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The Spread of Yield Management Practices: The Need for Systematic Approaches
Yield Management, an effective technique for the optimisation of revenue, used to be the exclusive prerogative of large companies such as airlines. Today, it is also accessible to entrepreneurs in the hospitality, distribution and restaurant sectors. This book offers insights into the creation and implementation of a yield management system for such businesses and solutions to the organisational and managerial problems that its application entails. It is written by tourism researchers, entrepreneurs and tourism consultants as well as experts from software houses who have designed operational tools for a successful yield management....
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Essentials of Economics N. Gregory Mankiw
Mankiw's Principles of Economics textbooks continue to be the most popular and widely used text in the economics classroom. ESSENTIALS OF ECONOMICS, 4th Edition features a strong revision of content in all 24 chapters while maintaining the clear and accessible writing style that is the hallmark of the highly respected author. The 4th edition also features an expanded instructor's resource package designed to assist instructors in course planning and classroom presentation and full integration of content with Aplia, the leading online Economics education program. In the 4th edition Greg Mankiw has created a full educational program for students and instructors -- Experience Mankiw 4th edition. "I have tried to put myself in the position of someone seeing economics for the first time. My goal is to emphasize the material that students should and do find interesting about the study of the economy." - N. Gregory Mankiw....
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Apple Pie and Enchiladas: Latino Newcomers in the Rural Midwest Ann V. Millard, Jorge Chapa
The sudden influx of significant numbers of Latinos to the rural Midwest stems from the recruitment of workers by food processing plants and small factories springing up in rural areas. Mostly they work at back-breaking jobs that local residents are not willing to take because of the low wages and few benefits. The region has become the scene of dramatic change involving major issues facing our country?the intertwining of ethnic differences, prejudice, and poverty; the social impact of a low-wage workforce resulting from corporate transformations; and public policy questions dealing with economic development, taxation, and welfare payments. In this thorough multidisciplinary study, the authors explore both sides of this ethnic divide and provide the first volume to focus comprehensively on Latinos in the region by linking demographic and qualitative analysis to describe what brings Latinos to the area and how they are being accommodated in their new communities. The......
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Энергия Сотворения. Слово о Докторе Сергей Коновалов
Прайм-Еврознак. Книга, которая лечит. Перед вами книга медицины будущего, книга, которая действительно лечит. Уже многим книга помогла избавиться от болезни. Ведь процесс исцеления начинается уже с момента начала ее чтения. Энергетические упражнения, Целительный буклет и методика заочного сеанса дадут вам шанс избавиться от болезней и бед, обрести смысл жизни, вступить в контакт с целительной Энергией Сотворения. Эта книга рассказывает о Гуманитарно-реабилитационном центре, о необычном Докторе, который совершает невозможное, исцеляя больных независимо от тяжести диагноза и возраста. Пациенты здесь расстаются с теми заболеваниями, которые традиционная медицина считает неизлечимыми. Эта книга - Благая Весть, потому что она не только даст вам надежду на выздоровление, но и, возможно, поможет вылечиться....
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Черный человек Василий Головачев
Эксмо. Грандмастер. Космос всегда манил людей своими загадками. И наконец в третьем тысячелетии столь долгожданная встреча с его таинственными обитателями стала возможной. Но вот последствия этого процесса оказались не такими радужными, как ожидания. Рождение "Черного человека" - олицетворения худших и теневых сторон людской натуры - поставило под угрозу само существование маленькой и хрупкой планеты Земля....
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The Spread of Yield Management Practices: The Need for Systematic Approaches. . Книги.
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