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The Economics of Transaction Costs: Theory, Methods and Applications P. K. Rao
Book Description In modern economies a substantial proportion of resources is increasingly allocated to transaction costs. An improvement in the definition of transaction costs to include both the information role and efficiency role requires an integration of the approaches of positive economics and normative economics. In The Economics of Transaction Costs P.K. Rao provides a comprehensive analytical treatment of the subject and suggests a few directions for formal economic models....
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The WTO and the Multilateral Trading System : Past, Present and Future Bhagirath L. Das
Book Description This book charts the evolution of the multilateral trading system and explores the future outlook for the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Bhagirath Lal examines how GATT/WTO has traditionally been used by the major industrial nationsto pursue their own economic and political interests, at the expense of Third World development. This North-South imbalance continues today. Further, this book traces the intimate links between these deficiencies and the WTO's murky decision-making processes, dominated by its developed country members. Das asserts that future stability in international economic relations depends on abandoning the WTO's partiality. Towards this end, he advances concrete suggestions for radical reform in the basic structure, rules and practices of the trade body, and for complementary actions by other institutional, governmental and non-governmental actors. The analysis and proposals laid out in this book are grounded in a practical perspective......
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Real Resumes for Customer Service Jobs: Including Real Resumes Used to Change Careers and Resumes Used to Gain Federal Employment (Real-Resumes)
Book DescriptionThose who seek employment in the customer service field will find this book a rich resource! In addition to wise advice about job hunting and salary negotiation, there are nearly 100 resumes along with the cover letter that accompanied those resumes. Get the career edge with a book that shows the techniques used by professional resume writers to achieve jobhunting success....
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Human Aspects of Software Engineering (Electrical and Computer Engineering Series) James Tomayko
Book Description The more the software industry matures, the more it is accepted by the software engineering community that the people involved in software development processes deserve more attention than the processes or technologies themselves. To this end, Human Aspects of Software Engineering details software engineering from the perspective of those involved in the process: individuals, teams, customers, and the organization. The book is written for software engineering students and professional software developers. It illustrates the richness and complexity of the human aspects of software engineering and covers the problems, questions, and conflicts that arise during development. The importance of these issues is widely acknowledged in the industry and academia, because many of the failures of software systems can be traced to human factors. This, however, is the first textbook for a full course on the topic. Focusing on the different social and cognitive aspects of software......
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Writing The Wrongs: Eva Valesh And The Rise Of Labor Journalism Elizabeth Faue
Book DescriptionEva McDonald Valesh was one of the Progressive Era?s foremost labor publicists. Challenging the narrow confines placed on women, Valesh became a successful investigative journalist, organizer, and public speaker for labor reform. Valesh was a compatriot of the labor leaders of her day and the "right-hand man" of Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor. Events she covered during her colorful, unconventional reporting career included the Populist revolt, the Cuban crisis of the 1890s, and the 1910 Shirtwaistmakers? uprising. She was described as bright, even "comet-like," by her admirers, but her enemies saw her as "a pest" who took "all the benefit that her sex controls when in argument with a man." Elizabeth Faue examines the pivotal events that transformed this outspoken daughter of a working-class Scots-Irish family into a national political figure, interweaving the study of one woman?s fascinating life with insightful......
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The Economics of Transaction Costs: Theory, Methods and Applications. P. K. Rao . Книги.
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