Doing Business and Investing in Ecuador Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  Doing Business and Investing in Ecuador Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  Doing Business and Investing in Ecuador Guide  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Doing Business and Investing in Ecuador Guide...

Management Quality and Competitiveness: Lessons from the Industrial Excellence Award

Christoph H. Loch, Stephen E. Chick, Arnd Huchzermeier

  Management Quality and Competitiveness: Lessons from the Industrial Excellence Award  Christoph H. Loch, Stephen E. Chick, Arnd Huchzermeier  This book showcases examples of excellent manufacturing companies who have succeeded in creating value and job growth in Western Europe. The examples show managers of industrial firms how a clearly articulated strategic position can be combined with excellent execution to achieve competitiveness in Europe, in spite of the usually cited disadvantage of high labor costs and rigidity. Not every company is alike — strategic positions differ, and the means of execution differ, but what is common is a clear plan together with mobilization of all employees to apply their abilities in supporting this common plan. The book is indispensable reading for all managers that are interested in improving competitiveness.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book showcases examples of excellent manufacturing companies who have succeeded in creating value and job growth in Western Europe. The examples show managers of industrial firms how a clearly articulated strategic position can be combined with excellent execution to achieve competitiveness in Europe, in spite of the usually cited disadvantage of high labor costs and rigidity. Not every company is alike — strategic positions differ, and the means of execution differ, but what is common is a clear plan together with mobilization of all employees to apply their abilities in supporting this common plan. The book is indispensable reading for all managers that are interested in improving competitiveness....

Tokyo Phantasmagoria: An Analysis of Politics and Commodity Capitalism in Modern Japan Through the Eyes of Walter Benjamin

Kenny Loui

  Tokyo Phantasmagoria: An Analysis of Politics and Commodity Capitalism in Modern Japan Through the Eyes of Walter Benjamin  Kenny Loui  As the sun set on the 20th century, a new age dawned in Japan. This new era, symbolized by the postmodern city of Tokyo, has ushered in not only technological innovation and economic prowess, but changing attitudes and values among Japanese young people. This transformation is not an uncommon or even new phenomenon, but simply the result of modern life. And one of the symptoms of modernity is the prevalence of an As the sun set on the 20th century, a new age dawned in Japan. This new era, symbolized by the postmodern city of Tokyo, has ushered in not only technological innovation and economic prowess, but changing attitudes and values among Japanese young people. This transformation is not an uncommon or even new phenomenon, but simply the result of modern life. And one of the symptoms of modernity is the prevalence of an "ethics of materialism," the ever-increasing concern for the acquisition of wealth and commodity goods, sometimes at the expense of the concern for human life itself. Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) was a German-Jewish philosopher whose writings examined topics including, but not limited to, art, history, and politics. His life's work, published posthumously as The Arcades Project, is a "literary montage" combining excerpts from written works related to life in 19th-century Paris and Benjamin's own commentaries and reflections. Benjamin's project on Paris of the 19th century......

The Europeans

Henry James

  The Europeans  Henry James  Penguin Books Ltd..   Penguin Popular Classics.   Eugenia's wit, guile and sophistication, and Felix's debonair vivacity form an uneasy alliance with the Puritan morality and the frugal, domestic virtues of the Americans. A rich and delicately balanced comedy of manners, The Europeans weighs the values of the established order against those of New England society, but makes no simple judgements, only subtle contrasts and beautifully observed comparisons. Формат: 11 см x 18 см.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Penguin Books Ltd.. Penguin Popular Classics. Eugenia's wit, guile and sophistication, and Felix's debonair vivacity form an uneasy alliance with the Puritan morality and the frugal, domestic virtues of the Americans. A rich and delicately balanced comedy of manners, The Europeans weighs the values of the established order against those of New England society, but makes no simple judgements, only subtle contrasts and beautifully observed comparisons. Формат: 11 см x 18 см....


Н. Вержбицкий

  Встречи  Н. Вержбицкий  Советская Россия.   Шестьдесят с лишним лет своей жизни отдал работе на литературном посту старейший писатель Н.К.Вержбицкий. Тесная и многолетняя дружба связывала его со многими известными русскими, советскими прозаиками и поэтами. В книгу вошли наиболее значительные из очерков автора - «Встречи с Куприным», «Сергей Есенин», «Светлая душа», «С Фритьофом Нансеном по Армении».  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Советская Россия. Шестьдесят с лишним лет своей жизни отдал работе на литературном посту старейший писатель Н.К.Вержбицкий. Тесная и многолетняя дружба связывала его со многими известными русскими, советскими прозаиками и поэтами. В книгу вошли наиболее значительные из очерков автора - «Встречи с Куприным», «Сергей Есенин», «Светлая душа», «С Фритьофом Нансеном по Армении»....

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Doing Business and Investing in Ecuador Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library). Ibp Usa . Книги.

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