The Demography of Corporations and Industries

Glenn R. Carroll, Michael T. Hannan

  The Demography of Corporations and Industries  Glenn R. Carroll, Michael T. Hannan  Most analysts of corporations and industries adopt the focal perspective of a single prototypical organization. Many analysts also study corporations primarily in terms of their internal organizational structures or as complex systems of financial contracts. Glenn Carroll and Michael Hannan bring fresh insight to our understanding of corporations and the industries they comprise by looking beyond prototypical structures to focus on the range and diversity of organizations in their social and economic setting. The result is a rich rendering of analysis that portrays whole populations and communities of corporations. The Demography of Corporations and Industries is the first book to present the demographic approach to organizational studies in its entirety. It examines the theory, models, methods, and data used in corporate demographic research. Carroll and Hannan explore the processes by which corporate populations change over time, including organizational founding,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Most analysts of corporations and industries adopt the focal perspective of a single prototypical organization. Many analysts also study corporations primarily in terms of their internal organizational structures or as complex systems of financial contracts. Glenn Carroll and Michael Hannan bring fresh insight to our understanding of corporations and the industries they comprise by looking beyond prototypical structures to focus on the range and diversity of organizations in their social and economic setting. The result is a rich rendering of analysis that portrays whole populations and communities of corporations. The Demography of Corporations and Industries is the first book to present the demographic approach to organizational studies in its entirety. It examines the theory, models, methods, and data used in corporate demographic research. Carroll and Hannan explore the processes by which corporate populations change over time, including organizational founding,......

The Smaller Home: Creating the Perfect Fit

Dan Sater

  The Smaller Home: Creating the Perfect Fit  Dan Sater  The Smaller Home offers interesting new ways of thinking about the home. Innovative and efficient use of space can make living easier, more economical, and more enjoyable. The Smaller Home includes the latest ideas for layout options, flow patterns, space conversions, creative storage, and putting technology to work. It is a useful and imaginative guide for making the most out of less space without compromising comfort, convenience, or style.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Smaller Home offers interesting new ways of thinking about the home. Innovative and efficient use of space can make living easier, more economical, and more enjoyable. The Smaller Home includes the latest ideas for layout options, flow patterns, space conversions, creative storage, and putting technology to work. It is a useful and imaginative guide for making the most out of less space without compromising comfort, convenience, or style....

Wisdomkeepers: Meetings with Native American Spiritual Elders

Steve Wall, Harvey Arden

  Wisdomkeepers: Meetings with Native American Spiritual Elders  Steve Wall, Harvey Arden  Wisdomkeepers takes you on an extraordinary spiritual journey into the lives, minds, and natural-world philosophy of Native American spiritual elders. The elders tell who they are, how they live, and what they believe. Magnificent portraits complement the soaring text. Among those profiled are Buffalo Jim, a Seminole who describes the Seminole story of creation as if the Everglades were Eden, talks of his people's individual passage into the after life, and reveals that every field of wild plants is, to him, a medicine garden. You'll also meet Wisdomkeepers takes you on an extraordinary spiritual journey into the lives, minds, and natural-world philosophy of Native American spiritual elders. The elders tell who they are, how they live, and what they believe. Magnificent portraits complement the soaring text. Among those profiled are Buffalo Jim, a Seminole who describes the Seminole story of creation as if the Everglades were Eden, talks of his people's individual passage into the after life, and reveals that every field of wild plants is, to him, a medicine garden. You'll also meet "Uncle" Frank Davis (Fancy Warrior), a Pawnee Elder who describes the "path to understanding" as a trail filled with scraps of paper, each one a piece of a puzzle. Also profiled is Mathew King, a Lakota who warns of punishments for those who would destroy the Earth Mother. Readers share the innermost thoughts and feelings, dreams and visions, laughter, healing remedies, and prophecies of the Wisdomkeepers, whose humanity shines through every......

Россия - женская судьба. Век Х-ХIХ

Елена Тончу

  Россия - женская судьба. Век Х-ХIХ  Елена Тончу  Тончу.   Книга Тончу. Книга "Россия - женская судьба. Век Х-ХIХ" является своеобразной энциклопедией женских судеб, охватывающая исторический период с Х по ХIХ век. Елена Тончу постаралась объединить в "образах века" черты, которые в разные исторические эпохи России смогли возвысить женщину, выделить ее среди своих современников, оставить имя в веках и донести ее славу до третьего тысячелетия....

Фокусы и игры

Я. И. Перельман

  Фокусы и игры  Я. И. Перельман  АСТ, Астрель, Хранитель.   Трудно самому угадать задуманную карту и еще труднее, казалось бы, заставить другого угадывать. Но существует способ превратить любого человека в безошибочного отгадчика задуманной вами карты.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Астрель, Хранитель. Трудно самому угадать задуманную карту и еще труднее, казалось бы, заставить другого угадывать. Но существует способ превратить любого человека в безошибочного отгадчика задуманной вами карты....

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The Demography of Corporations and Industries. Glenn R. Carroll, Michael T. Hannan . Книги.

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