Флот обреченных

А. Коул, К. Банч

  Флот обреченных  А. Коул, К. Банч  Армада.   Фантастический боевик.   Флот обреченных.   Издание 1995 года. Сохранность хорошая. Во второй книге известных американских писателей К. Бинча и А. Коула продолжаются приключения отважного и находчивого героя - Стэна. Попадая в безвыходную ситуацию, будучи на волосок от гибели, Стэн и его команда все-таки одерживают победу. В книгу вошли романы Армада. Фантастический боевик. Флот обреченных. Издание 1995 года. Сохранность хорошая. Во второй книге известных американских писателей К. Бинча и А. Коула продолжаются приключения отважного и находчивого героя - Стэна. Попадая в безвыходную ситуацию, будучи на волосок от гибели, Стэн и его команда все-таки одерживают победу. В книгу вошли романы "При дворе Вечного императора" (перевод В Задорожного), "Флот обреченных" (перевод М. Тарасьева)....

Марина Цветаева. Письма к Анне Тесковой

Марина Цветаева

  Марина Цветаева. Письма к Анне Тесковой  Марина Цветаева  Внешторгиздат.   Марина Цветаева. Письма к Анне Тесковой.   Предисловие И. Кудровой. Письма Марины Цветаевой (1892-1941), адресованные её чешской подруге Анне Тесковой, впервые издаются отдельной книгой на родине поэта. Они относятся к 1922-1939 гг., проведённым Цветаевой в эмиграции, и представляют собой интересный комментарий времени, в которое возникли наиболее яркие цветаевские произведения, как стихотворные, так и прозаические. Содержит фотоиллюстрации.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Внешторгиздат. Марина Цветаева. Письма к Анне Тесковой. Предисловие И. Кудровой. Письма Марины Цветаевой (1892-1941), адресованные её чешской подруге Анне Тесковой, впервые издаются отдельной книгой на родине поэта. Они относятся к 1922-1939 гг., проведённым Цветаевой в эмиграции, и представляют собой интересный комментарий времени, в которое возникли наиболее яркие цветаевские произведения, как стихотворные, так и прозаические. Содержит фотоиллюстрации....

Not-for-Profit Accounting, Tax, and Reporting Requirements

Edward J. McMillan

  Not-for-Profit Accounting, Tax, and Reporting Requirements  Edward J. McMillan  What every not-for-profit must know about accounting, tax, and reporting requirements The accounting principles, tax issues, reporting requirements, and general work environment for not-for-profit organizations are remarkably different from those affecting commercial organizations. As a result, the task of keeping up with current financial and disclosure requirements, already daunting, can become even more so. Combining the proven guidance of the previous, bestselling edition with all of the latestregulatory information, Edward McMillan delivers a one-stop reporting resource for not-for-profits in Not-For-Profit Accounting, Tax, and Reporting Requirements. McMillan?s step-by-step guide helps not-for-profits apply for tax-exempt status,handle IRS audits, set up a wholly owned taxable subsidiary, anticipate tax implications of lobbying expenses, and perform a host of other functions. This completely revised and expanded edition includes three all-new chapters,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин What every not-for-profit must know about accounting, tax, and reporting requirements The accounting principles, tax issues, reporting requirements, and general work environment for not-for-profit organizations are remarkably different from those affecting commercial organizations. As a result, the task of keeping up with current financial and disclosure requirements, already daunting, can become even more so. Combining the proven guidance of the previous, bestselling edition with all of the latestregulatory information, Edward McMillan delivers a one-stop reporting resource for not-for-profits in Not-For-Profit Accounting, Tax, and Reporting Requirements. McMillan?s step-by-step guide helps not-for-profits apply for tax-exempt status,handle IRS audits, set up a wholly owned taxable subsidiary, anticipate tax implications of lobbying expenses, and perform a host of other functions. This completely revised and expanded edition includes three all-new chapters,......

Gogol's Ghost: Life in St. Petersburg Between Communism and Capitalism

Peter Konecny

  Gogol's Ghost: Life in St. Petersburg Between Communism and Capitalism  Peter Konecny  This book examines aspects of life in St. Petersburg, Russia's second-largest city, in the early years of Russia's transformation from a Communist state to a democracy. Social relations, economics and street life in St. Petersburg changed drastically during the early 1990s. The author provides a fascinating sketch of changes to the consumer culture and the new landscape of capitalism in St. Petersburg, cultural currents in the city, changing social behaviour, and lingering tensions between old bureaucratic ways and new rules and regulations.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book examines aspects of life in St. Petersburg, Russia's second-largest city, in the early years of Russia's transformation from a Communist state to a democracy. Social relations, economics and street life in St. Petersburg changed drastically during the early 1990s. The author provides a fascinating sketch of changes to the consumer culture and the new landscape of capitalism in St. Petersburg, cultural currents in the city, changing social behaviour, and lingering tensions between old bureaucratic ways and new rules and regulations....

Against Capitalism

David Schweickart

  Against Capitalism  David Schweickart  This book is a completely rewritten version of the author's earlier Capitalism or Worker Control? (first published in 1980). Its central thesis is that, despite the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the break-up of the Soviet Union, capitalism cannot be justified on either economic or ethical grounds. There is in fact an alternative to capitalism that promises greater efficiency, and equality, and more rational growth, democracy and meaningful work. This alternative, Economic Democracy, is market socialism with decentralised investment planning and workplace democracy. Professor Schweickart compares this model with other models - laissez-faire conservatism, the Keynesian welfare state, and 'neo-liberalism' - and argues that it is really superior on every count. He also sketches out a possible transition from advanced capitalism, from what is left of the centrally planned economies, and from Third World underdevelopment, to Economic Democracy. The author concludes with...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book is a completely rewritten version of the author's earlier Capitalism or Worker Control? (first published in 1980). Its central thesis is that, despite the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and the break-up of the Soviet Union, capitalism cannot be justified on either economic or ethical grounds. There is in fact an alternative to capitalism that promises greater efficiency, and equality, and more rational growth, democracy and meaningful work. This alternative, Economic Democracy, is market socialism with decentralised investment planning and workplace democracy. Professor Schweickart compares this model with other models - laissez-faire conservatism, the Keynesian welfare state, and 'neo-liberalism' - and argues that it is really superior on every count. He also sketches out a possible transition from advanced capitalism, from what is left of the centrally planned economies, and from Third World underdevelopment, to Economic Democracy. The author concludes with......

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Флот обреченных. А. Коул, К. Банч . Книги.

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