Folk Medicine in Southern Appalachia

Anthony Cavender

  Folk Medicine in Southern Appalachia  Anthony Cavender  Book DescriptionIn the first comprehensive exploration of the history and practice of folk medicine in the Appalachian region, Anthony Cavender melds folklore, medical anthropology, and Appalachian history and draws extensively on oral histories and archival sources from the nineteenth century to the present. He provides a complete tour of ailments and folk treatments organized by body systems, as well as information on medicinal plants, patent medicines, and magico-religious beliefs and practices. He investigates folk healers and their methods, profiling three living practitioners: an herbalist, a faith healer, and a Native American healer. The book also includes an appendix of botanicals and a glossary of folk medical terms. Demonstrating the ongoinginterplay between mainstream scientific medicine and folk medicine, Cavender challenges the conventional view of southern Appalachia as an exceptional region isolated from outside contact. His thorough and accessible study reveals how...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn the first comprehensive exploration of the history and practice of folk medicine in the Appalachian region, Anthony Cavender melds folklore, medical anthropology, and Appalachian history and draws extensively on oral histories and archival sources from the nineteenth century to the present. He provides a complete tour of ailments and folk treatments organized by body systems, as well as information on medicinal plants, patent medicines, and magico-religious beliefs and practices. He investigates folk healers and their methods, profiling three living practitioners: an herbalist, a faith healer, and a Native American healer. The book also includes an appendix of botanicals and a glossary of folk medical terms. Demonstrating the ongoinginterplay between mainstream scientific medicine and folk medicine, Cavender challenges the conventional view of southern Appalachia as an exceptional region isolated from outside contact. His thorough and accessible study reveals how......

Swimming Upstream : The Inside Cries of a Child

Lena C Martin

  Swimming Upstream : The Inside Cries of a Child  Lena C Martin  Book DescriptionThis is the autobiographical account of the life of a child named Queen, who was born to a mother who hated her from the moment of conception and did not even acknowledge her as a daughter. This child was abused both physically and mentally, unlike her younger brother and sister, who were favored and pampered. The fatherless family lived in grinding poverty. The young girl had to grow up quickly. She was often the only one who was providing for the family. In spite of her position as a virtual slave to the others, Queen was not appreciated by any of them. Her young adult years as a mother and eventually a wife were no less tumultuous. In spite of her mother's tyrannical prohibition of her having any relationships with the opposite sex, Queen was raped while still a teenager and gave birth to her first child. The other men in her life, although they gave her children whom she loved very much, failed to provide her happiness and security. And always it seemed she could...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis is the autobiographical account of the life of a child named Queen, who was born to a mother who hated her from the moment of conception and did not even acknowledge her as a daughter. This child was abused both physically and mentally, unlike her younger brother and sister, who were favored and pampered. The fatherless family lived in grinding poverty. The young girl had to grow up quickly. She was often the only one who was providing for the family. In spite of her position as a virtual slave to the others, Queen was not appreciated by any of them. Her young adult years as a mother and eventually a wife were no less tumultuous. In spite of her mother's tyrannical prohibition of her having any relationships with the opposite sex, Queen was raped while still a teenager and gave birth to her first child. The other men in her life, although they gave her children whom she loved very much, failed to provide her happiness and security. And always it seemed she could......

When Mum Was Little

  When Mum Was Little  Book DescriptionPychedelic colors fill the pages and bring to life the peculiar world that was 1969. Funny, familiar,'s all inside.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionPychedelic colors fill the pages and bring to life the peculiar world that was 1969. Funny, familiar,'s all inside....

350 самых лучших советов для секса

Лиза Сасмэн

  350 самых лучших советов для секса  Лиза Сасмэн  АСТ, Астрель.   Сексуальные позы и движения — все, чтобы разжечь огонь страсти! Оживи свою сексуальную жизнь и воплоти фантазии в реальность. И пусть он умоляет тебя: АСТ, Астрель. Сексуальные позы и движения — все, чтобы разжечь огонь страсти! Оживи свою сексуальную жизнь и воплоти фантазии в реальность. И пусть он умоляет тебя: "Еще, еще, еще!" Сотни советов, великолепные свежие идеи, позы, в которых ты будешь удовлетворена, — гарантировано! Все это в книге "350 самых лучших советов для секса" - откровенном, практичном и искрометном руководстве для женщины, которая хочет прямых и понятных советов о сексуальной жизни. Эта книга расскажет все, что тебе нужно знать: от простых способов завести его в мгновение ока до лучших поз, которые обязательно закончатся оргазмом. Что бы тебе ни было нужно — многочасовой любовный марафон или быстрый секс на пять минут, приготовься — и держись! Писательница и журналистка Лиза Сасмэн специализируется на вопросах взаимоотношений и секса. Она пишет для многочисленных женских журналов и является автором книги советов для одиноких женщин "Sex в большом городе"....

Традиционный тайский массаж для здоровья и снятия напряжения

Рудольф Теелен, Николь Ветцлер

  Традиционный тайский массаж для здоровья и снятия напряжения  Рудольф Теелен, Николь Ветцлер  
.   Артлайн.   Традиционный тайский массаж (по-таиландски - NUAD) - это новая форма терапии всего тела, результатом которой является исключительно хорошее самочувствие, поскольку она объединяет элементы йоги, акупрессуры и массажа рефлекторных зон. Рудольф Теелен и Николь Ветцлер - известные терапевты и пропагандисты NUAD. Они компетентно и со знанием дела познакомят с этой особой практикой массажа и на наглядном демонстрационном материале помогут вам шаг за шагом овладеть простыми приемами массажа, стимулировать энергетические точки, чтобы снять блокаду и привести тело, дух и душу в продолжительное и благотворное созвучие.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин . Артлайн. Традиционный тайский массаж (по-таиландски - NUAD) - это новая форма терапии всего тела, результатом которой является исключительно хорошее самочувствие, поскольку она объединяет элементы йоги, акупрессуры и массажа рефлекторных зон. Рудольф Теелен и Николь Ветцлер - известные терапевты и пропагандисты NUAD. Они компетентно и со знанием дела познакомят с этой особой практикой массажа и на наглядном демонстрационном материале помогут вам шаг за шагом овладеть простыми приемами массажа, стимулировать энергетические точки, чтобы снять блокаду и привести тело, дух и душу в продолжительное и благотворное созвучие....

<<<  Spree : A Cultural History of Shopping. Pamela Klaffke             Мишутка. Школа для дошколят. 4 года. Джованна Паззани >>>

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Folk Medicine in Southern Appalachia. Anthony Cavender . Книги.

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