Electronics: MP3s, TVs, and DVDs (The Cutting Edge)

  Electronics: MP3s, TVs, and DVDs (The Cutting Edge)  Chris Oxlade  Chris Oxlade  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Chris Oxlade...

Swing Trading: Power Strategies to Cut Risk and Boost Profits

Jon D. Markman

  Swing Trading: Power Strategies to Cut Risk and Boost Profits  Jon D. Markman  This essential guide to a trading strategy offers a viable (and profitable) alternative to both day-trading and the buy-and-hold mentality. Swing Trading presents the methods that allow busy people to hold positions for as long as a week to a month and then exit with a handsome profit. Where day traders execute many trades for nickels and dimes, swing traders take larger positions and make few moves for more substantial returns. This resource focuses on how you can achieve success and reap the rewards of this unique and profitable trading method. You'll find step-by-step guidance and valuable tips on free online tools you can use to apply the swing trading method and substantially grow your portfolio. Order your copy today.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This essential guide to a trading strategy offers a viable (and profitable) alternative to both day-trading and the buy-and-hold mentality. Swing Trading presents the methods that allow busy people to hold positions for as long as a week to a month and then exit with a handsome profit. Where day traders execute many trades for nickels and dimes, swing traders take larger positions and make few moves for more substantial returns. This resource focuses on how you can achieve success and reap the rewards of this unique and profitable trading method. You'll find step-by-step guidance and valuable tips on free online tools you can use to apply the swing trading method and substantially grow your portfolio. Order your copy today....

Overcoming Inequality in Latin America: Issues and Challenges for a New Century (Routledge Studies in Development Economics)

Stephen Devereux

  Overcoming Inequality in Latin America: Issues and Challenges for a New Century (Routledge Studies in Development Economics)  Stephen Devereux  Latin America is faced with the challenge of achieving the Millennium Developmental Goal to halve poverty in the region by 2015. Historically, this region has experienced persistently high levels of inequality and poverty, and the situation has deteriorated considerably over the past few years. This book analytically examines both the causes and consequences of inequality in Latin America. Overcoming Inequality in Latin America adopts a multidimensional approach to understanding the fundamental causes of inequality in the region, focusing on the mechanisms that lead to higher inequality and emphasising the role of macroeconomics, trade rules, capital flows and the political electoral process. This book analyses how inequality has hindered development, how it interacts with a nation's economic, social and political processes, and how inequality constrains the above processes in ways that weakens the prospect of establishing and sustaining a dynamic, wealthy and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Latin America is faced with the challenge of achieving the Millennium Developmental Goal to halve poverty in the region by 2015. Historically, this region has experienced persistently high levels of inequality and poverty, and the situation has deteriorated considerably over the past few years. This book analytically examines both the causes and consequences of inequality in Latin America. Overcoming Inequality in Latin America adopts a multidimensional approach to understanding the fundamental causes of inequality in the region, focusing on the mechanisms that lead to higher inequality and emphasising the role of macroeconomics, trade rules, capital flows and the political electoral process. This book analyses how inequality has hindered development, how it interacts with a nation's economic, social and political processes, and how inequality constrains the above processes in ways that weakens the prospect of establishing and sustaining a dynamic, wealthy and......

Social Logic of Space, The

Bill Hillier, Julienne Hanson

  Social Logic of Space, The  Bill Hillier, Julienne Hanson  Based on a new way of describing and analyzing the kinds of spatial patterns produced by buildings and towns, this study presents a new theory of space: how and why it is a vital component of how societies work. The authors examine what it is about different types of societies that leads them to adopt different spatial forms and from this general theory they outline a Based on a new way of describing and analyzing the kinds of spatial patterns produced by buildings and towns, this study presents a new theory of space: how and why it is a vital component of how societies work. The authors examine what it is about different types of societies that leads them to adopt different spatial forms and from this general theory they outline a "pathology of modern urbanism" in today's social context....

World Investment Report 2006: FDI From Developing and Transition Economies: Implications For Development (World Investment Report)

  World Investment Report 2006: FDI From Developing and Transition Economies: Implications For Development (World Investment Report)  United Nations  United Nations  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин United Nations...

<<<  Фигуры истории, или "Общие места" историографии.              Magnus, Robot Fighter 4000 A.D. Volume 2. Russ Manning, Kermit ... >>>

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Electronics: MP3s, TVs, and DVDs (The Cutting Edge). Chris Oxlade . Книги.

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