Access 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer)

Patricia Cardoza

  Access 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer)  Patricia Cardoza  Book Description What is this book about? Its power and short learning curve have made Access Microsoft’s leading consumer relational database management system for desktop applications. VBA lets you tap more of that power, responding to application level events, displaying forms and reports, manipulating toolbars, and much more. In this book, a crack team of programmers, including two Microsoft MVPs, shows you how to take control of Access 2003 or 2002 using VBA. You’ll learn to create and name variables, use DAO and ADO to manipulate data, handle errors correctly, create classes and use APIs, and more. An entire chapter is devoted to the changes in Access 2003, including new wizards and GUI features that previouslyrequired VBA code as well as new VBA features. You’ll receive a thorough education in system security, macro security, and the Access Developer Extensions (ADE). You will discover how to access data with VBA, execute...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description What is this book about? Its power and short learning curve have made Access Microsoft’s leading consumer relational database management system for desktop applications. VBA lets you tap more of that power, responding to application level events, displaying forms and reports, manipulating toolbars, and much more. In this book, a crack team of programmers, including two Microsoft MVPs, shows you how to take control of Access 2003 or 2002 using VBA. You’ll learn to create and name variables, use DAO and ADO to manipulate data, handle errors correctly, create classes and use APIs, and more. An entire chapter is devoted to the changes in Access 2003, including new wizards and GUI features that previouslyrequired VBA code as well as new VBA features. You’ll receive a thorough education in system security, macro security, and the Access Developer Extensions (ADE). You will discover how to access data with VBA, execute......

Savvy Guide to Digital Music

Richard Mansfield

  Savvy Guide to Digital Music  Richard Mansfield  Book DescriptionWith music in digital form you become the disc jockey, with complete control over the music you own, and where you can listen to it. Digital music has grown tremendously as computers and broadband Internet connections have become more common in the home. Richard Mansfield has written a concise and informative text to help you get the most out of this revolution that?s destined to forever change our concept of music. Whether you want to simply compile a CD of your favorite songs, bestutilize your iPod, or manipulate digitally recorded songs, this book will be the background track to your success. Once music is in digital form you have a host of options for enjoying your collection of hits, whether they?re today?s DJ-inspired dance tunes, or classic tunes by the Beach Boys. Mansfield has 38 books to his credit and has put his experiences on paper for all to learn from. Topics addressed include: Digital Music Players ? Manipulating...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWith music in digital form you become the disc jockey, with complete control over the music you own, and where you can listen to it. Digital music has grown tremendously as computers and broadband Internet connections have become more common in the home. Richard Mansfield has written a concise and informative text to help you get the most out of this revolution that?s destined to forever change our concept of music. Whether you want to simply compile a CD of your favorite songs, bestutilize your iPod, or manipulate digitally recorded songs, this book will be the background track to your success. Once music is in digital form you have a host of options for enjoying your collection of hits, whether they?re today?s DJ-inspired dance tunes, or classic tunes by the Beach Boys. Mansfield has 38 books to his credit and has put his experiences on paper for all to learn from. Topics addressed include: Digital Music Players ? Manipulating......

La Boheme : Black Dog Opera Library (Black Dog Opera Library)

  La Boheme : Black Dog Opera Library (Black Dog Opera Library)  Book DescriptionThe Black Dog Opera Library is one of the most popular, informative, and budget-friendly ways to enjoy all the great operas. Each book in the series includes a history of the opera, a synopsis of the story, a complete libretto in its original language as well as in English, and dozens of photographs and drawings depicting great scenes, singers, performances, and more. Each book also includes an excellent Angel/EMI recording of the entire opera on two CDs, as well as commentary from experts in the field who guide you through the music as you listen. All of this for less than twenty dollars!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe Black Dog Opera Library is one of the most popular, informative, and budget-friendly ways to enjoy all the great operas. Each book in the series includes a history of the opera, a synopsis of the story, a complete libretto in its original language as well as in English, and dozens of photographs and drawings depicting great scenes, singers, performances, and more. Each book also includes an excellent Angel/EMI recording of the entire opera on two CDs, as well as commentary from experts in the field who guide you through the music as you listen. All of this for less than twenty dollars!...

Дневник писателя

Федор Достоевский

  Дневник писателя  Федор Достоевский  Эксмо.   Русская классика.   Дневник писателя. 1873, Дневник писателя. 1876, Дневник писателя. 1877, Дневник писателя. 1880.   Как писателя и публициста Ф.М.Достоевского интересовало практически все происходящее в современном ему мире, все находило отклик в его творчестве. Эксмо. Русская классика. Дневник писателя. 1873, Дневник писателя. 1876, Дневник писателя. 1877, Дневник писателя. 1880. Как писателя и публициста Ф.М.Достоевского интересовало практически все происходящее в современном ему мире, все находило отклик в его творчестве. "Дневник писателя", помимо обсуждений самых различных тем, от глубоких философских и нравственных вопросов до анализа внешней политики держав, включает прямое обращение к читателю, как к непосредственному соучастнику событий своего времени. Для нашего же времени актуальность "Дневника писателя" заключается в проницательности Ф.М.Достоевского, вскрывающей неизменную суть явлений....

"Город под морем", или Блистательный Санкт-Петербург

  ЛЕНИЗДАТ. Исторические факты и литературные версии. "Блестящей ошибкой Петра Великого" назвал Н.М. Карамзин решение первого русского императора основать столицу России "под морем" (А.С. Пушкин), в болотистой низине, подверженной наводнениям, на окраине государства. Воспоминания и письма очевидцев, исторические очерки, а также рассказы, фрагменты их художественных произведений и стихи, включенные в сборник, в совокупности составляют своеобразную антологию, повествующую об основании Санкт-Петербурга, о петербургских наводнениях, в том числе о наводнении 7 ноября 1824 года, описанном в "Медном всаднике", о двухвековой "тяжбе между Москвой и Петербургом" (Г.П. Федотов), о загадочной красоте "самого фантастического" города в мире, над которым с самого начала его основания витала угроза исчезновения и гибели....

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Access 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer). Patricia Cardoza . Книги.

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