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Novelas ejemplares Miguel de Cervantes
Catedra. Coleccion Letras Hispanicas. Las "Novelas ejemplares" publicadas en 1613 constituyen, segun indica el mismo autor, el primer ejemplo de relato corto en la literatura castellana, de acuerdo con el significado en esa epoca de la palabra novela. Entre las 12 que componen la coleccion se encuentran senaladas diferencias; algunas estan proximas a modelos italianos, otras suponen una notable profundizacion tanto psicologica y social como estilistica, todas son pequenas obras maestras concebidas por el genio de Cervantes. La presente edicion de Harry Sieber sigue fielmente la principe de Juan de la Cuesta y corrige sus erratas. Формат: 11 см x 17,5 см....
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Windows PowerShell Scripting Guide Ed Wilson
Microsoft Press. Get practical guidance for using Windows PowerShell to manage Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. Written by Ed Wilson, a leading scripting expert and trainer at Microsoft, this reference offers a task-based approach to help you find the information you need for day-to-day tasks. With more than 200 scripts, it offers rich examples that administrators can customize for their own environment and needs. The scripts range in complexity from one-line commands, to full-blown scripts with managed output and command-line arguments examples that are applicable to all skill levels. Key Book Benefits: Delivers more than 200 scripts administrators can customize and use to get up and running quickly. Provides multiple ways of accomplishing tasks: from one-line commands to full-blown scripts with managed output and command-line arguments. Features a task-oriented approach, and organized to help you quickly find the information you need for......
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A Practical Guide to Affiliate Marketing: Quick Reference for Affiliate Managers & Merchants Evgenii "Geno" Prussakov
AM Navigator LL. "A Practical Guide to Affiliate Marketing: Quick Reference for Affiliate Managers & Merchants" was written to be an indispensable handbook for all affiliate managers and merchants, alike. In addition to providing concrete, practical answers to common (as well as not-so-common) questions, the book gives usable ideas on promoting affiliate programs, along with ways to keep affiliates motivated. This guide presents the author's information in a logical, convenient format....
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The Teapot Dome Scandal: Corruption Rocks 1920s America (Snapshots in History series) (Snapshots in History)
Barbara J Davis...
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The Explosive World of Volcanoes With Max Axiom, Super Scientist (Graphic Science (Graphic Novels))
Christopher L. Harbo...
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Novelas ejemplares. Miguel de Cervantes . Книги.
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