Honey and Vinegar: Incentives, Sanctions, and Foreign Policy

Richard N. Haass, Meghan L. O'Sullivan

  Honey and Vinegar: Incentives, Sanctions, and Foreign Policy  Richard N. Haass, Meghan L. O'Sullivan  The strategy of engagement-the use of incentives alongside other foreign policy tools to influence the behavior of difficult regimes-has received relatively little scrutiny when compared with economic sanctions or military force. This volume explores circumstances and strategies for employing incentives or rewards, rather than relying solely on penalties or punishments, to pursue foreign policy objectives. Seven cases written by leading experts provide the basis for analyzing incentives-based strategiesand formulating recommendations for their future use. Drawing on these cases, Haass and O'Sullivan offer insights into when engagement strategies might be considered in place of, or in tandem with, more punitive measures. They also provide guidelines forpolicymakers seeking to implement effective strategies of engagement. This book breaks new ground by showing how incentives might be usefully introduced into U.S. relations with several so-called rogue states and by offering much-needed...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The strategy of engagement-the use of incentives alongside other foreign policy tools to influence the behavior of difficult regimes-has received relatively little scrutiny when compared with economic sanctions or military force. This volume explores circumstances and strategies for employing incentives or rewards, rather than relying solely on penalties or punishments, to pursue foreign policy objectives. Seven cases written by leading experts provide the basis for analyzing incentives-based strategiesand formulating recommendations for their future use. Drawing on these cases, Haass and O'Sullivan offer insights into when engagement strategies might be considered in place of, or in tandem with, more punitive measures. They also provide guidelines forpolicymakers seeking to implement effective strategies of engagement. This book breaks new ground by showing how incentives might be usefully introduced into U.S. relations with several so-called rogue states and by offering much-needed......

International Logistics

Donald F. Wood, Anthony P. Barone, Paul R. Murphy, Daniel L. Wardlow

  International Logistics  Donald F. Wood, Anthony P. Barone, Paul R. Murphy, Daniel L. Wardlow  Implementing effective logistics strategies when operating internationally differs from managing domestic logistics because of specific factors such as shipping regulations, transportation concerns, and cultural differences. This indispensable guide presents a coherent perspective on contemporary global logistics from raw materials through production to the customer. Now in its second edition, the book includes sections on: the roles of governments and intermediaries * international sourcing * theapplication of local trade laws * ocean, air, and surface carriers and systems. Plus, this second edition has been revised with new information on supply chain management, important updates of U.S. shipping regulations, new case studies, chapter review questions, and standardized international terms of sale.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Implementing effective logistics strategies when operating internationally differs from managing domestic logistics because of specific factors such as shipping regulations, transportation concerns, and cultural differences. This indispensable guide presents a coherent perspective on contemporary global logistics from raw materials through production to the customer. Now in its second edition, the book includes sections on: the roles of governments and intermediaries * international sourcing * theapplication of local trade laws * ocean, air, and surface carriers and systems. Plus, this second edition has been revised with new information on supply chain management, important updates of U.S. shipping regulations, new case studies, chapter review questions, and standardized international terms of sale....

European Transport Policy and Sustainable Mobility (Transport, Development & Sustainability)

David Banister, Dominic Stead, Peter Steen, Jonas Akerman, Karl Dreborg, Peter Kijkamp, Ruggero Schleicher-Tappeser

  European Transport Policy and Sustainable Mobility (Transport, Development & Sustainability)  David Banister, Dominic Stead, Peter Steen, Jonas Akerman, Karl Dreborg, Peter Kijkamp, Ruggero Schleicher-Tappeser  Fully edited text arising from a major European Commission research project. The book sets current European transport policy in context and includes forces of change, transport trends, policy responses and impacts on sustainable development.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Fully edited text arising from a major European Commission research project. The book sets current European transport policy in context and includes forces of change, transport trends, policy responses and impacts on sustainable development....

Wave Three: The New Era in Network Marketing

Richard Poe

  Wave Three: The New Era in Network Marketing  Richard Poe  Catch the Wave! Fueled by new technology and innovative marketing ideas, cutting-edge network-marketing companies have set out to change the way North Americans live and work. To the corporate world, these companies offer a secret formula for lightning growth and global dominance. To people like you, they offer a chance to start a business at minimal cost, to work comfortably from your home and—for a fortunate few—to acheive wealth beyond your wildest dreams. The ideas are revolutionary, and before the 1990s are over, the movement these companies have started will transform us all. It’s called the Wave Three Revolution. In today’s Wave-Three organization, distributors rely on a twenty-first century network of systems, procedures, media, and technology that simplifies, standardizes, and even automates the most difficult aspects of the business. Richard Poe explains what you will need to know about network marketing and how you can get started right...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Catch the Wave! Fueled by new technology and innovative marketing ideas, cutting-edge network-marketing companies have set out to change the way North Americans live and work. To the corporate world, these companies offer a secret formula for lightning growth and global dominance. To people like you, they offer a chance to start a business at minimal cost, to work comfortably from your home and—for a fortunate few—to acheive wealth beyond your wildest dreams. The ideas are revolutionary, and before the 1990s are over, the movement these companies have started will transform us all. It’s called the Wave Three Revolution. In today’s Wave-Three organization, distributors rely on a twenty-first century network of systems, procedures, media, and technology that simplifies, standardizes, and even automates the most difficult aspects of the business. Richard Poe explains what you will need to know about network marketing and how you can get started right......

Create the Perfect Sales Piece : How to Produce Brochures, Catalogs, Fliers, and Pamphlets

Robert W. Bly

  Create the Perfect Sales Piece : How to Produce Brochures, Catalogs, Fliers, and Pamphlets  Robert W. Bly  A self-instructional guide to producing brochures, catalogs, fliers and pamphlets. From initial concept development through final publication, this step-by-step handbook covers all phases of literature production including marketing strategy, copywriting, photography, illustration, design, mechanicals, printing, folding, and binding. Also discusses the ten basic types of visuals and how to use them, how to find and work with outside vendors, freelancers, and agencies, how to estimate the cost of a job, how to estimate printing costs, and much more. Includes many samples outlines for annual reports, product brochures, service brochures, and catalogs.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A self-instructional guide to producing brochures, catalogs, fliers and pamphlets. From initial concept development through final publication, this step-by-step handbook covers all phases of literature production including marketing strategy, copywriting, photography, illustration, design, mechanicals, printing, folding, and binding. Also discusses the ten basic types of visuals and how to use them, how to find and work with outside vendors, freelancers, and agencies, how to estimate the cost of a job, how to estimate printing costs, and much more. Includes many samples outlines for annual reports, product brochures, service brochures, and catalogs....

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Honey and Vinegar: Incentives, Sanctions, and Foreign Policy. Richard N. Haass, Meghan L. O'Sullivan . Книги.

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