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Blowing The Lid Off The God-Box: Opening Up To A Limitless Faith (Explorefaith.Org Book) Anne Robertson
What's in your God-box? Each of us, says author Anne Robertson, builds our own way of understanding God?our "God-box"-- and fills it up with bits of scripture, wisdom, and our experiences of God at work in our lives. It's a perfectly good way to puzzle out what God means to us. Encountering God through our human limitations, we learn something about the meaning of Incarnation. But to say that our experience of God is the only valid one is to put a lid on the box and create an idol. This book is about examining our God-boxes and bursting them wide open. Blowing the Lid Off the God-Box starts with the ministry of Jesus - who blew the lid off everyone's God-box by constantly challenging his followers with the unexpected. Subsequent chapters examine the God-boxes we create with scripture, worship, and political and social agendas. In a world marked by extremism on both the right and left, the author calls readers to spiritual balance as they learn to integrate others'......
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Multidetector-Row CT Angiography (Medical Radiology / Diagnostic Imaging)
Multidetector-row CT has dramatically improved the results of computed tomography in all clinical applications, but its beneficial impact has been most striking in vascular imaging. The simplicity of acquisition and the wide availability of equipment make this modality especially suitable for routine clinical application. In this book the basic aspects of multidetector-row CT angiography are comprehensively reviewed. Individual chapters are included on technical principles, image processing techniques and contrast agent administration. All clinical applications are then discussed in depth, with lucid descriptions of the examination technique for particular clinical indications and of the findings that characterize specific diseases. Limitations and advantages in comparison with other imaging modalities are considered. A large number of high-quality black and white and color illustrations help to explain the clinical findings....
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Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries
In the late 1980s the World Bank initiated a process designed both to generate analytic background on priorities for control of specific diseases and to use this information as input for comparative cost-effectiveness estimates for interventions addressing the full range of conditions important in developing countries. The purpose of the comparative cost-effectiveness work was to provide one input into decision-making within the health sectors of highly resource-constrained low- and middle-income countries. This process resulted in the 1993 publication of Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries. A decade after publication of the first edition, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, and the Fogarty International Center of the U.S. National Institutes of Health have initiated a Disease Control Priorities Project that will, among other outcomes, result in a second edition of Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries (DCP2). DCP2 will......
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Doing Business with Saudi Arabia (Global Market Briefings)
This third edition of Doing Business with Saudi Arabia is the definitive English language guide to business practice and commercial opportunity in the Kingdom, the largest economy in the Middle East. This authoritative guide provides an up-to-date appraisal of the current economic and investment climate, a review of market potential in the key sectors, and unique 'best practice' advice on all aspects of commercial engagement with Saudi Arabia. Also included are detailed regional and sectoral profiles....
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Microeconomics: Optimization, Experiments, and Behavior John P. Burkett
In this book, John P. Burkett presents microeconomics as an evolving science, interacting with mathematics, psychology, and other disciplines and offering solutions to a growing range of practical problems. The book shows how early contributors such as Xenophon, Ibn Khaldun, and David Hume posed the normative and positive questions central to microeconomics. It expounds constrained optimization techniques, as developed by economists and mathematicians from Daniel Bernoulli to Leonid Kantorovich, emphasizing their value in deriving norms of rational behavior and testable hypotheses about typical behavior. Applying these techniques, the book introduces partial equilibrium analysis of particular markets and general equilibrium analysis of market economies. The book both explains how laboratory and field experiments are used in testing economic hypotheses and provides materials for classroom experiments. It gives extensive and innovative coverage of recent findings in cognitive......
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На главную
Blowing The Lid Off The God-Box: Opening Up To A Limitless Faith (Explorefaith.Org Book). Anne Robertson . Книги.
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