Секреты профессиональной работы с программой "1С: Зарплата и управление персоналом 8". Введение в конфигурацию

Е. А. Грянина, С. А. Харитонов

  Секреты профессиональной работы с программой 1С-Паблишинг. 1C:Предприятие 8.0. В учебном пособии подробно, с иллюстрацией на примерах, рассматриваются основы работы с программой "1С: Зарплата и Управление Персоналом 8" (редакция 2.5), действия по подготовке информационной базы к эксплуатации, сервисные возможности конфигурации для решения задач управления персоналом и расчета заработной платы. Пособие адресовано широкому кругу читателей. Оно будет полезно работникам различных служб организаций и предприятий - от службы управления персоналом и руководителей до работников бухгалтерии, применяющих для автоматизации программу "1С:Зарплата и Управление Персоналом 8". 1С: Учебный центр №1 (НОУ "1С-Образование") рекомендует использовать пособие для изучения программы и подготовки к экзаменам на получение сертификата 1С: Профессионал, 1С: Специалист и 1С: Специалист-консультант по программе "1С: Зарплата и Управление Персоналом 8"....

The Book That Changed My Life: 71 Remarkable Writers Celebrate the Books That Matter Most to Them

Roxanne J. Coady, Joy Johannessen

  The Book That Changed My Life: 71 Remarkable Writers Celebrate the Books That Matter Most to Them  Roxanne J. Coady, Joy Johannessen  With the goal of promoting literacy (and with proceeds going to the Read to Grow Foundation), here are 65 spirited testaments to the transformative power of reading from 65 distinguished contributors, as compiled by bookseller Roxanne Coady and editor Joy Johannessen. Books change lives, and if you have any doubts on that score, you need only dip into this joyous celebration of reading by 65 people who have distinguished themselves in various fields, from sports, to cooking, to journalism and the arts. In brief and lively essays, the contributors? wrestlers, actors, singers, monks, Nobel Prize winners, chefs, politicians, writers?tell about the single book that changed the way they see themselves and the world around them. A sampling of contributors includes: Elizabeth Berg on The Catcher in the Rye ; Harold Bloom on Little, Big ; Steven Brill on The Making of the President, 1960 ; Da Chen on The Count of Monte Cristo ; Maureen...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин With the goal of promoting literacy (and with proceeds going to the Read to Grow Foundation), here are 65 spirited testaments to the transformative power of reading from 65 distinguished contributors, as compiled by bookseller Roxanne Coady and editor Joy Johannessen. Books change lives, and if you have any doubts on that score, you need only dip into this joyous celebration of reading by 65 people who have distinguished themselves in various fields, from sports, to cooking, to journalism and the arts. In brief and lively essays, the contributors? wrestlers, actors, singers, monks, Nobel Prize winners, chefs, politicians, writers?tell about the single book that changed the way they see themselves and the world around them. A sampling of contributors includes: Elizabeth Berg on The Catcher in the Rye ; Harold Bloom on Little, Big ; Steven Brill on The Making of the President, 1960 ; Da Chen on The Count of Monte Cristo ; Maureen......

The Matter of Araby in Medieval England

Dorothee Metlitzki

  The Matter of Araby in Medieval England  Dorothee Metlitzki  This book examines the literary and intellectual relationships between This book examines the literary and intellectual relationships between "Piers Plowman" and "The Faerie Queene". It links these two rich and problematical poems by showing their development from a common religious and artistic matrix and by assessing their roles in the evolution of allegory. "A valuable contibution to our understanding of the medieval vernacular literature." --Robert W. Ackerman...

Intelligent Information Integration for the Semantic Web (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)

Ubbo Visser

  Intelligent Information Integration for the Semantic Web (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)  Ubbo Visser  The semantic Web offers new opportunities for information processes. This book is devoted to the core issue of data integration at the semantic level and demonstrates the applicability of the techniques developed to spatio-temporal representation and reasoning and geographic information systems. Preceded by a motivating introduction and an overview of the state of the art in the field of information integration, fundamental problems of terminological representation, terminological reasoning, and semantic translation are treated in detail. The theoretical results and techniques developed are applied to intelligent conceptual and spatio-temporal queries of heterogeneous geographic information systems.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The semantic Web offers new opportunities for information processes. This book is devoted to the core issue of data integration at the semantic level and demonstrates the applicability of the techniques developed to spatio-temporal representation and reasoning and geographic information systems. Preceded by a motivating introduction and an overview of the state of the art in the field of information integration, fundamental problems of terminological representation, terminological reasoning, and semantic translation are treated in detail. The theoretical results and techniques developed are applied to intelligent conceptual and spatio-temporal queries of heterogeneous geographic information systems....

Individual-based Modeling and Ecology (Princeton Series in Theoretical and Computational Biology)

Volker Grimm, Steven F. Railsback

  Individual-based Modeling and Ecology (Princeton Series in Theoretical and Computational Biology)  Volker Grimm, Steven F. Railsback  Individual-based models are an exciting and widely used new tool for ecology. These computational models allow scientists to explore the mechanisms through which population and ecosystem ecology arises from how individuals interact with each other and their environment. This book provides the first in-depth treatment of individual-based modeling and its use to develop theoretical understanding of how ecological systems work, an approach the authors call Individual-based models are an exciting and widely used new tool for ecology. These computational models allow scientists to explore the mechanisms through which population and ecosystem ecology arises from how individuals interact with each other and their environment. This book provides the first in-depth treatment of individual-based modeling and its use to develop theoretical understanding of how ecological systems work, an approach the authors call "individual-based ecology." Grimm and Railsback start with a general primer on modeling: how to design models that are as simple as possible while still allowing specific problems to be solved, and how to move efficiently through a cycle of pattern-oriented model design, implementation, and analysis. Next, they address the problems of theory and conceptual framework for individual-based ecology: What is "theory"? That is, how do we develop reusable models of how system dynamics arise from characteristics of individuals? What......

<<<  Полная энциклопедия народной медицины. В 2 томах. ...             Вот какие малыши. Раскраска.  >>>

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Секреты профессиональной работы с программой "1С: Зарплата и управление персоналом 8". Введение в конфигурацию. Е. А. Грянина, С. А. Харитонов . Книги.

Балаково, Хабаровск, Октябрьский, Салават, Ногинск, Казань, Северск, Рубцовск, Брянск, Казань, Чебоксары, Красноярск, Орехово-Зуево, Назрань, Димитровград, Барнаул, Шахты, Невинномысск, Екатеринбург, Копейск, Салават, Хасавюрт, Йошкар-Ола, Балаково, Брянск, Липецк, Ногинск, Нефтеюганск, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Кызыл, Ульяновск,
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