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The Bully at Work: What You Can Do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim Your Dignity on the Job Gary Namie, Ruth Namie Ph.D, Ruth Namie
Workplace violence may snatch the daily headlines, but outside the spotlight, the pain and degradation of corporate bullying shatters lives nationwide. A landmark book blazing light on one of the business world's dirtiest secrets, The Bully at Work exposes the destructive, silent epidemic that devastates the lives, careers and families of millions. Those being bullied at work feel more than merely overworked and underappreciated. The fear, shame, humiliation and loss of dignity that originate at work can creep into every other aspect of their lives. Bullying is about Work Trauma! At last, there is a way to stop the hurtand stop the bully. Gary and Ruth Namie, pioneers of the Campaign Against Workplace Bullying (bullybusters.org), teach you personal strategies to identify allies, build your confidence, and stand up to your tormentor--or decide when to walk away with your sanity and dignity intact. The Namies' expertise on workplace bullying has been featured in such media outlets as......
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Efficiency in Reaching the Millennium Development Goals (World Bank Working Paper) Ruwan Jayasuriya, Quentin Wodon
To reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), countries (or states and provinces within countries) have two options: increasing the inputs used to "produce" the outcomes measured by the MDGs, or increasing the efficiency with which inputs are used. This study looks at whether improvements in efficiency could bring gains in outcomes. Two chapters use world panel data to analyze country level efficiency in improving education, health, and GDP (and thereby poverty) indicators. Two other chapters useprovince and state level data to analyze within-country efficiency in Argentina and Mexico for improving education and health outcomes. Together, the four chapters suggest that apart from increasing inputs, it is necessary to improve efficiency in order to reach the MDGs. While this conclusion is hardly surprising, the analysis helps to quantify how much progress could be achieved through better efficiency, and to some extent, how efficiency itself could be improved. This book is......
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ADD In The Workplace: Choices, Changes, And Challenges Kathleen G. Nadeau
It's one thing to deal with attention deficit disorder in the doctor's office, or at home-but quite another "out there," in the workplace. This unique guide focuses on adults living with ADD, and illustrates various ways to initiate and maintain the best possible work situation. Kathleen Nadeau brings her vast experience to bear on this central concern of adult life. The book is packed full of helpful advice and practical suggestions on everything from day-to-day problems to career issues that can affect a lifetime-and it emphasizes that people with ADD can be just as successful in their jobs and careers as anyone else. ADD in the Workplace features a user-friendly large, open format with summaries at the beginning of each chapter-perfect for ADD adults. It offers an easy-to-follow progression from a general understanding of the situation to various specific issues, including ADD and social skills, job performance, and career choices for young adults with ADD. No ADD adult......
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The Great Population Spike and After: Reflections on the 21st Century Walt Whitman Rostow, W. W. Rostow
Midway through the eighteenth century, the rate of growth for the world's population was roughly at zero. Immediately after World War II, it was just above two percent. Ever since, it has fallen steadily. This new book, the latest offering from a distinguished expert on international economics, tells readers what this stagnation or fall in population will mean--economically, politically, and historically--for the nations of the world. W. W. Rostow not only traces the whole global arc of this "great population spike", he looks far beyond it. What he sees will interest anyone curious about what's in store for the world's financial and governmental systems. The Great Population Spike and After: Reflections on the 21st Century contends that, as the decline in population now occurring in the industrialized world spreads to all of the presently developing countries, the global rate of population will fall to the "zero" level circa 2100. (Indeed, with the exception of Africa south of the......
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The Economics of Climate Change (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics, 3) Anthony David Owen, Nick Hanley
With contributions from distinguished authors and covering everything you need to know about global warming and its financial implications, this readable book will appeal across the political and scientific spectrum....
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The Bully at Work: What You Can Do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim Your Dignity on the Job. Gary Namie, Ruth Namie Ph.D, Ruth Namie . Книги.
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