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Современная термодинамика. От тепловых двигателей до диссипативных структур И. Пригожин, Д. Кондепуди
Мир. Лучший зарубежный учебник. Учебное издание, в котором последовательно изложена равновесная, линейная и нелинейная неравновесная термодинамика, причем последняя как общая теория неравновесных процессов. Книга богато иллюстрирована, в ней приведены исторические сведения, упражнения с решениями, а также компьютерные программы. Особый интерес представляет то обстоятельство, что многие основополагающие понятия неравновесной термодинамики созданы при непосредственном участии одного из авторов лауреата Нобелевской премии И.Р.Пригожина. Тематика книги относится к фундаментальным разделам естествознания. Для студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей вузов, а также физиков, химиков, биологов и инженеров....
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Размышления и афоризмы французских моралистов XVI - XVIII веков
Художественная литература. Ленинградское отделение. Размышления и афоризмы французских моралистов XVI - XVIII веков. Издание 1987 года. Сохранность хорошая. В сборник, отражающий трехвековую историю французской моралистической литературы, включены произведения виднейших представителей этого жанра от М. Монтеня (XVI в.) до А. Ривароля (конец XVIII в.)....
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Economic Analysis for Property and Business
Marcus Warren's book provides a broad coverage of economic theory, analysis and policy relevant to most undergraduate students studying economics as part of their degree. Specifically it is designed for students studying for property and business relatedcourses and is a vital purchase for all first year students and some second year students involved in these disciplines. It is also relevant for accountancy, business and marketing students studying economics as one or two of their modules. The main feature of this book is the inclusion of an application for students on property surveying courses, building surveying courses and rural land management students as well as some pure business examples for the business students. These applications willcover the main markets for this book at the end of each theory section. The text is clear, concise and includes real life examples and case studies to back up the theory presented. It is global in its appeal, especially relevant......
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Crash Course in Personal Development (Crash Course Series) Brian Clegg
The "Crash Course in Personal Development" is an easy way to improve your skills fast, but it is far from a dry traditional course. As the author says, "be prepared to learn, but also be prepared to have fun." After an exploration of the key elementsthat make for effective time management and stress reduction, the course itself consists of a program of 150 exercises and techniques to help you decide what you want from life -- and get it! Targeted reading ensures that the practical exercises are backed up with expert knowledge. This dynamic personal development program is split into 30 units, each designed to be completed in your spare time in one week. Alternatively, if you are under great pressure to get results, a whole unit can be completed within a day. The final section provides a refresher course that pulls together key learning points, ideas for further reading, and detailed tables that will help you to select the right techniques to use in specific situations. ......
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Sleeping Dogs: ...Ethics in the Workplace George Mazzeo
Your character is your most valuable professional asset. Your long-term success depends upon it. If you want to enjoy the respect of your clients and co-workers, you must establish that you can be counted on to treat them fairly and honestly. In this case actions really do speak louder than words. Your conscience serves as a watchdog alerting you when you are in danger of an ethical misstep. The problem is that as you incrementally make small concessions to expediency over principle, your watchdog canbe lulled to sleep. It’s time to rattle his cage and wake him up! A fast paced mix of theory and case studies, this book will keep you engaged and entertained. You’re sure to recognize yourself and your co-workers in the enlightening and often humorous scenarios....
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На главную
Современная термодинамика. От тепловых двигателей до диссипативных структур. И. Пригожин, Д. Кондепуди . Книги.
Ачинск, Питер, Пенза, Пенза, Йошкар-Ола, Тула, Орёл, Энгельс, Дербент, Норильск, Нижневартовск, Дербент,
Фольклор| Первобытное общество. Древний мир. Античность| Психология и социология менеджмента| Кулинария| Искусство и культура| Молодежные мелодрамы| Классическая и инструментальная музыка| Основы программирования| Социальные драмы| Криминальные мелодрамы|
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