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Rebecca Horn: Cosmic Maps Doris Drathen, Rebecca Horn
German-born artist Rebecca Horn has, since the early 1970s, been engaged in a diverse and prolific practice. Her process-oriented performances, films, sculptures, installations, drawings and photographs are, literally or metaphorically, extensions of the body--and often serve as mechanical replacements for it. Referencing mythical, historical, literary and spiritual imagery, Horn invokes these bodily concerns with such objects as violins, ladders, pianos, feather fans, metronomes and drawing machines. She is best known for works like "Pencil Mask" (1972), which looks like an instrument of torture, but which actually transforms the wearer's head into an instrument for drawing; and "Unicorn" (1970), a performance in which the artist transforms herself, by means of a prosthetic horn, into an awkward version of the mythical creature. This exceptionally printed volume contains a concentrated collection of Horn's drawings and includes an essay by German art historian Doris von Drathen....
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Divo Italiano
In Divo Italiano, the great names of Italian cinema come together in an ideal parade to make the most outstanding movie festival blush with jealousy. The "classic" faces, the most loved ones, representing the Italians all over the world, names that don't need any presentation - Mastroianni, Sordi, Gassman, Tognazzi, Manfredi, Volont. These great actors are our precious patrimony, ideal ambassadors of an Italian style of which they showed virtues and vices...mostly vices. We are grateful to these actors and their capacity to represent us even through curios and bizzare characters: deep down we can all recognize ourselves behind the shades of fiction....
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Обыкновенная история Иван Гончаров
Эксмо. Русская классика. Необыкновенная история, Обыкновенная история, Рассказы и очерки, "Лихая болесть", Счастливая ошибка, Слуги старого века. "Обыкновенная история" - первый роман русского писателя Ивана Александровича Гончарова, имевший чрезвычайный успех у современников. Роман притягателен именно своим предсказуемым и всегда актуальным сюжетом - историей превращения провинциального юноши-романтика в прагматичного, состоятельного и равнодушного столичного жителя. В книгу вошли также мемуары И.А.Гончарова "Необыкновенная история", рассказы и очерки....
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Amara Richard Laymon
Headline. Amara, Princess of Egypt, the once-beautiful wife of Mentuhotep the First, lies in her coffin in the Charles Ward museum. Dead these 4000 years, now she's just an inanimate bundle of withered skin and desiccated bone. Or is she? When Barney the nightwatchman discovers that the mummy's coffin has been broken open, it seems grave-robbers are at work. It's a pity Barney and the guards can't tell the authorities how the mummy came to be missing. But the dead can't testify to anything. Now Amara is free again, driven by an ancient need that can only be assuaged at the cost of human life, and nothing can kill her - for she is dead already. Формат: 11 см x 17,5 см....
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Rights of Man, Common Sense, and Other Political Writings (Oxford World's Classics) Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine was the first international revolutionary. His Common Sense (1776) was the most widely read pamphlet of the American Revolution--and his Rights of Man (1791-2), the most famous defense of the French Revolution, sent out a clarion call for revolution throughout the world. Paine paid the price for his principles: he was outlawed in Britain, narrowly escaped execution in France, and was vilified as an atheist and a Jacobin on his return to America. This new edition contains the complete texts of both Rights of Man and Common Sense, as well as six other powerfully political writings--American Crisis I, American Crisis XIII, Agrarian Justice, Letter to Jefferson, Letter Addressed to the Addressers on the Late Proclamation, and Dissertation on the First Principles of Government--all of which illustrate why Paine's ideas still resonate in the modern welfare states of today....
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На главную
Rebecca Horn: Cosmic Maps. Doris Drathen, Rebecca Horn . Книги.
Казань, Рыбинск, Норильск, Ульяновск, Копейск, Березники, Тула, Копейск, Рубцовск, Армавир, Питер, Владивосток, Нефтеюганск, Новошахтинск, Киселёвск, Бийск, Братск, Ногинск, Балаково, Махачкала, Рубцовск, Питер, Старый Оскол, Элиста, Одинцово, Улан-Удэ, Чита, Каменск-Уральский, Киров, Улан-Удэ, Серпухов,
Словари и разговорники| Таможенное регулирование| Постановки балета| Путешествия. Хобби. Фото. Спорт| Искусство и культура| Авторское право| Кадровый менеджмент. Планирование, подбор и развитие персонала| Политические детективы| История и теория литературы| Миронов Андрей Александрович| Персоналия| Журналы для детей и о детях| Кино. Киноискусство| Индийские боевики| Бизнес-книги| История новейшего времени (с 1918 г.)| Распознавание и синтез речи| Экономический роман| Искусство и культура| Искусство| Все сказки мира|
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