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Азбука Н. В. Нечаева, К. С. Белорусец
Учебная литература, Федоров. В основе "Азбуки" - система общего развития школьника (академика Л.В.Занкова). Авторы книги стремятся воздействовать на развитие у ребенка ума, воли, эмоций, нравственности. "Азбука" представляет богатый и разнообразный окружающий мир и неотъемлемый от него мир языка. Ребусы, загадки, забавные стихи, кроссворды, "хитрые" задания помогут детям настроиться на успешное обучение, легко и весело овладеть чтением, подготовиться к обучению русскому языку. "Азбука" является основной книгой комплекта по обучению грамоте, который, кроме нее, составляют: рабочие тетради по чтению серии "Я читаю" (Н.В.Нечаева, К.С.Белорусец), тетради по письму (Н.В.Нечаева, Н.К.Булычева) и методические пояснения "Обучение грамоте" (Н.В.Нечаева)....
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Поиграем! Ирина Токмакова
Эксмо. Вашему вниманию предлагается прекрасно иллюстрированная книга с веселыми обучающими стихами Ирины Токамаковой....
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Higher-Order Perl: Transforming Programs with Programs Mark Jason Dominus
Most Perl programmers were originally trained as C and Unix programmers, so the Perl programs that they write bear a strong resemblance to C programs. However, Perl incorporates many features that have their roots in other languages such as Lisp. These advanced features are not well understood and are rarely used by most Perl programmers, but they are very powerful. They can automate tasks in everyday programming that are difficult to solve in any other way. One of the most powerful of these techniques is writing functions that manufacture or modify other functions. For example, instead of writing ten similar functions, a programmer can write a general pattern or framework that can then create the functions as needed according to the pattern. For several years Mark Jason Dominus has worked to apply functional programming techniques to Perl. Now Mark brings these flexible programming methods that he has successfully taught in numerous tutorials and training sessions to a wider......
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The Basics of S-PLUS (Statistics and Computing) Andreas Krause, Melvin Olson
This book explains the basics of S-PLUS in a clear style at a level suitable for people with little computing or statistical knowledge. Unlike the manuals, it is not comprehensive, but instead introduces the most important ideas of S-PLUS and R, its companion in implementing the S language. The authors take the reader on a journey into the world of interactive computing, data exploration, and statistical analysis. They explain how to approach data sets and teach the corresponding S-PLUS commands. A collection of exercises summarizes the main ideas of each chapter. The exercises are accompanied by solutions that are worked out in full detail, and the code is ready to use and to be modified. The volume is rounded off with practical hints on how efficient work can be performed in S-PLUS, for example by pointing out how to set up a good working environment and how to integrate S-PLUS with office products. The book is well suited for self-study and as a textbook. It serves as an......
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Sempe: Everything is Complicated Jean-Jacques Sempe
Phaidon Press. Jean-Jacques Sempe is one of the most successful and best-loved cartoonists in the world, best known from his cartoons that have graced the covers and pages of the New Yorker for decades. Sempe has published numerous collections of his work in his native France, but never before have they been translated into English. Phaidon Press is delighted to present the first English translated publication of Everything is Complicated by Jean-Jacques Sempe, one of four witty and beautifully illustrated collections from this notorious and widely adored cartoonist. Sempe is equally adept at capturing the little indignities (and triumphs) of everyday life as he is at high farce. Everything is Complicated, the second Sempe volume published in France, features some of his favorite subjects, such as hapless tourists, pipe-smoking novelists and unruly schoolchildren, as well as people who choose to express their innermost feelings through the medium of the protest sign. One classic image portrays......
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На главную
Азбука. Н. В. Нечаева, К. С. Белорусец . Книги.
Псков, Северодвинск, Астрахань, Новокуйбышевск, Рыбинск, Архангельск, Краснодар, Махачкала, Пятигорск, Саратов, Находка,
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