Botswana Business Law Handbook

International Business Publications, USA

  Botswana Business Law Handbook  International Business Publications, USA  Basic business legislation, laws, export-import regulations affecting business, business climate and contacts  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Basic business legislation, laws, export-import regulations affecting business, business climate and contacts...

Software Engineering Processes: With the UPEDU

Pierre N. Robillard, Philippe Kruchten

  Software Engineering Processes: With the UPEDU  Pierre N. Robillard, Philippe Kruchten  Provides an introduction to the software development process in a general manner, but shows real-world application using the Unified Process for Education, a modified version of Rational's Unified Process, to facilitate learning. The book starts with the basic aspects of a software process that are the methods, tools, and concepts of software life cycle and software process. The second part emphasizes the engineering and management disciplines that is core of any software engineering process. The thirdpart presents the aspects of software process assessment and measurement Professionals who want to learn about software engineering, especially using a commercial process.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Provides an introduction to the software development process in a general manner, but shows real-world application using the Unified Process for Education, a modified version of Rational's Unified Process, to facilitate learning. The book starts with the basic aspects of a software process that are the methods, tools, and concepts of software life cycle and software process. The second part emphasizes the engineering and management disciplines that is core of any software engineering process. The thirdpart presents the aspects of software process assessment and measurement Professionals who want to learn about software engineering, especially using a commercial process....

Designing Computer Programs

Jim Haigh

  Designing Computer Programs  Jim Haigh  This is a book for students at every level who are learning to program for the first time - and for the considerable number who learned how to program but were never taught to structure their programs. The author presents a simple set of guidelines that show the programmer how to design in a manageable structure from the outset. The method is suitable for most languages, and is based on the widely used 'JSP' method, to which the student may easily progress if it is needed at a later stage. Most language specific texts contain very little if any information on design, whilst books on design approach the topic at too high a level for someone learning their first language. This inexpensive introduction to design can be used alongside whatever programming book suits the student's particular needs.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This is a book for students at every level who are learning to program for the first time - and for the considerable number who learned how to program but were never taught to structure their programs. The author presents a simple set of guidelines that show the programmer how to design in a manageable structure from the outset. The method is suitable for most languages, and is based on the widely used 'JSP' method, to which the student may easily progress if it is needed at a later stage. Most language specific texts contain very little if any information on design, whilst books on design approach the topic at too high a level for someone learning their first language. This inexpensive introduction to design can be used alongside whatever programming book suits the student's particular needs....

Multimedia Storytimes

Robin Works Davis

  Multimedia Storytimes  Robin Works Davis  Introduce children to the captivating electronic resources in your library. Introduce children to the captivating electronic resources in your library. "Multimedia Storytimes" describes how to develop creative, entertaining programs and activities by blending multimedia into your story hours. Features 40 complete storytime programs based on popular themes ranging from alligators to the tooth fairy, antlers to trains. Each program includes videos, CD-ROMs and websites interwoven with fingerplays, songs and annotated lists of popular picture books, all related to the theme. Each program suggests several simple learning activities to provide children with experience and confidence using computers and electronic resources. Also includes successful programming tips and checklists, basic equipment lists and how-to suggestions for introducing young children to computers. For use with grades PK-2....

Сам себе строитель. Внутренние работы

  Сам себе строитель. Внутренние работы  
.   Супер!.   В книге вы найдете ответы на вопросы, связанные с проведением ремонта и строительства жилья, различных отделочных работ (облицовка плиткой, древесиной, синтетическими материалами, устройство паркетных полов, подвесных потолков и пр.). При помощи этого пособия даже непрофессионал сможет оформить интерьер своего дома, не прибегая к услугам строителей. Для широкого круга читателей.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин . Супер!. В книге вы найдете ответы на вопросы, связанные с проведением ремонта и строительства жилья, различных отделочных работ (облицовка плиткой, древесиной, синтетическими материалами, устройство паркетных полов, подвесных потолков и пр.). При помощи этого пособия даже непрофессионал сможет оформить интерьер своего дома, не прибегая к услугам строителей. Для широкого круга читателей....

<<<  Сын террориста. Б. Бабкин             Русские святые и подвижники XX столетия. ... >>>

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Botswana Business Law Handbook. International Business Publications, USA . Книги.

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