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Le Buveur De Temps Philippe Delerm
Филипп Делерм современный французский писатель ярко выделяется на фоне современной литературы. Вместо написания злободневных романов, он упорно гнет свою линию, рассказывая читателям об очаровании простых вещей. Моментов жизни. О счастье. Его книги исполнены душевного тепла, необычных сюрреалистических приключений и дружеских разговоров писателя с читателями о важности ценить каждый момент жизни. Герои этой книги – писатель – Альтер-эго Делерма, странствующий уличный актёр и фантастический человечек, сбежавший с картины, которую вы можете увидеть на обложке книги. В своем неторопливом путешествие в неизвестно куда, им предстоит многое понять о настоящей дружбе, об окружающем мире и о том, как важно ценить то время, что отпущено тебе для жизни....
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Fine, I'll Go Online!: The Hollywood Publicist's Guide to Successful Internet Dating Leslie Oren
St. Martin's Griffin. It only takes one, but finding one you click with can be tough. These days, more and more women are deciding to go online to find love. In this fun yet informative guide, top Hollywood publicist Leslie Oren will give you the tricks of her trade - marketing and creating an image - to help you navigate today's tangled dating Web to find a match who's waiting for you. Just like she has done for her clients in Hollywood, Leslie will teach you how to successfully craft your image to create the best possible version of your authentic self for Internet dating, including: How to write the perfect online profile. Why you must post a photo. What not to write in an email. Why the first date should only be meeting for coffee or a drink. Why a second date means online dating success. And many more tips to make you shine like a star!...
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Computer Science: An Overview J. Glenn Brookshear
Addison Wesley. The edition of this classic text for the breadth-first computer science course has been thoroughly updated to discuss increasingly important trends such as networking, object-oriented programming, and genetic algorithms. Author and educator J.Glenn Brookshear continues to introduce students to the discipline of computer science by providing accurate and balanced coverage of CS as a whole and of a variety of CS topics, including programming languages and artificial intelligence. This edition features new sections on public key encryption, evolutionary programming and genetic algorithms, as well as thoroughly revised sections on data manipulation, operating systems and networking....
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Living on Cybermind: Categories, Communication, and Control Jonathan Paul Marshall
Peter Lang Publishing. Cybermind is an Internet mailing list, originally founded in 1994 to discuss the issues and problems of living online. It proved exceptionally fertile and is still going strong thirteen years later. This book is an ethnographic investigation which follows Cybermind members in their daily lives on the List, and explores the ways they look at the world, argue, relate online life to offline life, use gender, and build community. Perhaps the most comprehensive history of an Internet group ever published, it includes detailed analyses using List members own words and commentary, and develops a unique theory of the relationship between culture, the problems of communication, and the ongoing processes of categorisation. "Living on Cybermind" illustrates how behaviour is affected by the organisation of communication, and how people deal with the paradoxes involved in resolving ambiguity and truth in a situation in which presence is always on the verge of slipping away....
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Power and Politics After Financial Crisises: Rethinking Foreign Opportunism in Emerging Markets (International Political Economy)
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Le Buveur De Temps. Philippe Delerm . Книги.
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