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Au temps du Fleuve Amour
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FileMaker Web Publishing: A Complete Guide to Using the API for PHP Allyson Olm, Stephen Knight, Michael Petrov
Wordware Publishing, Inc.. "FileMaker Web Publishing" offers an unparalleled development strategy for database managers, web designers, and programmers who are interested in getting the most out of FileMaker databases on the web. One of the first books out on version 9, this book covers both introductory web publishing and advanced database programming on the web. Ideal for all skill levels, beginners learn the fundamentals of working with FileMaker from a web publishing perspective including an introduction to web publishing and the specifics of a web-centered workflow. Users examine HTML and CSS as they apply to database-centered web design and follow that with a very detailed introduction to PHP - one of the core programming languages on the Internet today. Intermediate users will review the specifics of web publishing with FileMaker, then immediately move into specific concepts such as database portals, value lists, and complex navigation systems. "FileMaker Web Publishing" offers......
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Explore Africa Bobbie Kalman, Rebecca Sjonger
Crabtree Publishing Company. Explore the Continents. This book is appropriate for ages 6-10. Africa has more countries than any other continent. In "Explore Africa", children learn many facts about Africa's countries and its geography. Each page is beautifully laid out. The book includes several continent maps so readers can relate the text and photographs to their location on the continent. This essential book looks at: Africa's mountains, including Mount Kilimanjaro, and valleys; Africa's waterways, including the longest river in the world; African culture; popular tourist destinations in Africa....
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Gender, Identity, and Imperialism: Women Development Workers in Pakistan (Comparative Feminist Studies)
Nancy Cook...
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Project Management in Practice
Samuel J., Jr. Mantel, Jack R. Meredith, Scott M. Shafer, Margaret M. Sutton...
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Au temps du Fleuve Amour. Makine . Книги.
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