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Сверхоружие Скарпанога Леонид Кудрявцев
Олма-Пресс. Трансформеры. Далекое будущее. Уничтожители - страшные роботы - скрывались в неисследованной части Галактики и появлялись около Земли и других планет, населенных роботами-защитниками и людьми, для того, чтобы разрушать и убивать. Командовал ими страшный Скарпаног, гигантский трансформер, в которого время от времени вселялся дух Повелителя. Это всемогущее существо в невообразимо древние времена создало трансформеров, с помощью которых рассчитывало покорить Галактику. Часть трансформеров не захотела ему служить и восстала. Так началась война между защитниками и уничтожителями. Война эта шла очень долго. И каждый раз, пытаясь победить защитников, уничтожители получали сокрушительный отпор... Этот замечательный книжный сериал действительно предназначен только для мальчишек. Кто же еще так любит роботов, компьютерные игры, космические приключения? Но, в отличие от героев компьютерных игр, которые могут только драться друг с другом, герои книг - почти живые существа, они мыслят,......
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American Economic Policy in the 1990s Jeffrey A. Frankel, Peter R. Orszag
The 1990s saw the best economic performance in the United States in three decades. Strong economic growth and falling unemployment were accompanied by low inflation and rising budget surpluses. Although personal bankruptcies climbed, the personal saving rate fell, and the trade deficit expanded, overall, U.S. economic performance during the 1990s was outstanding. This book is a unique attempt to write the first history of the making of American economic policy during the 1990s. One way to view it is as a "debriefing" of those who made the decisions. Each chapter is devoted to a particular area of economic policy and consists of a background paper written by leading academic economists together with short essays by prominent policymakers, many of whom served in the Clinton administration or previous administrations, and by independent observers. The questions asked about each policy area include: What were the pros and cons of alternative options under consideration? What......
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The Divine Right of Capital: Dethroning the Corporate Aristocracy Marjorie Kelly
Wealth inequality, corporate welfare, and industrial pollution are symptoms?the fevers and chills of the economy. The underlying illness, says Business Ethics magazine founder Marjorie Kelly, is shareholder primacy: the corporate drive to make profits for shareholders, no matter who pays the cost. In The Divine Right of Capital, Kelly argues that focusing on the interests of stockholders to the exclusion of everyone else?s interests is a form of discrimination based on property or wealth. She shows how this bias is held by our institutional structures, much as they once held biases against blacks and women. The Divine Right of Capital exposes six aristocratic principles that corporations are built on, principles that we would never accept in our modern democratic society but which we accept unquestioningly in our economy. Wealth bias is a holdover from our pre-democratic past. It has enabled shareholders to become a kind of economic aristocracy. Kelly shows how to design......
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Start Your Own Business for $1,000 or Less Will Davis
Dearborn Trade. The American dream today seems to be a combination of owning your own house and your own business. Consultant Davis capitalizes on our yearnings (and, unfortunately, low savings) to promote starting up a business for less than $1,000. Though the directions and lesson plans outline the how-tos and provide exercises for readers to judge ideas as well as their own capabilities, Davis' real contribution lies in his lists of business concepts. All are first separated into five categories--service, sales, production, creative, promotional--with each prefaced by a definition of tasks, concerns, and hints. Ten rather lengthy exercises, along with "quick tips" for most of his 38 chapters, help readers assess the personal suitability of a particular "mini-biz." Barbara Jacobs...
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The Book of Visual Studio .NET Robert B. Dunaway
Comprehensive guide to developing Internet applications with Visual Studio.NET. The Book of Visual Studio .NET surveys each .NET server and related technologies, with a focus on Visual Studio 7 (VS7). Hands-on examples cover building forms, data retrieval, moving to COM+, and implementing web services. Other key issues and solutions include upgrading from Visual Basic, source control services, and remoting....
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Сверхоружие Скарпанога. Леонид Кудрявцев . Книги.
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