A Woman's Way: The Transformative Journey From Hurt To Happiness

  A Woman's Way: The Transformative Journey From Hurt To Happiness  Dena Michelli  Dena Michelli  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Dena Michelli...

The Evolution Controversy: A Survey of Competing Theories

  The Evolution Controversy: A Survey of Competing Theories  Thomas B. Fowler, Daniel Kuebler  Thomas B. Fowler, Daniel Kuebler  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Thomas B. Fowler, Daniel Kuebler...

Japanese Science Fiction, Fantasy And Horror Films: A Critical Analysis and Filmography of 103 Features Released in the United States, 1950-1992

Stuart Galbraith IV

  Japanese Science Fiction, Fantasy And Horror Films: A Critical Analysis and Filmography of 103 Features Released in the United States, 1950-1992  Stuart Galbraith IV  McFarland & Company.   This is a detailed analysis of 103 Japanese science fiction, horror and fantasy feature films released theatrically or directly to television in the United States from 1950 through 1992. Each entry provides a plot synopsis, critique, background on the production, contemporary review quotes, and a comparison between the U.S. and Japanese versions. The filmography is arranged by studio and includes American and Japanese titles, release dates and releasing studios; comprehensive production and cast credits; running time; U.S. rating (when appropriate); and alternate titles.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин McFarland & Company. This is a detailed analysis of 103 Japanese science fiction, horror and fantasy feature films released theatrically or directly to television in the United States from 1950 through 1992. Each entry provides a plot synopsis, critique, background on the production, contemporary review quotes, and a comparison between the U.S. and Japanese versions. The filmography is arranged by studio and includes American and Japanese titles, release dates and releasing studios; comprehensive production and cast credits; running time; U.S. rating (when appropriate); and alternate titles....

The Hollywood Historical Film

Robert Burgoyne

  The Hollywood Historical Film  Robert Burgoyne  Wiley-Blackwell.   A comprehensive analysis of the historical film - a popular and controversial genre that's been with us since the early days of cinema - and Hollywood's unique ability to reshape our viewpoints while it sensually recreates the past. Provides a complete guide to the unique characteristics of historical film, distinguishing among sub-genres such as historical epics, war films, biographies, topical films, and meta-historic works like Nixon and JFK. Offers detailed analyses of groundbreaking films such as Spartacus, Schindler's List, and United 93. Examines the dual role of the historical film to entertain and educate, with its tendency to arouse critical and popular controversy. Stimulates discussion about Hollywood's power to persuade and reshape our views of the past.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Wiley-Blackwell. A comprehensive analysis of the historical film - a popular and controversial genre that's been with us since the early days of cinema - and Hollywood's unique ability to reshape our viewpoints while it sensually recreates the past. Provides a complete guide to the unique characteristics of historical film, distinguishing among sub-genres such as historical epics, war films, biographies, topical films, and meta-historic works like Nixon and JFK. Offers detailed analyses of groundbreaking films such as Spartacus, Schindler's List, and United 93. Examines the dual role of the historical film to entertain and educate, with its tendency to arouse critical and popular controversy. Stimulates discussion about Hollywood's power to persuade and reshape our views of the past....

Жизнь. Избранные высказывания

Пауло Коэльо

  Жизнь. Избранные высказывания  Пауло Коэльо  АСТ, Астрель.   Пауло Коэльо, которого миллионы людей называют алхимиком слова, - один из тех писателей, чье воздействие на умы и души огромно. Его книги, неизменно становящиеся бестселлерами и занимающие верхние строчки в рейтингах популярности, вызывают горячие споры. Затронутые им проблемы, высказанные идеи, созданные образы находят отзвук в сердцах миллионов читателей, находящихся в поисках своего пути и новых способов постижения мира. Формат: 11,5 см x 18,5 см.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Астрель. Пауло Коэльо, которого миллионы людей называют алхимиком слова, - один из тех писателей, чье воздействие на умы и души огромно. Его книги, неизменно становящиеся бестселлерами и занимающие верхние строчки в рейтингах популярности, вызывают горячие споры. Затронутые им проблемы, высказанные идеи, созданные образы находят отзвук в сердцах миллионов читателей, находящихся в поисках своего пути и новых способов постижения мира. Формат: 11,5 см x 18,5 см....

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A Woman's Way: The Transformative Journey From Hurt To Happiness. Dena Michelli . Книги.

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