Handbook of Mathematical Economics Volume 3

Kenneth J. Arrow

  Handbook of Mathematical Economics Volume 3  Kenneth J. Arrow  Hardbound. The Handbook of Mathematical Economics aims to provide a definitive source, reference, and teaching supplement for the field of mathematical economics. It surveys, as of the late 1970's the state of the art of mathematical economics. This is a constantly developing field and all authors were invited to review and to appraise the current status and recent developments in their presentations. In addition to its use as a reference, it is intended that this Handbook will assist researchers and students working in one branch of mathematical economics to become acquainted with other branches of this field. Volume 3 covers Mathematical Approaches to Welfare Economics, including social choice theory, optimal taxation, and optimal growth, together with Mathematical Approaches to Economic Organization and Planning, including organization design and decentralization. For more information on the Handbooks in Economics series  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Hardbound. The Handbook of Mathematical Economics aims to provide a definitive source, reference, and teaching supplement for the field of mathematical economics. It surveys, as of the late 1970's the state of the art of mathematical economics. This is a constantly developing field and all authors were invited to review and to appraise the current status and recent developments in their presentations. In addition to its use as a reference, it is intended that this Handbook will assist researchers and students working in one branch of mathematical economics to become acquainted with other branches of this field. Volume 3 covers Mathematical Approaches to Welfare Economics, including social choice theory, optimal taxation, and optimal growth, together with Mathematical Approaches to Economic Organization and Planning, including organization design and decentralization. For more information on the Handbooks in Economics series...

Народные мастера

Анатолий Рогов

  Народные мастера  Анатолий Рогов  Молодая гвардия.   Жизнь замечательных людей.   Народные мастера.   Книга писателя Анатолия Рогова посвящена жизни и творчеству выдающихся мастеров, родоначальников всемирно известных промыслов: Анне Мезриной - дымковская игрушка, Игнатию Мазину - городецкая живопись, Василию Ворноскову - кудринская резьба, Ивану Голикову - палехская лаковая живопись. Автор обращается и к истории, и к сегодняшнему дню народных промыслов, их богатейшим традициям.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Молодая гвардия. Жизнь замечательных людей. Народные мастера. Книга писателя Анатолия Рогова посвящена жизни и творчеству выдающихся мастеров, родоначальников всемирно известных промыслов: Анне Мезриной - дымковская игрушка, Игнатию Мазину - городецкая живопись, Василию Ворноскову - кудринская резьба, Ивану Голикову - палехская лаковая живопись. Автор обращается и к истории, и к сегодняшнему дню народных промыслов, их богатейшим традициям....

Word 2002 for Dummies

Dan Gookin

  Word 2002 for Dummies  Dan Gookin  Writing on a computer isn't such a big deal anymore. In fact, today it's the typewriter that gets the double take. Chances are very good that if you're going to write anything, you'll be using a computer with word processing software, and you'll very likely be using a PC with some variation of Windows and Microsoft Word to help you. But Word is such a massive program that does much more than merely process words. Do you really need to know all the bells and whistles, the command options and the typographical mumbo jumbo? Probably not. If you're like most Word users, all you want to know is a few answers to some tiny questions. For this, you've found your book. Word 2002 For Dummies will show you the basics of using this dynamic program and have you quickly doing things like Saving your stuff Cutting and pasting a block of text Quickly finding your place in a large document Aligning paragraphs Throwing together a quick...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Writing on a computer isn't such a big deal anymore. In fact, today it's the typewriter that gets the double take. Chances are very good that if you're going to write anything, you'll be using a computer with word processing software, and you'll very likely be using a PC with some variation of Windows and Microsoft Word to help you. But Word is such a massive program that does much more than merely process words. Do you really need to know all the bells and whistles, the command options and the typographical mumbo jumbo? Probably not. If you're like most Word users, all you want to know is a few answers to some tiny questions. For this, you've found your book. Word 2002 For Dummies will show you the basics of using this dynamic program and have you quickly doing things like Saving your stuff Cutting and pasting a block of text Quickly finding your place in a large document Aligning paragraphs Throwing together a quick......

Microsoft Windows Movie Maker 2: Do Amazing Things (Bpg-Other)

John Buechler

  Microsoft Windows Movie Maker 2: Do Amazing Things (Bpg-Other)  John Buechler  Millions of people have downloaded Microsoft Windows Movie Maker 2, which offers new features that make creating home movies amazingly fun?and this guide shows how to get awesome results right away! The author is a Movie Maker expert who teaches youthe best ways to import and edit footage; make titles, credits, and captions; create scene transitions; add soundtracks and voiceovers; and premiere your movie on CD, DVD, or the Web. The author?s Web site keeps you up to date on the latest in hardware, file format, and other digital video topics that are constantly evolving. Fun, focused, and easy to follow, this book shows how quickly your own movies can come together with Windows Movie Maker 2?and how you, too, can create the effects you seein movies and on TV every day!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Millions of people have downloaded Microsoft Windows Movie Maker 2, which offers new features that make creating home movies amazingly fun?and this guide shows how to get awesome results right away! The author is a Movie Maker expert who teaches youthe best ways to import and edit footage; make titles, credits, and captions; create scene transitions; add soundtracks and voiceovers; and premiere your movie on CD, DVD, or the Web. The author?s Web site keeps you up to date on the latest in hardware, file format, and other digital video topics that are constantly evolving. Fun, focused, and easy to follow, this book shows how quickly your own movies can come together with Windows Movie Maker 2?and how you, too, can create the effects you seein movies and on TV every day!...

CENTREX or PBX: The Impact of Internet Protocol

John R. Abrahams, Mauro Lollo

  CENTREX or PBX: The Impact of Internet Protocol  John R. Abrahams, Mauro Lollo  If you have the responsibility to design, upgrade and manage data networks to carry IP Telephony (voice, video and data); need help in evaluating competing IP-Centrex and IP-PBX systems; or need guidance in specifying the parameters for a service level agreement for IP-Centrex, this unique reference provides you with the knowledge you need to get the job done right. It enables you to more accurately estimate the time and resources needed to implement IP Telephony in your organization. The book describes the IP-Centrex option of having the telephone company take responsibility for the service delivery and offers the kind of information service providers need to improve marketing and sales campaigns for IP-Centrex services. This unique resource helps you present your company?s telecom capabilities, and offers a better understanding of the pluses and minuses of competitive sales presentations. It includes summary descriptions of 14 IP telephony systems on the world?s...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин If you have the responsibility to design, upgrade and manage data networks to carry IP Telephony (voice, video and data); need help in evaluating competing IP-Centrex and IP-PBX systems; or need guidance in specifying the parameters for a service level agreement for IP-Centrex, this unique reference provides you with the knowledge you need to get the job done right. It enables you to more accurately estimate the time and resources needed to implement IP Telephony in your organization. The book describes the IP-Centrex option of having the telephone company take responsibility for the service delivery and offers the kind of information service providers need to improve marketing and sales campaigns for IP-Centrex services. This unique resource helps you present your company?s telecom capabilities, and offers a better understanding of the pluses and minuses of competitive sales presentations. It includes summary descriptions of 14 IP telephony systems on the world?s......

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Handbook of Mathematical Economics Volume 3. Kenneth J. Arrow . Книги.

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