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Deepening Integration in the Pacific Economies: Corporate Alliances, Contestable Markets, and Free Trade (Elgar Reference Collection) Alan M. Rugman, Gavin Boyd
The Pacific is a high growth region, comprising East Asian market economy states, North America, China, Australia and New Zealand. This book examines the area's rapidly expanding pattern of corporate competition and cooperation, which is assisting recoveries from the effects of the East Asian financial crises. The authors argue that the uneven but dynamic integration in the Pacific region which was disrupted by the financial crises is continuing in ways that promise resumptions of higher interdependent growth when fundamental adjustments have been completed. They emphasize that the regional recovery could be assisted by innovative new efforts to promote wider ranging cooperation in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC), which is committed to regional trade and investment liberalization over the next decade....
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The Practice of Facilitation Harry Webne-Behrman
In this guide for those who facilitate group interactions within any public or private organization, Webne-Behrman gives specific strategies for conducting effective meetings, resolving conflicts within a group, building consensus among group members, and managing the work of groups over time. His book is a unique combination of practical advice and conceptual analysis. With examples from his extensive consulting experience and case studies from other sources, this book will be of value not only to experienced facilitators, mediators, and consultants, but also to executives and managers who need to become familiar with group facilitation....
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Leaders, Fools and Impostors: Essays on the Psychology of Leadership Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries
In this book of insightful essays, Kets de Vries explodes the myth that rationality is what governs the behavior of leaders and followers, and he provides a more realistic perspective on organizational functioning and the leader-follower relationship. The author shows that a great potential for distortion exists when leaders try to act out the fantasies of their followers, and explores the many psychological traps into which leaders frequently fall. Citing examples from business, history, literature, the arts, and from his own psychoanalytic and management-consulting practise, the author identifies distinct leader types. He describes, for instance, the narcissist whose drive for power and prestige can bring much-needed vitality to an organization,but whose inability to accept criticism ultimately creates a climate of subservience. He shows that entrepreneurs possess many of the qualities of the impostor, including a capacity for self-dramatization and a deep understanding of......
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Using the Data Warehouse W. H. Inmon, Richard D. Hackathorn
The data warehouse is a method of storing historical and integrated data for use in decision support systems (DSS). The data warehouse provides a source of integrated enterprise-wide historical data. This book describes how to use a data warehouse once it has been constructed. The authors discuss how to use information to capture and maintain a competitive advantage and how to migrate legacy systems to a data warehouse....
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Theory of Scheduling Richard W. Conway, William L. Maxwell, Louis W. Miller, L. W. Miller
This comprehensive text explores the mathematical models underlying the theory of scheduling. Organized according to scheduling problem type, it examines three solution techniques: algebraic, probabilistic, and Monte Carlo simulation by computer. Topics include problems of sequence, measures for schedule evaluation, finite sequencing for a single machine, and further problems with one operation per job. Additional chapters cover flow-shop scheduling, the general n/m job-shop problem, general network problems related to scheduling, selection disciplines in a single-server queuing system, single-server queuing systems with setup classes, multiple-server queuing models, and experimental investigation of the continuous job-shop process. 1967 edition....
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Deepening Integration in the Pacific Economies: Corporate Alliances, Contestable Markets, and Free Trade (Elgar Reference Collection). Alan M. Rugman, Gavin Boyd . Книги.
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