Храм и рынок. Человек в пространстве культуры

Б. В. Марков

  Храм и рынок. Человек в пространстве культуры  Б. В. Марков  Алетейя.   Ответом на вопрос о том, Алетейя. Ответом на вопрос о том, "что такое человек?" являются не только возвышенные философские рассуждения, но и другие культурные достижения. В предлагаемой вниманию читателей книге на богатом историческом материале раскрывается широкая панорама разнообразных мест формирования человеческого в культуре. Особое внимание уделяется эволюции повседневной жизни людей, проживающих в пространстве города....

Властелин Колец. Книга 2. Две твердыни

Д. Толкин

  Властелин Колец. Книга 2. Две твердыни  Д. Толкин  АСТ, Фолио, Харвест.   Мировая классика.   Это - АСТ, Фолио, Харвест. Мировая классика. Это - "Властелин колец". Просто - "Властелин колец". Без комментариев. Без эпитетов. Вы полагаете - вы знаете о "величайшей фэнтези-саге всех времен и народов" уже все? Тогда - читайте новый перевод "Властелина колец"!...


Howard Zinn(Preface)

  Artburn  Howard Zinn(Preface)  Book Description Book Description "I can say with absolute certainty that none of these -pictures are resident in the White House."-Sean Walsh, Official White House Spokesperson Artburn is a collection of the best pages from the last five years of Robbie Conal's satirical monthly column in the LA Weekly , updated with background factoids and secret war stories about his subjects, including the likes (and dislikes) of: Dubya, Dick Cheney, John Ashcroft, Rush Limbaugh, Bill, Hillary and Monica, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, even Bill Gates, among others. Artburn includes production shots of the original pages Robbie and his midnight deadline crew perpetrated at the very alternative LA Weekly, and a chapter of images and voices of the denizens themselves. We've even thrown in a dozen late-night remixes that were too hot for the Weekly to print. Robbie Conal grew up in New York City and became a stone-cold Hippie in San Francisco, landing in a storefront in the Haight......

A High School Theater Teacher's Survival Guide

Raina S. Ames

  A High School Theater Teacher's Survival Guide  Raina S. Ames  Book DescriptionHigh school theatre programs are vigorous and growing, but many theatre teachers - drawn from English, speech, or other departments - lack degrees in theatre. For them, as well as for the seasoned teaching veteran, Raina Ames provides an indispensable companion. The High School Theatre Teacher's Survival Guide is a handy reference for high school theatre teachers covering both curricular and extracurricular problems - everything from how to craft a syllabus for a theatre class to what to say to parents about a student's participation in a school play. In ten concise chapters, Raina Ames lays out a range of issues and situations, and offers practical suggestions for handling them professionally and humanely. The Guide covers both specific questions about structuring classes, the text of overheads or PowerPoint for classroom instruction, and useful suggestions - such as a 'contract' between student and the theatre program -- for building students' confidence and sense...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionHigh school theatre programs are vigorous and growing, but many theatre teachers - drawn from English, speech, or other departments - lack degrees in theatre. For them, as well as for the seasoned teaching veteran, Raina Ames provides an indispensable companion. The High School Theatre Teacher's Survival Guide is a handy reference for high school theatre teachers covering both curricular and extracurricular problems - everything from how to craft a syllabus for a theatre class to what to say to parents about a student's participation in a school play. In ten concise chapters, Raina Ames lays out a range of issues and situations, and offers practical suggestions for handling them professionally and humanely. The Guide covers both specific questions about structuring classes, the text of overheads or PowerPoint for classroom instruction, and useful suggestions - such as a 'contract' between student and the theatre program -- for building students' confidence and sense......


Gene Geter

  Jinni  Gene Geter  iUniverse.   The tale begins when Solomon ruled over Israel and controlled jinns. But one jinn with no name would oppose him and cast his evil powers toward anyone who gets in his way. Eventually he was tricked, banished within his bottle and suspended invisible tens of thousands of feet above the ground to be punished in the future New York. It's the year 2080, and something from the present rockets the bottle towards the earth, crashing into the apartment of a 35-year-old famous novelist and beauty named Choice Chosen. Choice and the jinni (who picks the name Magi) meet under this weird circumstance and become close. Magi tries to change the error of his ways. For some reason, Choice has always had a fear of loving someone and Magi has a hard time really getting close to her because she is still a virgin. She will eventually realize something from her past has subconsciously prevented her intimacy with a man. Even though Choice has always been in danger, being in...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин iUniverse. The tale begins when Solomon ruled over Israel and controlled jinns. But one jinn with no name would oppose him and cast his evil powers toward anyone who gets in his way. Eventually he was tricked, banished within his bottle and suspended invisible tens of thousands of feet above the ground to be punished in the future New York. It's the year 2080, and something from the present rockets the bottle towards the earth, crashing into the apartment of a 35-year-old famous novelist and beauty named Choice Chosen. Choice and the jinni (who picks the name Magi) meet under this weird circumstance and become close. Magi tries to change the error of his ways. For some reason, Choice has always had a fear of loving someone and Magi has a hard time really getting close to her because she is still a virgin. She will eventually realize something from her past has subconsciously prevented her intimacy with a man. Even though Choice has always been in danger, being in......

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Храм и рынок. Человек в пространстве культуры. Б. В. Марков . Книги.

Барнаул, Калуга, Норильск, Люберцы, Люберцы, Архангельск, Миасс, Ногинск, Хасавюрт, Ковров,
Экранизации детской литературы| Словари, справочники и энциклопедические издания по бизнесу| Музыкальные инструменты| Теоретическая физика| Современные драмы| Цирк. Цирковое искусство| Домашний круг| Нетрадиционные исторические теории и гипотезы| Видеопрограммы о космосе и НЛО| Фольклор| Аудит| Познавательная литература| Интернет-маркетинг. Интернет-реклама| Криминальные драмы| Журналы и периодика| Путешествия. Хобби. Фото. Спорт| Домашний круг| Хоккей| 3D MAX, Maya, Bryce... Трехмерная графика, анимация и дизайн| Хоккей| Индийские боевики| Книжки-вырубки| Полнометражные мультфильмы| Деловая пресса| Симуляторы (Simulators)| Микроэкономика| Путешествия. Хобби. Фото. Спорт| Отраслевой и специальный бухучет| Математика| Логистика. Транспорт. Склад| Философия| Финансы. Банковское дело. Инвестиции| Энциклопедии и справочники| Ролевые (RPG)| Филологические науки| Общие работы по всемирной истории| Мистика и ужасы| Международная внешнеэкономическая деятельность| Фантастические приключения| Атласы и контурные карты по географии| Реклама, PR, брендинг, имиджелогия| Зарубежная фантастика| Классические детективы| Обучаем играя| Электронный бизнес| Компьютерная и сетевая безопасность. Защита информации| Фильмы на иностранных языках| Ролевые (RPG)| Кулинария. Напитки| Налогообложение| Драмы отношений|
русские сказки, иностранная литература, book,


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