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Бриллианты для диктатуры пролетариата Юлиан Семенов
АСТ, Русь-Олимп. 1921 год. Уже существует организация, занимающаяся расследованием хищений драгоценностей, - ГОХРАН. Но чекистам стало известно, что из России кто-то переправляет в Лондон и Париж золото, серебро и бриллианты. Где прячется валютное подполье? По каким каналам осуществляется связь с заграницей? Ясно, что надо начать поиски с Ревеля - перевалочной базы валютчиков и белоэмигрантов......
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Tangram, neue Rechtschreibung, 6 Bde., Vokabelheft zu Bd 1A (Taschenbuch)
Rosa-Maria Dallapiazza, Eduard von Jan, Til Schonherr...
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Чудесные русские сказки
АСТ, Астрель, Родничок. Гуси-лебеди, Сестрица Аленушка и братец Иванушка, Маша и медведь, Снегурочка. В красочно оформленную книжку вошли замечательные русские сказки для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста....
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Farmers Almanac 2009 (Farmers' Almanac) Geiger Peter, Sondra Duncan
Every year since 1818, the Farmers' Almanac has been sought after for its long-range weather predictions, practical gardening and household advice, fishing tips, astronomical data and articles on ways to conserve time, energy, and the earth. The Farmers' Almanac has spanned three centuries as North America's most timeless, trusted, and treasured publication. The Farmers' Almanac is the only source for 16 full months of amazingly accurate long-range weather predictions for the United States and Canada. Readers say our annual forecasts are 80-85% accurate. Farmers' Almanac is North America' favorite almanac with a total annual distribution of more than 2.6 million copies, and readership of nearly 7 million! It is an annual bestseller online, at bookstores, grocery stores, discount stores, and other retail outlets around the country. Major stores include Borders, Barnes & Noble, Wal-Mart, Dollar General Stores, CVS, Walgreen's, and others. Farmers' Almanac, with an orange and green......
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A Wayne in a Manger Gervase Phinn
"A Wayne in a Manger" includes some wonderfully funny and touching nativity play anecdotes, including children forgetting their lines, ad-libbing, falling of the stage, picking their noses and showing their knickers. One hilarious anecdote tells of an innkeeper who generously says there's plenty of room for Mary and Joseph, while another child, jealous of Joseph's starring role, allows Mary to come in but not Joseph, who can 'push off'...There's the baby Jesus who suddenly pipes up with 'My name is Tammy, are you my Mommy?' and funniest of all, Mary who tells Joseph, 'I'm having a baby - oh and it's not yours'....
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На главную
Бриллианты для диктатуры пролетариата. Юлиан Семенов . Книги.
Йошкар-Ола, Стерлитамак,
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