Странники в ночи

Марк Ламброн

  Странники в ночи  Марк Ламброн  Флюид / FreeFly.   Французская линия.   История легендарной эпохи, ярких судеб и большой любви. Роман Флюид / FreeFly. Французская линия. История легендарной эпохи, ярких судеб и большой любви. Роман "Странники в ночи" переносит нас в самую гущу культурной жизни 60-70-х годов, воссоздавая противоречивый дух и колорит того времени....

Декоративные детали сада

Анастасия Анисимова

  Декоративные детали сада  Анастасия Анисимова  Ниола 21 век.   Библиотека журнала Ниола 21 век. Библиотека журнала "Цветы". 100 новых идей. В книге рассматриваются разнообразные элементы оформления сада: изгороди и опоры, контейнеры для растений, покрытия для дорожек, топиарное искусство, водоемы, садовая мебель и предметы искусства. Для широкого круга читателей....

An Autobiography

David Ogilvy

  An Autobiography  David Ogilvy  Wiley.   Wiley. "I remembered how my grandfather had failed as a farmer and become a successful businessman. Why not follow in his footsteps? Why not start an advertising agency? I was thirty-eight... no credentials, no clients, and only $6,000 in the bank." Whatever David Ogilvy may have lacked in money and credentials, he more than made up for with intelligence, talent, and ingenuity. He became the quintessential ad man, a revolutionary whose impact on his profession still reverberates today. His brilliant campaigns went beyond successful advertising, giving rise to such pop culture icons as the famous Hathaway shirt man with his trademark black eyepatch. His client list runs the gamut from Rolls Royce to Sears Roebuck, Campbell's Soup to Merrill Lynch, IBM to the governments of Britain, France, and the United States. How did a young man who had known poverty as a child in England, worked as a cook in Paris, and once sold stoves to nuns in Scotland climb to the pinnacle of the......

Transboundary Risk Management

Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer, Ragnar E. Lofstedt, Gunnar Sjostedt

  Transboundary Risk Management  Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer, Ragnar E. Lofstedt, Gunnar Sjostedt  Environmental hazards do not respect international boundaries. In this volume, distinguished international researchers make a significant contribution to the understanding and management of the transboundary risks involved. Numerous case studies of transboundary environmental risks are analyzed, including BSE and Himalayan water projects. General issues raised by the cases are considered, including: How are transboundary risks identified and assessed? How are they communicated within and between countries? What forms of risk management are appropriate? Key issues concerning public participation and the political significance of transboundary risks emerge, from which useful practical lessons on the management of risk are drawn. The volume provides valuable evidence and analysis for those working on international environmental issues and all aspects of risk management.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Environmental hazards do not respect international boundaries. In this volume, distinguished international researchers make a significant contribution to the understanding and management of the transboundary risks involved. Numerous case studies of transboundary environmental risks are analyzed, including BSE and Himalayan water projects. General issues raised by the cases are considered, including: How are transboundary risks identified and assessed? How are they communicated within and between countries? What forms of risk management are appropriate? Key issues concerning public participation and the political significance of transboundary risks emerge, from which useful practical lessons on the management of risk are drawn. The volume provides valuable evidence and analysis for those working on international environmental issues and all aspects of risk management....

Economic Recovery In Africa: The Paradox of Financial Flows

Vijay S. Makhan

  Economic Recovery In Africa: The Paradox of Financial Flows  Vijay S. Makhan  Development finance is one of the foremost challenges facing African Countries and the international community in the new century. African countries in particular have experience modest economic recovery during the 19990s. Vijay S. Makhan explores these improvements, while describing the Development finance is one of the foremost challenges facing African Countries and the international community in the new century. African countries in particular have experience modest economic recovery during the 19990s. Vijay S. Makhan explores these improvements, while describing the "vicious circle" in which the economic structure cannot generate enough savings and export earnings needed to finance the development and mount a sustained assault on poverty....

<<<  История Средних веков. Крестовые походы (1096-1291 ...             Русские святые и подвижники XX столетия. ... >>>

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Странники в ночи. Марк Ламброн . Книги.

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