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Репин Г. Ю. Стернин
Художник РСФСР. Русские живописцы XIX века. Репин. Альбом посвящен творчеству великого русского живописца И.Е.Репина (1844-1930), автора всемирно известных полотен "Бурлаки на Волге", "Крестный поход в Курской губернии", "Не ждали", портретов М.П.Мусорского, В.В.Стасова, Л.Н.Толстого и многих других. Воспроизведено более двухсот живописных и графических произведений....
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Throughput Accounting Thomas Corbett
Learn How To Apply The Theory Of Constraints To Management Accounting. The Theory of Constraints, a management philosophy derived from physics, assumes that constraints prevent organizations from achieving better performance. The Theory of Constraints (TOC) is based on a scientific method that has been developed and refined for nearly three decades by Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt. As a tool for business management, TOC is now accepted as a mainstream alternative to cost accounting. Throughput Accounting Reveals a new management tool for managerial accounting and shows an alternative path for other management practices. Enables managers to quickly see if their decisions increase profitability. Demonstrates some of cost accounting's flaws, and shows how these errors will lead to bad decision making. Compares the paradigm of TOC-based throughput accounting with more conventional cost accounting methodologies and in the process, demonstrates a new way to solve......
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Competition Policy for Small Market Economies Michal S. Gal
For the most part, competition policy literature has focused on large economies. Yet the economic paradigms on which such policies are based do not necessarily apply to small market economies. This book demonstrates that optimal competition policy is very much dependent on the size of an economy. Whether and how firms compete is a matter of the natural conditions of the markets in which firms operate. A critical feature of small economies is the concentrated nature of many of their markets, which are often protected by high entry barriers. Competition policy must be designed to deal effectively with these unique obstacles to competition. Accordingly, applying the same competition policy to all economies alike may be contrary to the policy's goals. Michal Gal's thorough analysis shows the effects of market size on competition policy, ranging from rules of thumb to more general policy prescriptions, such as goals and remedial tools. Competition policy in small economies is......
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Resumes for Health and Medical Careers Editors of VGM, VGM
VGM PROFESSIONAL RESUMES SERIES OFFERS STRONG, IMPRESSIVE RESUMES THAT LEAD TO THE RIGHT JOB! To stand out among the hundreds of job seekers applying for any position, it's vital to have a resume that hits the target every time. Each book in this series offers: Nearly 100 sample resumes and 20 cover letters for each field A variety of eye-catching resume formats Tips on highlighting strengths and using active vocabulary Work sheets for gathering personal information And much more...
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Essentials of International Management David C. Thomas
This book examines cross-cultural management issues from a psychological or behavioral perspective. It focuses on the interactions of people from different cultures in organizational settings and helps the reader gain an understanding of the effect ofculture that can be applied to a wide variety of cross-cultural interactions in various organizational contexts....
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Репин. Г. Ю. Стернин . Книги.
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