Предпринимательское право

Е. И. Лебедева

  Предпринимательское право  Е. И. Лебедева  Высшая школа.   Учебник подготовлен в соответствии с программой курса Высшая школа. Учебник подготовлен в соответствии с программой курса "Предпринимательское право", изучаемого студентами экономических специальностей неюридических вузов. Учитывая практическое назначение учебника, в самостоятельные разделы выделены предпринимательские договоры, особенности их заключения, исполнения и расторжения, ответственность предпринимателя за нарушение договорных обязательств, рассмотрены отдельные виды договоров, применяемых в предпринимательстве, и обязательства их односторонних действий. Уделяется внимание таким правовым аспектам деятельности предпринимателя, как порядок регистрации юридических лиц и индивидуальных предпринимателей, несостоятельность (банкротство), обеспечение конкуренции и ограничение монополистической деятельности и др. Для студентов экономических специальностей вузов, предпринимателей, а также для широкого круга читателей....

21 Dog Years : A Cube Dweller's Tale

Mike Daisey

  21 Dog Years : A Cube Dweller's Tale  Mike Daisey  Free Press.   In 1998, when Amazon.com began to recruit employees, they gave temp agencies a simple directive: send us your freaks. Mike Daisey -- slacker, onetime aesthetics major -- fit the bill. His subsequent ascension, over the course of twenty-one dog years,from lowly temp to customer service representative to business development hustler is the stuff of both dreams and nightmares. Here, with lunatic precision, Daisey describes lightless cube farms in which book orders were scrawled on Post-its while technicians struggled to bring computers back online, as well as fourteen-hour days fueled by caffeine, fanaticism, and illicit day-trading from office desks made out of doors. You'll meet Warren, the cowboy of customer service, capable of verbally hog-tying even the most abusive customer; Amazon employee #5, a computer gamer who spends at least six hours a day locked in his office killing goblins but is worth a cool $300 million; and Jean-Michele, Daisey's girlfriend and sparring...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Free Press. In 1998, when Amazon.com began to recruit employees, they gave temp agencies a simple directive: send us your freaks. Mike Daisey -- slacker, onetime aesthetics major -- fit the bill. His subsequent ascension, over the course of twenty-one dog years,from lowly temp to customer service representative to business development hustler is the stuff of both dreams and nightmares. Here, with lunatic precision, Daisey describes lightless cube farms in which book orders were scrawled on Post-its while technicians struggled to bring computers back online, as well as fourteen-hour days fueled by caffeine, fanaticism, and illicit day-trading from office desks made out of doors. You'll meet Warren, the cowboy of customer service, capable of verbally hog-tying even the most abusive customer; Amazon employee #5, a computer gamer who spends at least six hours a day locked in his office killing goblins but is worth a cool $300 million; and Jean-Michele, Daisey's girlfriend and sparring......

Excellence: Quote/Unquote (Quote/Unquote)

U-Inspire Inc

  Excellence: Quote/Unquote (Quote/Unquote)  U-Inspire Inc  One of the twelve-book One of the twelve-book "Quote/Unquote" Series. This little collection of over 100 inspirational and motivational quotations from famous Americans is separated into two parts. The first is the Quote section in which there are the most poignant quotes on "love," the second is the Unquote section, in which the more humorous side of love is revealed, Beautifully produced in a softcover, with two color printing, these little gems are destined to find an honored place on every retailer's counter....

Chile Country Study Guide (World Country Study Guide Library)

International Business Publications, USA

  Chile Country Study Guide (World Country Study Guide Library)  International Business Publications, USA  Geography, history, people, language, culture, traditions, economy, government, politics, constitution, places to visit, info for travelers…  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Geography, history, people, language, culture, traditions, economy, government, politics, constitution, places to visit, info for travelers…...

Gig: Americans Talk About Their Jobs

John Bowe, Marisa Bowe, Sabin Streeter

  Gig: Americans Talk About Their Jobs  John Bowe, Marisa Bowe, Sabin Streeter  “Amazing . . . a gem of a book that uses only the strength of the human voice to tell an American story -- sometimes dark, always fascinating.” -- USA Today “The accounts are wonderfully revealing, with gritty and almost shockingly honest detail. For all their variety, they weave a cohesive, passion-filled story of what people bring to their work. It's an addictive read.” -- Harvard Business Review's Best Business Books of 2000 “Keen, disturbing, and deeply felt . . . the stories in Gig deliver a more rousing political wallop than those in Working . . . remarkable and strangely moving.” -- Susan Faludi, The Village Voice “I love this book! It's surprising and entertaining and makes the world seem like a bigger and more interesting place. Gig manages to document everyday life and give pure narrative pleasure at the same time. One feels proud to live in the same country as the people in this...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин “Amazing . . . a gem of a book that uses only the strength of the human voice to tell an American story -- sometimes dark, always fascinating.” -- USA Today “The accounts are wonderfully revealing, with gritty and almost shockingly honest detail. For all their variety, they weave a cohesive, passion-filled story of what people bring to their work. It's an addictive read.” -- Harvard Business Review's Best Business Books of 2000 “Keen, disturbing, and deeply felt . . . the stories in Gig deliver a more rousing political wallop than those in Working . . . remarkable and strangely moving.” -- Susan Faludi, The Village Voice “I love this book! It's surprising and entertaining and makes the world seem like a bigger and more interesting place. Gig manages to document everyday life and give pure narrative pleasure at the same time. One feels proud to live in the same country as the people in this......

<<<  Кровавый сад. Роджер Желязны             Геральдика. Гербы - Символы - Фигуры. Стивен Фрайер, Джон Фергюсон >>>

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Предпринимательское право. Е. И. Лебедева . Книги.

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