Тайна придворного шута

Детлеф Блюм

  Тайна придворного шута  Детлеф Блюм  АСТ, Ермак.   Bestseller.   1756 год. Дрезден. Любимый придворный шут курфюрста Саксонии Шнеллер, попавший к покровителю в немилость, уходит из жизни, унося в могилу тайну своих легендарных сокровищ... Наши дни. Берлин. Студентка Клаудиа Шустер находит в старинной книге поразительный отрывок, позволяющий пролить свет на судьбу исчезнувшего богатства Шнеллера... К несчастью, драгоценности шута ищет не только она одна... Жажда денег, стремление к власти и одержимость истинных АСТ, Ермак. Bestseller. 1756 год. Дрезден. Любимый придворный шут курфюрста Саксонии Шнеллер, попавший к покровителю в немилость, уходит из жизни, унося в могилу тайну своих легендарных сокровищ... Наши дни. Берлин. Студентка Клаудиа Шустер находит в старинной книге поразительный отрывок, позволяющий пролить свет на судьбу исчезнувшего богатства Шнеллера... К несчастью, драгоценности шута ищет не только она одна... Жажда денег, стремление к власти и одержимость истинных "искателей приключений" сплелись в тугой узел. И разрубить его сможет лишь тот, кто способен до конца пройти по опасному лабиринту загадок прошлого......

Between Class and Market

Bruce Western

  Between Class and Market  Bruce Western  In the United States, less than one worker in five is currently in a labor union, while in Sweden, virtually the entire workforce is unionized. Despite compelling evidence for their positive effects, even the strongest European unions are now in retreat as some policymakers herald the U.S. model of market deregulation. These differences in union power significantly affect workers' living standards and the fortunes of national economies. What explains the enormous variation in unionization and why has thelast decade been so hostile to organized labor? Bruce Western tackles these questions in an analysis of labor union organization in eighteen capitalist democracies from 1950 to 1990. Combining insights from sociology and economics in a novel way, Westernviews unions as the joint product of market forces and political and economic institutions. The author argues that three institutional conditions are essential for union growth: strong working-class political parties, centralized...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In the United States, less than one worker in five is currently in a labor union, while in Sweden, virtually the entire workforce is unionized. Despite compelling evidence for their positive effects, even the strongest European unions are now in retreat as some policymakers herald the U.S. model of market deregulation. These differences in union power significantly affect workers' living standards and the fortunes of national economies. What explains the enormous variation in unionization and why has thelast decade been so hostile to organized labor? Bruce Western tackles these questions in an analysis of labor union organization in eighteen capitalist democracies from 1950 to 1990. Combining insights from sociology and economics in a novel way, Westernviews unions as the joint product of market forces and political and economic institutions. The author argues that three institutional conditions are essential for union growth: strong working-class political parties, centralized......

The International Financial Architecture: What's New? What's Missing

Peter B. Kenen

  The International Financial Architecture: What's New? What's Missing  Peter B. Kenen  Shortly after the Mexican crisis of 1994-95, the major industrial countries undertook to strengthen the international financial architecture. They sought to reduce the risk of future crises by increasing the availability of information about economic conditions in emerging-market countries and strengthening the financial systems of those countries. They sought better ways to manage future crises, including ways to involve private-sector creditors in crisis management. In this book, Peter B. Kenen reviews the reform effort and assesses the results. He shows how the effort was influenced by the Asian, Russian, and Brazilian crises. He compares the results of the effort with the more radical recommendations of outside experts and of the Meltzer Report and examines the implications of the reform effort for the role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Kenen finds that there have been useful innovations but calls for bolder efforts aimed a t five objectives: (1) increasing the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Shortly after the Mexican crisis of 1994-95, the major industrial countries undertook to strengthen the international financial architecture. They sought to reduce the risk of future crises by increasing the availability of information about economic conditions in emerging-market countries and strengthening the financial systems of those countries. They sought better ways to manage future crises, including ways to involve private-sector creditors in crisis management. In this book, Peter B. Kenen reviews the reform effort and assesses the results. He shows how the effort was influenced by the Asian, Russian, and Brazilian crises. He compares the results of the effort with the more radical recommendations of outside experts and of the Meltzer Report and examines the implications of the reform effort for the role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Kenen finds that there have been useful innovations but calls for bolder efforts aimed a t five objectives: (1) increasing the......

Testing the Waters: A Teen's Guide to Career Exploration

Alice N. Culbreath, Saundra K. Neal

  Testing the Waters: A Teen's Guide to Career Exploration  Alice N. Culbreath, Saundra K. Neal  Testing the Waters: A Teen's Guide to Career Exploration has been created to help high school students prepare for future career and college goals. It is a directory of over 1,200 part-time and summer jobs, internships, volunteer opportunities, entrepreneurial ideas, educational programs, travel and adventures located throughout the United States and around the world and available specifically for high school students.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Testing the Waters: A Teen's Guide to Career Exploration has been created to help high school students prepare for future career and college goals. It is a directory of over 1,200 part-time and summer jobs, internships, volunteer opportunities, entrepreneurial ideas, educational programs, travel and adventures located throughout the United States and around the world and available specifically for high school students....

Public & Private Economic Adviser

Sidney Lewis Jones

  Public & Private Economic Adviser  Sidney Lewis Jones  Paul W. McCracken was an outstanding economist whose career spanned the spheres of academia, business, and government. This book, written by Sidney L. Jones, Special Assistant to McCracken when he was Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers to the President in 1969, has the advantage of both his personal perspective and access to McCracken's documents at the University of Michigan. The work examines economic policy adjustments, historical comparisons in preparing economic policy recommendations, theprocess of combining economic theories, and much more. Economists in the academic world, in business, or in politics will all profit from this remarkable book.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Paul W. McCracken was an outstanding economist whose career spanned the spheres of academia, business, and government. This book, written by Sidney L. Jones, Special Assistant to McCracken when he was Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers to the President in 1969, has the advantage of both his personal perspective and access to McCracken's documents at the University of Michigan. The work examines economic policy adjustments, historical comparisons in preparing economic policy recommendations, theprocess of combining economic theories, and much more. Economists in the academic world, in business, or in politics will all profit from this remarkable book....

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Тайна придворного шута. Детлеф Блюм . Книги.

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