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Fixing Global Finance Martin Wolf
The Johns Hopkins University Press. The latest book from Financial Times columnist Martin Wolf explains why global imbalances cause financial crises -- including the one ravaging the United States right now -- and outlines the steps for ending this destructive cycle.Reviewing global financial crises since 1980, Wolf lays bare the links between the microeconomics of finance and the macroeconomics of the balance of payments, demonstrating how the subprime lending crisis in the United States fits into a pattern that includes the economic shocks of 1997, 1998, and early 1999 in Latin America, Russia, and Asia. He explains why the United States is now the "borrower and spender of last resort," makes the case that this is an untenable arrangement, and argues that global economic security depends on the ability of emerging economies to develop robust financial systems based on domestic currencies.Sharply and clearly argued, Wolf's prescription for fixing global finance illustrates why he has been described as "the world's......
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Professional Internet Advertising for Accountants and Financial Planners Handbook (World Strategic and Business Information Library) Ibp Usa
Professional Internet Advertising for Accountants and Financial Planners Handbook...
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Institutional Investors and CEO Compensation Jae Yong Shin
Institutional investors have become increasingly important as equity holders in the U.S. financial market. This book investigates the relation between the structure of CEO compensation and the composition of firms' institutional ownership in terms of investment horizons and legal type. Consistent with regulators' and investors' concerns that myopic investment behavior by some institutional investors leads managers to fear an earnings disappointment, I provide evidence that in companies with more shares held by institutions with short-term investment horizons, executive compensation is structured with preference towards these short-term institutions' preferences (e.g., more use of stock options that do not need to be expensed and larger annual bonus penalties for missing quarterly earnings benchmarks). By documenting one potential consequence of firms' ownership structure that related to the various classes of institutional shareholders in term of investment horizons, this book......
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Cpu Design: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Chandra Thimmannagari
This book intends to provide answers to most of the real time design issues and...
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Концептуальное проектирование сложных решений Андрей Теслинов
Питер. Мастерская Андрея Теслинова. Эта книга — о передовой технологии принятия решений. Сегодня специалисту доступна практически любая информация. Но еще Аристотель говорил, что многознание не научает истине. Как же докопаться до смысла, как действовать в случаях, если информации слишком много или мало, а правила не определены? В предлагаемой читателю книге раскрываются секреты концептуального проектирования. Вы узнаете, как профессионально встречать сложную реальность, какие методы и инструменты вам потребуются для принятия успешных решений. Значительную часть книги составляет практикум. Скучать вам не придется — задания даются в веселой, игровой форме. Книга предназначена для менеджеров среднего и высшего звена, маркетологов, аналитиков, руководителей всех уровней. Полезна она будет также психологам-консультантам и бизнес-тренерам....
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На главную
Fixing Global Finance. Martin Wolf . Книги.
Санкт-Петербург, Нальчик, Владивосток, Димитровград, Курск, Энгельс, Шахты, Вологда, Магнитогорск, Киселёвск, Оренбург, Кисловодск,
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