition of Baseball Brain Teasers features 60 challenging rules situations that occurred in real-life Major League games, with each incident broken into three parts. First comes the problem, with all the basic details; then a description of the actual game where the play happened; and finally an explanation of the correct call. Readers can just enjoy the entertaining stories - or the baseball-savvy can test their knowledge and see if they're smarter than the professionals who were actually involved....

Cable Visions: Television Beyond Broadcasting

  Cable Visions: Television Beyond Broadcasting  Sarah Banet-Weiser, Cynthia Chris, Anthony Freitas  Sarah Banet-Weiser, Cynthia Chris, Anthony Freitas  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Sarah Banet-Weiser, Cynthia Chris, Anthony Freitas...

Baby Crochet: 20 Hand-Crochet Designs for Babies 0-24 Months

Lois Daykin

  Baby Crochet: 20 Hand-Crochet Designs for Babies 0-24 Months  Lois Daykin  St. Martin's Griffin.   Crochet has gained popularity as more and more people are taking up this quick and easy alternative to knitting. Lois Daykin has created an ensemble of 20 wonderful designs for newborns and little toddlers in a fun-loving collection of garments and accessories, together with some cool ideas for decorating the nursery You can chose from cute hats and bootees, a scarf and a little wrap cardigan for baby to wear or pretty but practical bibs and bottle warmers. There are great ideas for the nursery, too, including strings of crochet hearts and a little rabbit diaper holder, along with some great toys, including a cat and a curly snake, and some big, soft crochet building blocks. Simple, bright colors make crocheting for baby fun to do, and many of the projects can be done in a few hours, easy enough for even novices to make successfully. The designs make great baby shower gifts, too. What better way to welcome a new arrival in the family than with a personalized hand-made gift?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин St. Martin's Griffin. Crochet has gained popularity as more and more people are taking up this quick and easy alternative to knitting. Lois Daykin has created an ensemble of 20 wonderful designs for newborns and little toddlers in a fun-loving collection of garments and accessories, together with some cool ideas for decorating the nursery You can chose from cute hats and bootees, a scarf and a little wrap cardigan for baby to wear or pretty but practical bibs and bottle warmers. There are great ideas for the nursery, too, including strings of crochet hearts and a little rabbit diaper holder, along with some great toys, including a cat and a curly snake, and some big, soft crochet building blocks. Simple, bright colors make crocheting for baby fun to do, and many of the projects can be done in a few hours, easy enough for even novices to make successfully. The designs make great baby shower gifts, too. What better way to welcome a new arrival in the family than with a personalized hand-made gift?...

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Introduction to Social Psychology: A European Perspective (BPS Textbooks in Psychology). . Книги.

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