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Путь к сердцу клиента. Стратегия отношений, когда лояльности мало Джеймс Г. Барнс
Юрайт. Бизнес с человеческим лицом. Если вы хотите удержаться на конкурентных рынках, то просто хороших товаров и услуг уже недостаточно. Сегодня требуется нечто большее - эмоциональная связь между покупателем, компанией и продуктом. Автор этой книги Джеймс Барнс делится своим тридцатилетним опытом общения с конечными потребителями и корпоративными клиентами из самых разных отраслей, чтобы помочь вам разработать вашу собственную стратегию работы с клиентами. Для этого вам также пригодятся проверенные временем приемы, описанные в этой книге. Они помогут вам извлечь максимальную выгоду из тех возможностей, которые открывает перед вами лояльность ваших клиентов....
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The Globalisation of Addiction Bruce Alexander
The Globalisation of Addiction presents a radical rethink about the nature of addiction. Scientific medicine has failed when it comes to addiction. There are no reliable methods to cure it, prevent it, or take the pain out of it. There is no durable consensus on what addiction is, what causes it, or what should be done about it. Meanwhile, it continues to increase around the world. This book argues that the cause of this failure to control addiction is that the conventional wisdom of the 19th and 20th centuries focused too single-mindedly on the afflicted individual addict. Although addiction obviously manifests itself in individual cases, its prevalence differs dramatically between societies. For example, it can be quite rare in a society for centuries, and then become common when a tribal culture is destroyed or a highly developed civilization collapses. When addiction becomes commonplace in a society, people become addicted not only to alcohol and drugs, but to a thousand other......
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Equine Manual Therapy: Principles and Practice
Kevin K. Haussler, Narda G. Robinson...
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Antiphospholipid Syndrome Handbook M. A. Khamashta, Maria L. Bertolaccini
This book discusses the major clinical features of the antiphospholipid syndrome. With each chapter focusing on the different organs, the book provides a quick practical and reader-friendly reference for the different problems that might be encountered in clinical practice. Treatment is a major concern in an area where evidence-based medicine is sparse and there are chapters dedicated to diagnosis from a laboratory point of view. Further chapters focus on pregnancy management, arterial thrombosis and venous thrombosis as well as chapters on paediatric antiphospholipid syndrome and prognosis and long-term outcome. Due to the multi-disciplinary nature of this disease, the primary readership groups are general and internal medicine physicians and sub-specialities include rheumatologists, haematologists, cardiovascular physicians, neurologists, nephrologists, dermatologists, chest physicians and obstetric physicians and obstetricians....
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Principles of Cartilage Repair Christoph Erggelet, Bert R. Mandelbaum
Cartilage defects affect patients of all age groups. Surgeons, teamdoctors, general practitioners and physiotherapists alike are expected to provide adequate care. Only individual treatment plans combining a well balanced choice of various options will be successful. Background knowledge, operative and non-operative therapies are described in concise chapters: Articular cartilage biology - Diagnostics - Surgical techniques - Symptomatic and alternative medications - Physiotherapy. Diagnostic findings and surgical procedures are generously illustrated by aquarelles and colour photographs. Recommendations for additional reading, description of important clinical scoring systems and a listing of analytic tools are added for further information....
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Путь к сердцу клиента. Стратегия отношений, когда лояльности мало. Джеймс Г. Барнс . Книги.
Москва , Новошахтинск, Астрахань, Омск, Ульяновск, Новотроицк, Невинномысск, Ростов-на-Дону, Новокуйбышевск, Ногинск, Железнодорожный, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Тольятти, Пермь, Тверь, Березники, Серпухов, Пермь, Омск, Петрозаводск, Новокузнецк, Энгельс, Хабаровск, Владикавказ,
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