Study Guide to Economics

Е. И. Андреева, Н. Е. Николаева

  Study Guide to Economics  Е. И. Андреева, Н. Е. Николаева  Экономический факультет МГУ, ТЕИС.   Учебное пособие на английском языке.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Экономический факультет МГУ, ТЕИС. Учебное пособие на английском языке....

Иметь и удержать!

Джейн Грин

  Иметь и удержать!  Джейн Грин  Гелеос, Рипол Классик.   Реальная любовь.   Новый роман популярной американской писательницы Джейн Грин. Главная героиня книги Гелеос, Рипол Классик. Реальная любовь. Новый роман популярной американской писательницы Джейн Грин. Главная героиня книги "Иметь и удержать!" - романтичная девушка, волею судеб попавшая в мир больших денег, где никому не нужны ее любовь и верность. Роскошь, шик, лживые улыбки и все новые и новые любовницы мужа - вот во что превратилась ее мечта о семейном гнездышке. И тогда она решается на отчаянный шаг... Тонкий, жизненный, великолепно написанный роман Джейн Грин - еще одна жемчужина мировой литературы!...

Tourism in the Caribbean: Trends, Development, Prospects (Routledge/Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism, and Mobility, 3,)

  Tourism in the Caribbean: Trends, Development, Prospects (Routledge/Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism, and Mobility, 3,)  Book DescriptionTourism in the Caribbean pulls together a high caliber team of international researchers to assess and analyze the state of tourism past, present, and future.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionTourism in the Caribbean pulls together a high caliber team of international researchers to assess and analyze the state of tourism past, present, and future....

Practical Foundations of Business System Specifications

  Practical Foundations of Business System Specifications  Book Description The essentials of comprehensible specifications of business and of system artefacts ought to be used by, and therefore understandable to, all customers of these specifications - business subject matter experts, decision makers, analysts, IT architects and developers. These documents have to be understood in the same manner by all stakeholders. And, as C.A.R. Hoare observed, only abstraction Book Description The essentials of comprehensible specifications of business and of system artefacts ought to be used by, and therefore understandable to, all customers of these specifications - business subject matter experts, decision makers, analysts, IT architects and developers. These documents have to be understood in the same manner by all stakeholders. And, as C.A.R. Hoare observed, only abstraction "enables a chief programmer or manager to exert real technical control over his teams, without delving into the morass of technical detail with which his programmers are often tempted to overwhelm him". The book brings together theoreticians and practitioners to report their experience with making semantics precise, clear, concise and explicit in business specifications, business designs, and system specifications. It includes both theoretical and very pragmatic papers based on solid and clearly specified foundations. These seemingly different papers address different......

Paul Strand Southwest

Rebecca Busselle

  Paul Strand Southwest  Rebecca Busselle  Book Description For Paul Strand, the great pioneer of modernism, the summers of 1926 and 1930-1932 were a return to experimentation and periods of great artistic growth. He worked in makeshift darkrooms-one in a hotel basement and another above the Taos movie theater. The Southwest period brought not only artistic renewal, but also personal turmoil. His political and social ideas were shifting, and his relationship with the two most important people in his life-his wife Rebecca and his mentor AlfredStieglitz-were disintegrating. This book reconstructs, in an intimate, visual way, the emotional and creative swirl around Paul Strand, through beautiful reproductions of his images from the period and a comprehensive collection of notes, illustrations, and ephemera. While a handful of Strand's Southwest photographs have been previously published, this period of his outstanding career remains largely unexplored. Paul Strand Southwest presents many images for the first time,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description For Paul Strand, the great pioneer of modernism, the summers of 1926 and 1930-1932 were a return to experimentation and periods of great artistic growth. He worked in makeshift darkrooms-one in a hotel basement and another above the Taos movie theater. The Southwest period brought not only artistic renewal, but also personal turmoil. His political and social ideas were shifting, and his relationship with the two most important people in his life-his wife Rebecca and his mentor AlfredStieglitz-were disintegrating. This book reconstructs, in an intimate, visual way, the emotional and creative swirl around Paul Strand, through beautiful reproductions of his images from the period and a comprehensive collection of notes, illustrations, and ephemera. While a handful of Strand's Southwest photographs have been previously published, this period of his outstanding career remains largely unexplored. Paul Strand Southwest presents many images for the first time,......

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Study Guide to Economics. Е. И. Андреева, Н. Е. Николаева . Книги.

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