Воровской роман. Сходняк

А. Бушков

  Воровской роман. Сходняк  А. Бушков  Нева.   Воровской закон.   С чувством выполненного долга Алексей Гриневский и Маша возвращаются в Сибирь, но тут их ждет очередное испытание: воровской сходняк Шантарска и ФСБ никак не могут поделить власть в городе, и герои, помимо своей воли, оказываются в эпицентре столкновения могущественных сил, для которых жизнь троих людей - не более чем разменная монета в Большой Игре...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Нева. Воровской закон. С чувством выполненного долга Алексей Гриневский и Маша возвращаются в Сибирь, но тут их ждет очередное испытание: воровской сходняк Шантарска и ФСБ никак не могут поделить власть в городе, и герои, помимо своей воли, оказываются в эпицентре столкновения могущественных сил, для которых жизнь троих людей - не более чем разменная монета в Большой Игре......


Андрей М

  Analyste  Андрей М  АСТ.   Современная отечественная проза.   Андрей М - это литературный псевдоним человека, настоящее имя которого известно скорее в сфере бизнеса бывшего СССР. Он учился и работал в Англии и США, несколько лет прослужил в Советской Армии, выполняя интернациональный долг в странах с АСТ. Современная отечественная проза. Андрей М - это литературный псевдоним человека, настоящее имя которого известно скорее в сфере бизнеса бывшего СССР. Он учился и работал в Англии и США, несколько лет прослужил в Советской Армии, выполняя интернациональный долг в странах с "жарким климатом". "Analyste" - это не детектив, а попытка ответить на волнующие вопросы жизни, смерти и совести....

Managing Human Resources, Fourth Edition

Luis Gomez-Mejia, David Balkin, Robert Cardy

  Managing Human Resources, Fourth Edition  Luis Gomez-Mejia, David Balkin, Robert Cardy  This book centers on business decision-making and managerial problem-solving, consistent with today's best practices' Human Resource Management Practice and Research. Real-life cases and a global focus will hold readers' interest as this book imparts valuable information about the dynamic field of human resources. Expanded coverage of international human resource issues governs this edition of the popular book; it also covers the management of work flows, job analysis, equal opportunity and the legal environment, diversity, recruitment and selection of employees, downsizing and outplacement, performance management and appraisal, workforce training, career development, compensation management, rewards and performance, employee benefits, employee relations, employee rights and discipline, organized labor, and workplace safety and health. The reference resource for human resource directors, managers, and small business owners, as well as others in leadership positions.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book centers on business decision-making and managerial problem-solving, consistent with today's best practices' Human Resource Management Practice and Research. Real-life cases and a global focus will hold readers' interest as this book imparts valuable information about the dynamic field of human resources. Expanded coverage of international human resource issues governs this edition of the popular book; it also covers the management of work flows, job analysis, equal opportunity and the legal environment, diversity, recruitment and selection of employees, downsizing and outplacement, performance management and appraisal, workforce training, career development, compensation management, rewards and performance, employee benefits, employee relations, employee rights and discipline, organized labor, and workplace safety and health. The reference resource for human resource directors, managers, and small business owners, as well as others in leadership positions....

A Yale Guide to Careers in Medicine and the Health Professions: Pathways to Medicine in the 21st Century (Yale ISPS Series)

Robert M. Donaldson, Kathleen S. Lundgren, Howard Spiro

  A Yale Guide to Careers in Medicine and the Health Professions: Pathways to Medicine in the 21st Century (Yale ISPS Series)  Robert M. Donaldson, Kathleen S. Lundgren, Howard Spiro  Can I become a doctor? Should I? How can I find out? What is it like to be in medical school? What other careers in the health field might be right for me? What are the satisfactions and pitfalls of a career in medicine? For anyone pondering a career in medicine or a related health profession, this book is an invaluable guide. It contains the firsthand advice of men and women working in the health field today. These diverse professionals describe how and why they made their career choices and what the journey has been like. They tell their stories with candor and humor, sharing their personal circumstances, experiences, uncertainties, and triumphs. More than seventy medical and health professionals, including physicians, biomedical researchers, nurses, chiropractors, medical sociologists, and others, contribute to the volume. They represent many individual viewpoints and speak from different stages of their careers. The distilled wisdom of this group conveys more comprehensively and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Can I become a doctor? Should I? How can I find out? What is it like to be in medical school? What other careers in the health field might be right for me? What are the satisfactions and pitfalls of a career in medicine? For anyone pondering a career in medicine or a related health profession, this book is an invaluable guide. It contains the firsthand advice of men and women working in the health field today. These diverse professionals describe how and why they made their career choices and what the journey has been like. They tell their stories with candor and humor, sharing their personal circumstances, experiences, uncertainties, and triumphs. More than seventy medical and health professionals, including physicians, biomedical researchers, nurses, chiropractors, medical sociologists, and others, contribute to the volume. They represent many individual viewpoints and speak from different stages of their careers. The distilled wisdom of this group conveys more comprehensively and......

Citizen Brands : Putting Society at the Heart of Your Business

Michael Willmott

  Citizen Brands : Putting Society at the Heart of Your Business  Michael Willmott  What is the most important issue facing business today? Globalization, the technological revolution, supply chain management, core competencies, staff retention, price competition? Important though all of these are, something else is emerging as an equally critical challenge facing companies in the technological, globalized, knowledge economy ahead. It is the concept of &i;Citizen Brands&/i;. Its importance arises because it embodies not just one, but three crucial strategic issues for the business world: Values (what the company stands for); Corporate citizenship (playing an active role in society); Branding (the tangible and intangible attributes that are encompassed in a name or trademark). This book is about how these three elements come together in an integrated way; about how they define a company's relationship with all the relevant people and institutions it has to deal with - customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, government...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин What is the most important issue facing business today? Globalization, the technological revolution, supply chain management, core competencies, staff retention, price competition? Important though all of these are, something else is emerging as an equally critical challenge facing companies in the technological, globalized, knowledge economy ahead. It is the concept of &i;Citizen Brands&/i;. Its importance arises because it embodies not just one, but three crucial strategic issues for the business world: Values (what the company stands for); Corporate citizenship (playing an active role in society); Branding (the tangible and intangible attributes that are encompassed in a name or trademark). This book is about how these three elements come together in an integrated way; about how they define a company's relationship with all the relevant people and institutions it has to deal with - customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, government......

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Воровской роман. Сходняк. А. Бушков . Книги.

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