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Things That Can Destroy Your New York Car Accident Case Gary E. Rosenberg
The insurance industry has conducted studies that found that when insurance carriers deal directly with accident victims who have no legal representation they save money. That's right. Deal directly with an insurance company and you usually get less money, even after your lawyer is paid. The less you know the better the insurance companies like it. This book will give you a head start and get you thinking about the things that MATTER after an accident, such as the law of New York car accident cases and the most common car accident injury the soft tissue injury. Written by Gary E. Rosenberg, a New York attorney with 23 years of experience, this book gives you powerful information that you can use to protect yourself from insurance companies after an accident....
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Voluntary Accounting Disclosures by US-listed Asian Companies - Does the Strictness of Mandatory Disclosures Matter? Gaurav Kumar
This study examines three issues. First, it investigates the Einhorn (2005) theory on US-listed Asian companies regarding voluntary disclosures. Secondly, this study determines the extent to which voluntary disclosures provided by these companies are convergent, and to determine the effect of culture on those disclosures. Lastly, it examines the voluntary use of International standards by sample companies Results of this study provide perhaps the first empirical evidence on the voluntary disclosures provided by US-listed Asian companies in the US. The evidence shows that companies with stricter mandatory disclosure regime provided significantly fewer voluntary disclosures than the companies with less strict mandatory disclosure regime. In addition, this study documents that over 80 percent of the US-listed Asian companies are voluntarily using International standards and thus contributing towards International accounting convergence. Another important contribution of this study is the......
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Антология зарубежного детектива
Прапор. АВЕРС. В очередной сборник серии "АВЕРС" вошли остросюжетные произведения мастеров детективного жанра Англии и США - Джона Кризи ("Не допустите убийства"), Росса Макдональда ("Варварский берег"), Эрла Стенли Гарднера ("Нужна эффектная брюнетка") и Брета Холлидея ("Труп, которого не было"). Все произведения вышли на языке оригинала до 1973 года и в русском переводе печатаются впервые....
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Океан ненависти Чингиз Абдуллаев
АСТ, Астрель. Океан ненависти, Третий вариант. Новое дело специального агента Дронго - дело совершенно невероятное. Дело о серии загадочных убийств, которые потрясли фешенебельный турецкий курорт. Но... кому и зачем нужно буквально "выбивать по одному" компанию молодых новых русских, приехавших на отдых? Нет ничего. Ни улик, ни мотивов, ни зацепок. Есть только догадка Дронго, странная и нелогичная. Догадка, которая постепенно перерастает в уверенность......
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Веселые пони. Мозаика-малышка Юлия Шишкова
Эгмонт Россия Лтд.. Удивительная книжка-мозаика о симпатичных маленьких пони. А удивительна она тем, что иллюстрации вы сделаете сами! Сложи пазлы - книга готова! Читай и играй! Формат: 16,5 см x 20 см....
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Things That Can Destroy Your New York Car Accident Case. Gary E. Rosenberg . Книги.
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