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Contesting Communities: The Transformation of Workplace Charity Emily Barman
"Barman provides novel commentary on the changing nature and meaning of philanthropy and community, as well as the impact of corporate gatekeepers thereon. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in voluntarism, philanthropy, social capital, and organizational behavior." ?Jason Kaufman, Harvard University "Given the broad contemporary interest in philanthropy and voluntarism, Emily Barman's book on the United Way and the emergence of alternative fundraising organizations as competitors to the United Way is especially timely. Barman's incisive investigation of the increasingly competitive environment of workplace charity is a major contribution to our understanding of the social, political, and economic changes underway in local communities throughout the United States." ?Steven Rathgeb Smith, University of Washington Is "community" in America in decline? If so, does this mean that charitable giving in the United States is also in decline? In......
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The American Dream vs. The Gospel of Wealth: The Fight for a Productive Middle-Class Economy (The Future of American Democracy Series) Norton Garfinkle
Norton Garfinkle paints a disquieting picture of America today: a nation increasingly divided between economic winners and losers, a nationA in whichA the middle-class American Dream seems more and more elusive. Recent government policies reflect a commitment to a new supply-side winner-take-all Gospel of Wealth. Garfinkle warns that this supply-side economic vision favors the privileged few over the majority of American citizens striving to better their economic condition. Garfinkle employs historical insight and data-based economic analysis to demonstrate compellingly the sharp departure of the supply-side Gospel of Wealth from an American ideal that dates back to Abraham Lincoln—the vision of America as a societyA in whichA ordinary, hard-working individuals can get ahead and attain a middle-class living, andA in whichA government plays an active role in expanding opportunities and ensuring against economic exploitation. Supply-side economic policies increase......
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Ethics at Work
Alice Darnell Lattal, Ralph W. Clark...
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Military-to-Civilian Career Transition Guide: The Essential Job Search Handbook for Service Members Janet I. Farley
This book provides a framework for career transition for military service members and their families. While other books similar in scope address just one or two aspects of the job search process, this one addresses the actual entire transition process and includes the family perspective with it. Key Features: * Considers the family's perspective and needs during the transition process. * Includes charts, checklists, and worksheets. * Provides resume and cover letter advice and sample resumes and cover letters for transitioning military personnel. * Helps with making the decision to leave the military. * Helps with surviving the first month on the job and beyond....
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История Отечества Е. М. Скворцова, А. Н. Маркова
Юнити-Дана. Cogito, ergo sum. Учебник охватывает период с древности до наших дней. Исторический путь России разделен на ряд этапов, соответствующих разделам учебника: Древность (догосударственный период и Киевская Русь, до 1132 г.), Классическое Средневековье (XII-XV вв.), Позднее Средневековье (XVI-XVII вв.), Эпоха модернизации (XVII - начало XX в.) и Советский период (1917-1991 гг.). Материал излагается по проблемно-тематическому принципу: политическая, экономическая и социокультурная история. Отрывки из летописей, других исторических источников, трудов историков, философов, дипломатов, участников событий, фрагменты литературных и мемуарных произведений способствуют лучшему восприятию материала. Для студентов вузов всех специальностей и направлений....
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На главную
Contesting Communities: The Transformation of Workplace Charity. Emily Barman . Книги.
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