Strawberry Panic: The Manga: Volume 1

Sakurako Kimino

  Strawberry Panic: The Manga: Volume 1  Sakurako Kimino  Seven Seas.   Astrea Hill is the setting where three exclusive all-girl schools converge. At St. Miator Girl’s Academy, gentle breezes scatter cherry blossoms across its lush campus. Nagisa, a normal and cheerful high school student, is stunned when she meets Shizuma, the school’s top student, whose beauty takes her breath away. When Shizuma unexpectedly reciprocates Nagisa’s feelings, both love and wacky chaos soon erupt.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Seven Seas. Astrea Hill is the setting where three exclusive all-girl schools converge. At St. Miator Girl’s Academy, gentle breezes scatter cherry blossoms across its lush campus. Nagisa, a normal and cheerful high school student, is stunned when she meets Shizuma, the school’s top student, whose beauty takes her breath away. When Shizuma unexpectedly reciprocates Nagisa’s feelings, both love and wacky chaos soon erupt....

Шараф ад-Дин Али Йазди. Зафар-наме

  Шараф ад-Дин Али Йазди. Зафар-наме  Издательство журнала Издательство журнала "San'at". "Зафар-наме" ("Книга побед") Шараф ад-Дина Али Йазди - крупнейший исторический труд средневековья, посвященный жизни великого государственного деятеля и полководца Амира Темура. В нем описаны основные события правления Сахибкирана, его военные действия в период 1360-1405 гг., включая "трехлетний", "пятилетний", "семилетний" походы, битвы с золотоордынскими правителями Урус-ханом в 1376 г. и Тохтамыш-ханом в 1389 г., 1391 г. и 1395 г., османским султаном Баязидом I в 1402 г. и т. д. Сочинение Шараф ад-Дина Али Йазди содержит обширную информацию о социальной, экономической и культурной деятельности Амира Темура. Данный труд впервые переведен и публикуется в полном объеме на русском языке. Комментарии к нему подготовлены на базе широкого круга письменных источников отечественной и зарубежной научной литературы. Рассчитан на широкий круг читателей, интересующихся проблемами средневековой истории стран центральной и Южной Азии, Ближнего и Среднего Востока, Руси ордынского......

Covering the Campus: A History of the Miscellany News at Vassar College

Brian Farkas

  Covering the Campus: A History of the Miscellany News at Vassar College  Brian Farkas  Among the oldest student publications in the United States, the Miscellany News traces its roots back to 1866. Beginning as a literary magazine and evolving into a contemporary newspaper, the paper has reported nearly 150 years of student experiences. The Miscellany has seen generations of Vassar College students who have witnessed the horrors of international war, felt the injustices of racial strife, and observed stirring protests unfold on their own campus. This narrative history of the Miscellany tells the story of the young men and women writing about their collegiate environment against the grand backdrop of American history. With careful qualitative and quantitative analysis-along with scores of interviews with former editors-Brian Farkas navigates the complex and fascinating history of the Miscellany. Blending historical investigation with his personal experience, Farkas presents a fascinating and often humorous window into journalism, history's first draft.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Among the oldest student publications in the United States, the Miscellany News traces its roots back to 1866. Beginning as a literary magazine and evolving into a contemporary newspaper, the paper has reported nearly 150 years of student experiences. The Miscellany has seen generations of Vassar College students who have witnessed the horrors of international war, felt the injustices of racial strife, and observed stirring protests unfold on their own campus. This narrative history of the Miscellany tells the story of the young men and women writing about their collegiate environment against the grand backdrop of American history. With careful qualitative and quantitative analysis-along with scores of interviews with former editors-Brian Farkas navigates the complex and fascinating history of the Miscellany. Blending historical investigation with his personal experience, Farkas presents a fascinating and often humorous window into journalism, history's first draft....

Multiversal (Poets Out Loud)

Amy Catanzano

  Multiversal (Poets Out Loud)  Amy Catanzano  From the Foreword by Michael Palmer: From the Foreword by Michael Palmer: "Amy Catanzano offers us a poetic vision of multiple orders and multiple forms, of a fluid time set loose from linearity and an open space that is motile and multidimensional. The work exists at once in a future-past and in a variety of temporal modes. At one moment the scale is intimate, at another infinite. She interrogates our means of observation and measurement (the telescope, the ice-core), our mappings, our cosmic calculations, our assumptions about cause and effect. In the background, there is a war being fought, though which of many wars, cultural, scientific, military, we are not told. In a time of displacement such as ours, she seems to say, in place of universals we must imagine multiversals, in place of the fixed, the metamorphic. As much as the frame may be cosmic (micro- or macro), it is important to remember that the work serves the vital questions of the here-and-now, the flowering of the world, the corrosiveness of violence, the......

Агенты мировой закулисы

Валерий Шамбаров

  Агенты мировой закулисы  Валерий Шамбаров  Эксмо, Алгоритм.   Заговор.   Книга Валерия Шамбарова раскрывает закулисные махинации сильных мира сего, объявивших России бессрочную войну - независимо от того, царская она, советская или Эксмо, Алгоритм. Заговор. Книга Валерия Шамбарова раскрывает закулисные махинации сильных мира сего, объявивших России бессрочную войну - независимо от того, царская она, советская или "демократическая". В один клубок сплелись американские банкиры, германская разведка, революционное подполье, которые под руководством "сил неведомых", практически оккультных, повели штурм русских твердынь: самодержавия, православия, народа....

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Strawberry Panic: The Manga: Volume 1. Sakurako Kimino . Книги.

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