Natural Capitalism

Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins

  Natural Capitalism  Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins  In Natural Capitalism, three top strategists show how leading-edge companies are practicing In Natural Capitalism, three top strategists show how leading-edge companies are practicing "a new type of industrialism" that is more efficient and profitable while saving the environment and creating jobs. Paul Hawken and Amory and Hunter Lovinswrite that in the next century, cars will get 200 miles per gallon without compromising safety and power, manufacturers will relentlessly recycle their products, and the world's standard of living will jump without further damaging natural resources. "Isthis the vision of a utopia? In fact, the changes described here could come about in the decades to come as the result of economic and technological trends already in place," the authors write. They call their approach natural capitalism because it's based on the principle that business can be good for the environment. For instance, Interface of Atlanta doubled revenues and employment and tripled profits by creating an environmentally friendly system of recycling floor coverings......

Women, Work, and Family: Balancing and Weaving

Angela Hattery

  Women, Work, and Family: Balancing and Weaving  Angela Hattery  This study of 30 mothers looks at the varying ways women balance work and family life. It is carried out through intensive interviews and the data is examined from several theoretical standpoints, including structural theory, motherhood theory, and feminist theory. A supplemental text for graduate and advanced undergraduate courses in Family Studies Programs and Women?s Studies programs.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This study of 30 mothers looks at the varying ways women balance work and family life. It is carried out through intensive interviews and the data is examined from several theoretical standpoints, including structural theory, motherhood theory, and feminist theory. A supplemental text for graduate and advanced undergraduate courses in Family Studies Programs and Women?s Studies programs....

Disclosing New Worlds: Entrepreneurship, Democratic Action, and the Cultivation of Solidarity

Charles Spinosa, Fernando Flores, Hubert L. Dreyfus

  Disclosing New Worlds: Entrepreneurship, Democratic Action, and the Cultivation of Solidarity  Charles Spinosa, Fernando Flores, Hubert L. Dreyfus  "A brave attempt to reformulate the relationship between democratic rights and economic progress in an age when the triumphalism of technological advance masks an unconfident vision of the future." -- Peter Aspden, Financial Times Disclosing New Worlds calls for a recovery of a way of being that has always characterized human life at its best. The book argues that human beings are at their best not when they are engaged in abstract reflection, but when they are intensely involved in changing the taken-for-granted, everyday practices in some domain of their culture--that is, when they are making history. History-making, in this account, refers not to wars and transfers of political power, but to changes in the way we understand and deal with ourselves. The authors identify entrepreneurship, democratic action, and the creation of solidarity as the three major arenas in which people make history, and they focus on three prime methods of history-making--reconfiguration,......

Strategy and Enterprise Value in the Relationship Economy

Bruce W. Morgan

  Strategy and Enterprise Value in the Relationship Economy  Bruce W. Morgan  Strategy and Enterprise Value in the Relationship Economy Bruce W. Morgan Competitive Survival in Today?s Marketplace Requires New Approaches Adapted to New Conditions It means substantially revising many business and investment principles inheritedfrom the industrial age. In the newly emerging service-based, relationship economy, a company?s most important resource is its value to shareholders, both internally and in the marketplace. The key to a firm?s competing successfully in this neweconomic environment? Understanding the power and value of its own Strategy and Enterprise Value in the Relationship Economy Bruce W. Morgan Competitive Survival in Today?s Marketplace Requires New Approaches Adapted to New Conditions It means substantially revising many business and investment principles inheritedfrom the industrial age. In the newly emerging service-based, relationship economy, a company?s most important resource is its value to shareholders, both internally and in the marketplace. The key to a firm?s competing successfully in this neweconomic environment? Understanding the power and value of its own "relationship capital," and maximizing its potential. But how do you measure the value of your company?s experience, creativity, and relationships with customers and employees? In confronting the most significant economic transformation since the Industrial Revolution, what business principles are obsolete and which endure? How do you develop a sound strategic and decision-making approach that lets you play to your......

Orange Empire: California and the Fruits of Eden

Douglas Cazaux Sackman

  Orange Empire: California and the Fruits of Eden  Douglas Cazaux Sackman  This innovative history of California opens up new vistas on the interrelationship among culture, nature, and society by focusing on the state's signature export-the orange. From the 1870s onward, California oranges were packaged in crates bearing colorful images of an Edenic landscape. This book demystifies those lush images, revealing the orange as a manufactured product of the state's orange industry. Orange Empire brings together for the first time the full story of the orange industry-how growers, scientists, and workers transformed the natural and social landscape of California, turning it into a factory for the production of millions of oranges. That industry put up billboards in cities across the nation and placed enticing pictures of sun-kissed fruits into nearly every American's home. It convinced Americans that oranges could be consumed as embodiments of pure nature and talismans of good health. But, as this book shows, the tables were turned during the Great Depression...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This innovative history of California opens up new vistas on the interrelationship among culture, nature, and society by focusing on the state's signature export-the orange. From the 1870s onward, California oranges were packaged in crates bearing colorful images of an Edenic landscape. This book demystifies those lush images, revealing the orange as a manufactured product of the state's orange industry. Orange Empire brings together for the first time the full story of the orange industry-how growers, scientists, and workers transformed the natural and social landscape of California, turning it into a factory for the production of millions of oranges. That industry put up billboards in cities across the nation and placed enticing pictures of sun-kissed fruits into nearly every American's home. It convinced Americans that oranges could be consumed as embodiments of pure nature and talismans of good health. But, as this book shows, the tables were turned during the Great Depression......

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Natural Capitalism. Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins . Книги.

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