Modern Business Law: Principles and Practice

Jonathan Merritt

  Modern Business Law: Principles and Practice  Jonathan Merritt  Liverpool Academic Press.   Originally written by Arthur Lewis, this highly successful book has been completely revised and up-dated by Jonathan Merritt to reflect the very latest business law. This third edition covers both traditional and contemporary elements of business law and incorporates recent legislative changes, including European legislation, which impinge upon the business environment. In recent years there have been many changes in business practices, technology, legislation, and the internationalisation of trade particularly within Europe. These changes have impacted on both the legal principles and the practices of the business community. Consequently these changes are nom reflected in the syllabuses for the major professional bodies and degree courses. This third edition examines these legal developments and offers an accessible and comprehensive text for both professional students and undergraduates studying business law.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Liverpool Academic Press. Originally written by Arthur Lewis, this highly successful book has been completely revised and up-dated by Jonathan Merritt to reflect the very latest business law. This third edition covers both traditional and contemporary elements of business law and incorporates recent legislative changes, including European legislation, which impinge upon the business environment. In recent years there have been many changes in business practices, technology, legislation, and the internationalisation of trade particularly within Europe. These changes have impacted on both the legal principles and the practices of the business community. Consequently these changes are nom reflected in the syllabuses for the major professional bodies and degree courses. This third edition examines these legal developments and offers an accessible and comprehensive text for both professional students and undergraduates studying business law....

А. Шопенгауэр. Избранные произведения

А. Шопенгауэр

  А. Шопенгауэр. Избранные произведения  А. Шопенгауэр  Просвещение.   А. Шопенгауэр. Избранные произведения.   В книгу выдающегося исследователя проблем оптимизма и пессимизма Артура Шопенгауэра вошли труды, посвященные рассмотрению основного его понятия Просвещение. А. Шопенгауэр. Избранные произведения. В книгу выдающегося исследователя проблем оптимизма и пессимизма Артура Шопенгауэра вошли труды, посвященные рассмотрению основного его понятия "Мировая Воля", характеристике отрицательных сторон человеческого общежития, основным идеям этики и эстетики, а также разбору проблем половой любви. Включено также знаменитое сочинение А. Шопенгауэра "Афоризмы житейской мудрости"....

Drawing and Detailing with SolidWorks 2003

David Planchard, Marie Planchard

  Drawing and Detailing with SolidWorks 2003  David Planchard, Marie Planchard  Drawing and Detailing with SolidWorks 2003 is written to educate and assist students, designers, engineers and professionals in the following areas: A solid foundation using SolidWorks Drawing Options and SolidWorks Detailing Options. Applying Engineering drawing standards and practices using SolidWorks tools. Building multiple part and assembly configurations that interact with drawings, Bill of Materials and Design Tables. A comprehensive understanding of the differences between Drawing Templates and Sheet Formats. Increase SolidWorks functionality to create view types with various configurations. Combine a series of SolidWorks tools to solve a specific problem using Custom Properties and SolidWorks Properties. The book utilizes a competency-based approach on five projects. Real world parts, projects and tasks are addressed. Commands are presented in a step-by-step progressive approach. The learning process is explored through a series of design situations, industry...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Drawing and Detailing with SolidWorks 2003 is written to educate and assist students, designers, engineers and professionals in the following areas: A solid foundation using SolidWorks Drawing Options and SolidWorks Detailing Options. Applying Engineering drawing standards and practices using SolidWorks tools. Building multiple part and assembly configurations that interact with drawings, Bill of Materials and Design Tables. A comprehensive understanding of the differences between Drawing Templates and Sheet Formats. Increase SolidWorks functionality to create view types with various configurations. Combine a series of SolidWorks tools to solve a specific problem using Custom Properties and SolidWorks Properties. The book utilizes a competency-based approach on five projects. Real world parts, projects and tasks are addressed. Commands are presented in a step-by-step progressive approach. The learning process is explored through a series of design situations, industry......

Mathematical Methods for Neural Network Analysis and Design

Richard M. Golden

  Mathematical Methods for Neural Network Analysis and Design  Richard M. Golden  "A significant and scholarly contribution to the field of neural networks. The author successfully integrates a very broad range of material in a competent and understandable manner. I do not know of any book on this same topic that covers such a wide range of material." -- Jerome R. Busemeyer, Professor of Psychology, Purdue University This graduate-level text teaches students how to use a small number of powerful mathematical tools for analyzing and designing a wide variety of artificial neural network (ANN) systems, including their own customized neural networks. Mathematical Methods for Neural Network Analysis and Design offers an original, broad, and integrated approach that explains each tool in a manner that is independent of specific ANN systems. Although most of the methods presented are familiar, their systematic application to neural networks is new. Included are helpful chapter summaries and detailed solutions to over 100 ANN system analysis and design problems.......

Встречи с прошлым. Выпуск 4

  Встречи с прошлым. Выпуск 4  Советская Россия.   Встречи с прошлым.   Встречи с прошлым. Выпуск 4.   4-й сборник Советская Россия. Встречи с прошлым. Встречи с прошлым. Выпуск 4. 4-й сборник "Встреч с прошлым" богат публикациями стихотворных текстов. Это неопубликованное стихотворение Каролины Павловой, и стихотворения Марины Цветаевой, и стихотворные тексты, связанные с Игорем Северяниным, и другие. В сборнике фигурируют и выдающаяся революционерка XIX века Вера Фингер, и известный полярный исследователь и ученый О. Ю. Шмидт, и председатель ВЧК - В. Р. Менжинский. Все они так или иначе соприкасались с миром литературы и искусства....

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Modern Business Law: Principles and Practice. Jonathan Merritt . Книги.

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