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Unusual World Coins: Companion Volume to Standard Catalog of World Coins Colin R., II Bruce
Coin collectors who just can't locate listings for those odd or novelty coins in their collections will find them in this long-awaited fourth edition of Unusual World Coins. This book has coverage of over 400 years of micro-nation coinage, fantasy issues (such as Middle Earth - Lord of the Rings), medieval fair coinage, historical fantasy and pretender issues. There are also new listings for experimental Euro coins tested prior to conversion and medallic Euro coins from non-Euro countries. Listings contain up-to-date pricing in up to five grades of condition, as well as detailed identification information and hundreds of illustrations, making identification fast and easy. Inside, collectors will find everything from old fantasy favorites like Sealand and Atlantis to new medallic issues from globally recognized land-based countries. -Listings contain up-to-date pricing and identification data for micro-nation coinage, fantasy issues, medieval fair coinage, experimental Euros......
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Building Shanghai: The Story of China's Gateway Edward Denison, Guang Yu Ren
Shanghai's illustrious history and phenomenal future is celebrated in this book, which examines the evolution of the city's architecture and urban form in order to contextualise the challenges facing the city today. The physical legacies that reflect Shanghai's uniqueness historically and contemporarily are examined chronologically using specific case studies of exemplary architecture interwoven in a compelling narrative that unlocks the many mysteries surrounding this amazing metropolis. Some of the most influential colonial architecture in the world, outstanding examples of Modernism and Art Deco, and an exceptional selection of eclectic and vernacular architecture reflecting Shanghai's many adopted cultures are revealed. This is the first book ever to examine this remarkable subject in a manner that is both comprehensive and captivating in its written content and stunningly illustrated with over 300 archive and contemporary photographs and maps....
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Calder: Gravity and Grace Carmen Gimenez
A beautifully produced monograph on one of the greatest sculptors of the twentieth century, comprising a critical essay, a superb selection of colour plates, and invaluable documentation of the artist's writings, interviews, bibliography and exhibition history....
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The Vintage Workshop Art-to-Wear - The Amy Barickman
Add vintage style to any project! * Includes CD with dozens of pieces of printable vintage art for transfer * Complete step-by-step directions and techniques Love the embellished vintage look? Now fun, funky style is within reach with Vintage Workshop's Art to Wear, the book-plus-CD that's packed with great ideas and images for transfer using commercial pretreated printable fabric sheets or photo transfer paper. Put these great images--ranging from sweet to exotic to bold--on jackets, totes, hats, jeans, belts, tops, T-shirts, baby and kids' clothes, almost anywhere. Easy step-by-step techniques plus dozens of complete projects mean any time is vintage time....
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Император Константин Великий и Миланский эдикт 313 г. О месте кончины и погребения св. Максима Исповедника А. И. Бриллиантов
Издательство Олега Абышко. Александр Иванович Бриллиантов - выдающийся русский церковный историк и богослов. В настоящий том сочинений вошли две его большие работы: "Император Константин Великий и Миланский эдикт 313 г." и "О месте кончины и погребения св. Максима Исповедника", написанные и опубликованные примерно в одно время, в период наивысшего расцвета научных сил и дарований А.И.Бриллиантова. Это значительные по объему труды уже зрелого мастера и признанного церковного историка. Во вступительной статье также дан обширный биографический очерк о жизни и трудах автора и подробный список сочинений А.И.Бриллиантова, как опубликованных им при жизни, так и хранящихся в его архиве. Для всех интересующихся историческими путями Православия....
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На главную
Unusual World Coins: Companion Volume to Standard Catalog of World Coins. Colin R., II Bruce . Книги.
Батайск, Димитровград, Якутск, Йошкар-Ола, Тольятти, Ростов-на-Дону, Златоуст, Новомосковск, Дзержинск, Смоленск, Ижевск, Нижнекамск, Одинцово, Ухта, Москва, Новошахтинск, Батайск, Невинномысск, Кисловодск, Таганрог, Новочеркасск, Армавир, Краснодар, Набережные Челны, Златоуст, Вологда, Майкоп, Астрахань,
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