Черный консул

А. К. Виноградов

  Черный консул  А. К. Виноградов  Белорусская советская энциклопедия.   Библиотека отечественной и зарубежной классики.   Черный консул.   Историческая повесть (в 3-х частях) советского писателя А. К. Виноградова, известного читателю по книгам Белорусская советская энциклопедия. Библиотека отечественной и зарубежной классики. Черный консул. Историческая повесть (в 3-х частях) советского писателя А. К. Виноградова, известного читателю по книгам "Осуждение Паганини" и "Три цвета времени". Послесловие Б. Мицкевича....


Джеймс Кейн

  Серенада  Джеймс Кейн  Азбука-классика.   Азбука-классика (pocket-book).   Джеймса Кейна, наряду с Дэшилом Хэмметом и Раймондом Чандлером, некоторые критики называют одним из основателей Азбука-классика. Азбука-классика (pocket-book). Джеймса Кейна, наряду с Дэшилом Хэмметом и Раймондом Чандлером, некоторые критики называют одним из основателей "крутой" школы американского классического детектива. Мировую славу американскому журналисту, писателю и сценаристу принесли его знаменитые романы "Почтальон всегда звонит дважды" (1934) и "Двойная страховка" (1936). За свою жизнь Джеймс Кейн написал более двадцати романов, однако лучшие его вещи созданы в 30-40-е годы прошлого века. К последним относится и роман "Серенада" (1937), по которому в 1956 году Энтони Манн снял фильм с Марио Ланца, Джоан Фонтейн и Винсентом Прайсом в главных ролях. Захватывающий, полный неожиданных поворотов сюжет книги, а также мрачная тайна главного героя, бывшего оперного певца, уехавшего в Мексику после потери голоса, заставят вас погрузиться в пучины темной страсти и не отпустят от себя вплоть до самой последней страницы. В каждой своей книге Кейн помещает вас в шкуру то одного, то другого законченного мерзавца и неудачника,......

Working Hard and Making Do: Surviving in Small Town America

Margaret K Nelson, Joan Smith

  Working Hard and Making Do: Surviving in Small Town America  Margaret K Nelson, Joan Smith  The economic recovery of the 1990s brought with it a surge of new jobs, but the prospects for most working Americans improved little. Family income rose only slightly and the period witnessed a significant degradation of the quality of work as well as inwhat people could expect from their waged employment. In this book, Margaret K. Nelson and Joan Smith take a look inside the households of working-class Americans to consider how they are coping with large- scale structural changes in the economy, specifically how the downgrading of jobs has affected survival strategies, gender dynamics, and political attitudes. Drawing on both randomly distributed telephone surveys and in-depth interviews, Nelson and Smith explore the differences in the survival strategies of two groups of working-class households in a rural county: those in which at least one family member has been able to hold on to good work (a year-round, full-time job that carries benefits) and those in which nobody has...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The economic recovery of the 1990s brought with it a surge of new jobs, but the prospects for most working Americans improved little. Family income rose only slightly and the period witnessed a significant degradation of the quality of work as well as inwhat people could expect from their waged employment. In this book, Margaret K. Nelson and Joan Smith take a look inside the households of working-class Americans to consider how they are coping with large- scale structural changes in the economy, specifically how the downgrading of jobs has affected survival strategies, gender dynamics, and political attitudes. Drawing on both randomly distributed telephone surveys and in-depth interviews, Nelson and Smith explore the differences in the survival strategies of two groups of working-class households in a rural county: those in which at least one family member has been able to hold on to good work (a year-round, full-time job that carries benefits) and those in which nobody has......

Computers, Ethics and Social Values

Deborah G. Johnson, Helen Nissenbaum

  Computers, Ethics and Social Values  Deborah G. Johnson, Helen Nissenbaum  A comprehensive anthology of readings on computers and ethical issues surrounding their use. Can be used as a core book or supplemental readings in Computer Ethics or Computers and Society subjects.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A comprehensive anthology of readings on computers and ethical issues surrounding their use. Can be used as a core book or supplemental readings in Computer Ethics or Computers and Society subjects....

Information Systems in Logistics and Transportation

Bernhard Tilanus

  Information Systems in Logistics and Transportation  Bernhard Tilanus  Hardbound. Rapid developments in information technology have many implications for the organisation and management of transport and logistics. Information technology has transcended the borders of the individual firm. Management control and decision making throughout the supply chain has therefore become an important focus of attention for management and for academia. Information systems are needed which can support that control and decision making. The 20 specially commissioned chapters presented here study applications of information systems to logistics and transportation systems. Divided into two complementary sections, Hardbound. Rapid developments in information technology have many implications for the organisation and management of transport and logistics. Information technology has transcended the borders of the individual firm. Management control and decision making throughout the supply chain has therefore become an important focus of attention for management and for academia. Information systems are needed which can support that control and decision making. The 20 specially commissioned chapters presented here study applications of information systems to logistics and transportation systems. Divided into two complementary sections, "Research Directions" and "Perspectives from Practice", this original and current work will be of value both to researchers and to practitioners at the interface of these dynamic and growing fields....

<<<  Цветовой личностный тест. В. В. Драгунский             Геральдика. Гербы - Символы - Фигуры. Стивен Фрайер, Джон Фергюсон >>>

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Черный консул. А. К. Виноградов . Книги.

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