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"Пушечное мясо" Первой мировой. Пехота в бою Семен Федосеев
Яуза, Эксмо. Великая забытая война. Первая мировая война привела не только к социальным революциям по всей Европе, но и к революционному перевороту в военном деле. И речь не только о боевой авиации, танках, газах и т. п. - в ходе войны радикально преобразился даже такой старейший род войск, как пехота: к традиционным винтовке и штыку прибавились принципиально новые системы вооружения и защиты, разительно изменились тактика и связь, снабжение и управление, боевая подготовка и способы взаимодействия войск, их облик и фронтовой быт. И все-таки, несмотря на все новшества и перемены, неизменным осталось главное - роль пехоты на поле боя: именно от нее по-прежнему зависел исход сражений, операций и целых кампаний, именно на ее плечи ложилась основная тяжесть боевых действий, именно пехота несла самые страшные потери, оставаясь "пушечным мясом" войны. Новая книга ведущего историка вооружений - лучшее на сегодняшний день, самое полное и подробное, беспрецедентное по охвату материала и глубине анализа исследование боевого......
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Советские песни/Russian Reader with Explanatory Notes
Русский язык. Книга предназначена для англо-говорящих иностранцев. Тексты песен (с ударениями и нотами) дополнены комментариями на английском языке. В конце издания помещен небольшой словарь....
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The Cradle And The Bed Bode Olakanmi
The Cradle And The Bed places you in the middle of a conflict between Julius Ololade and Michael Dawson as their two worlds collide in an endless struggle for success between American-born Blacks and African immigrants. Julius is a privileged African from Lagos, Nigeria; Michael is an uneducated Black American who uses sports as his way out. Written through the witnessed eyes of author Bode Olakanmi, who lived in the years of Nigeria's totalitarian government, this tale of envy, success and love takes you into a world of conflicting ideals, coupled with characters full of such true emotions. As a result of higher levels of education and professional training, many recent immigrants from Africa and their immediate offspring enjoy greater success in the United States, compared to their American-born distant cousins. Although a taboo, there is a subtle but noticeable conflict between American-born blacks and recent arrivals from continental Africa. After the euphoria of the black......
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The Magnificent Mrs Tennant: The Adventurous Life of Gertrude Tennant, Victorian Grande Dame David Waller
Gertrude Tennant’s life was remarkable for its length (1819–1918), but even more so for the influence she achieved as an unsurpassed London hostess. The salon she established when widowed in her early fifties attracted legions of celebrities, among them William Gladstone and Benjamin Disraeli, Oscar Wilde, Mark Twain, Thomas Huxley, John Everett Millais, Henry James, and Robert Browning. In her youth she had a fling with Gustave Flaubert, and in her later years she became the redoubtable mother-in-law to the explorer Henry Morton Stanley. But as a woman in a male-dominated world, Mrs. Tennant has been remembered mainly as a footnote in the lives of eminent men. This book recovers the lost life of Gertrude Tennant, drawing on a treasure trove of recently discovered family papers—thousands of letters, including two dozen original letters from Flaubert to Tennant; dozens of diaries; and many other unpublished documents relating to Stanley and other famous figures of the nineteenth and......
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This Is for the Mara Salvatrucha: Inside the MS-13, America's Most Violent Gang Samuel Logan
Like any American teenager, Brenda Paz spent much of her time with her friends. They would go to parties, listen to music, and show off their cars late into the night. But Brenda and her friends belonged to the Mara Salvatrucha--the MS-13--the most violent gang in America, and in addition to enjoying the things that all teenagers do, her friends were thieves, drug dealers, human traffickers, and murderers. A street gang that began in Los Angeles in the 1980s, the Mara Salvatrucha has spread across the United States and Central America with startling speed, boasting tens of thousands of members. They deal ruthlessly with competing gangs and any members who display disloyalty, often leaving a trail of dismembered corpses in their wake. They are poised to surpass the Mafia as the country's most organized criminal network. And by operating within the insular Central American immigrant communities, the Mara Salvatrucha has been able to easily elude law enforcement. All that changed when......
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"Пушечное мясо" Первой мировой. Пехота в бою. Семен Федосеев . Книги.
Волжский, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Рязань, Обнинск, Нефтеюганск, Новомосковск, Первоуральск,
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