Waltzing Again: New & Selected Conversations with Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood

  Waltzing Again: New & Selected Conversations with Margaret Atwood  Margaret Atwood  "I don't mind being 'interviewed' any more than I mind Viennese waltzing?that is, my response will depend on the agility and grace and attitude and intelligence of the other person. Some do it well, some clumsily, some step on your toes by accident, and some aim for them." ?Margaret Atwood This gathering of 21 interviews with Margaret Atwood covers a broad spectrum of topics. Beginning with Graeme Gibson's "Dissecting the Way a Writer Works" (1972), the conversations provide a forum for Atwood to talk about her own work, her career as a writer, feminism, and Canadian cultural nationalism, and to refute the autobiographical fallacy. These conversations offer what Earl Ingersoll calls "a kind of 'biography' of Margaret Atwood?the only kind of biography she is likely to sanction." Enlivened by Atwood's unfailing sense of humor, the interviews present an invaluable view of a distinguished contemporary writer at work. From the Interviews: "Let's not......

West's Business Law (with Online Legal Research Guide) (West's Business Law)

Kenneth W. Clarkson, Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz, Frank B. Cross

  West's Business Law (with Online Legal Research Guide) (West's Business Law)  Kenneth W. Clarkson, Roger LeRoy Miller, Gaylord A. Jentz, Frank B. Cross  A market leader used by more colleges and universities than any other business law text, West's Business Law continues to set the standard for making classic black letter law accessible, interesting, and relevant to business students. This Tenth Edition refines and builds upon traditions established when the book was first introduced: authoritative content blended with cutting-edge coverage of contemporary topics and cases and an unmatched selection of innovative, high-quality support materials.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A market leader used by more colleges and universities than any other business law text, West's Business Law continues to set the standard for making classic black letter law accessible, interesting, and relevant to business students. This Tenth Edition refines and builds upon traditions established when the book was first introduced: authoritative content blended with cutting-edge coverage of contemporary topics and cases and an unmatched selection of innovative, high-quality support materials....

Frontline HR: A Handbook for the Emerging Manager

Jeffrey S. Hornsby, Donald F. Kuratko

  Frontline HR: A Handbook for the Emerging Manager  Jeffrey S. Hornsby, Donald F. Kuratko  In many companies, the human resource component of a line manager/supervisor position is at least 50 percent of total responsibilities. But managers and supervisors often find themselves overwhelmed by ? or even ill-prepared for ? the responsibility of having to select, train, evaluate, discipline, and reward their direct reports. Written especially for the emerging manager, Frontline HR provides an excellent guide to successfully navigate through the challenges of supervising employees.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In many companies, the human resource component of a line manager/supervisor position is at least 50 percent of total responsibilities. But managers and supervisors often find themselves overwhelmed by ? or even ill-prepared for ? the responsibility of having to select, train, evaluate, discipline, and reward their direct reports. Written especially for the emerging manager, Frontline HR provides an excellent guide to successfully navigate through the challenges of supervising employees....

The Entrepreneur Next Door

Bill Wagner

  The Entrepreneur Next Door  Bill Wagner  Discover if you have what it takes to join the ranks of successful entrepreneurs In this interactive book,William F. Wagner can shape your destiny. He can tell you which of your traits will catapult you to success, what type of business ill let you excel, and which traits will lead to failure if left unchecked. His accurate insights come from years of meticulous research of thousands of successful entrepreneurs. Now he uses that data and an amazingly simple yet accurate online personalit test to tell you about yourself--and what you can do to be successful. You can take the test available on the companion website to discover how they stack up against model entrepreneurs. Additionally, quizzes are included throughout the book for mmediate feedback. You’ll learn how to mimic the behaviors of thriving millionaires and avoid the mistakes of those who've failed.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Discover if you have what it takes to join the ranks of successful entrepreneurs In this interactive book,William F. Wagner can shape your destiny. He can tell you which of your traits will catapult you to success, what type of business ill let you excel, and which traits will lead to failure if left unchecked. His accurate insights come from years of meticulous research of thousands of successful entrepreneurs. Now he uses that data and an amazingly simple yet accurate online personalit test to tell you about yourself--and what you can do to be successful. You can take the test available on the companion website to discover how they stack up against model entrepreneurs. Additionally, quizzes are included throughout the book for mmediate feedback. You’ll learn how to mimic the behaviors of thriving millionaires and avoid the mistakes of those who've failed....

Something for Nothing: The All-Consuming Desire that Turns the American Dream into a Social Nightmare

Brian Tracy

  Something for Nothing: The All-Consuming Desire that Turns the American Dream into a Social Nightmare  Brian Tracy  America's greatness comes from people working hard to fulfill their dreams. But today that greatness is being undermined by people using the government to steal other people's dreams (and money). Rather than participate and innovate in the marketplace, generating goods and services that benefit society, people are increasingly vying for political advantage to live at the expense of others. Something for Nothing reveals the social and personal threats inherent in this emerging America's greatness comes from people working hard to fulfill their dreams. But today that greatness is being undermined by people using the government to steal other people's dreams (and money). Rather than participate and innovate in the marketplace, generating goods and services that benefit society, people are increasingly vying for political advantage to live at the expense of others. Something for Nothing reveals the social and personal threats inherent in this emerging "grabbing match" culture, juxtaposing free-market virtues against government vices, explaining how the something-for-nothing mentality corrupts the political system, undermines corporate success, and stifles the individual's ability to prosper and contribute long-term to society. More than exposing the dangers, however, Tracy helps readers set a personal and culture-wide agenda for change....

<<<  48 кармических путей на 2008 год. Козерог. Гэри ...             Властелин Колец. Две твердыни. Джон Р. Р. ... >>>

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Waltzing Again: New & Selected Conversations with Margaret Atwood. Margaret Atwood . Книги.

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