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Us Export Guide: How to Export Products And Services from the United States (World Business, Investment and Government Library) (World Business, Investment and Government Library) Ibp Usa
Us Export Guide: How to Export Products And Services from the United States (World Business, Investment and Government Library)...
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Mammonocracy Christopher Wearne
Mammonocracy - it's something we've tacitly agreed to over the past thirty years, and it means 'government by money, of money, for money'. It explains why everything is going pear-shaped for many of us, while the people in charge of 'Wealth Control' just get richer and richer. In the author's caustic words, we are so busy fulfilling the roles allocated to us by the Wealth Control project that we have no time for the private projects of our lives. So what happened to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Well, they got ploughed under by the need to justify ourselves in the workplaces and outside it. Doing a job is no longer enough. Christopher Wearne's searching critique of post-Thatcherite Britain is lively, witty and always to the point. Who, he asks, is really benefitting from the new regime in GB plc, and where is the money going? And he wisely reminds us that the fewer choices we make as individuals, the more benefits will slip through our fingers....
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Us Export Guide: How to Export Products And Services from the United States (World Business, Investment and Government Library) (World Business, Investment and Government Library). Ibp Usa . Книги.
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