Векторно-фазовые методы в акустике

В. А. Гордиенко

  Векторно-фазовые методы в акустике  В. А. Гордиенко  ФИЗМАТЛИТ.   Фундаментальная и прикладная физика.   Впервые последовательно, в форме, доступной читателю, далекому от актуальных задач гидроакустики, и вместе с тем на достаточно высоком научном уровне излагается один из интереснейших подходов к регистрации акустических полей, получивший в России название ФИЗМАТЛИТ. Фундаментальная и прикладная физика. Впервые последовательно, в форме, доступной читателю, далекому от актуальных задач гидроакустики, и вместе с тем на достаточно высоком научном уровне излагается один из интереснейших подходов к регистрации акустических полей, получивший в России название "векторно-фазовые методы". Текст книги представляет собой расширенный вариант курса лекций, читаемого автором на физическом факультете МГУ. Для студентов, аспирантов, а также специалистов, желающих получить достаточно полное представление о возможностях векторно-фазовых методов при решении самых разнообразных акустических задач: обнаружение слабых источников сигнала на фоне шумов, задачи биоакустики, экологии, предсказание землетрясений....

Frank Lloyd Wright Prairie Houses

Alan Hess

  Frank Lloyd Wright Prairie Houses  Alan Hess  With the advent of Prairie style architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright embarked on a journey that would forever change the course of architecture. During this extraordinarily prolific period, roughly the first quarter of the twentieth century, Wright built the first great modern American houses. He cast aside many of the conventions of the past, opening up interior spaces so that there might be a more subtle flow of rooms. The plans for Prairie style architecture were based on a tartan plaid of main spaces and secondary spaces, of public rooms and circulation spaces. Their decentralized asymmetry did not follow the Beaux Arts insistence on a primary, often dominating, focal pointA?A€A”a vestige of its roots as a symbolic architecture for divine-right royalty. Following Wright's philosophy, Prairie design was emphatically democratic and non-hierarchical. Frank Lloyd Wright Prairie Houses comprehensively demonstrates this philosophy. Focusing on interiors and details, the book...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин With the advent of Prairie style architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright embarked on a journey that would forever change the course of architecture. During this extraordinarily prolific period, roughly the first quarter of the twentieth century, Wright built the first great modern American houses. He cast aside many of the conventions of the past, opening up interior spaces so that there might be a more subtle flow of rooms. The plans for Prairie style architecture were based on a tartan plaid of main spaces and secondary spaces, of public rooms and circulation spaces. Their decentralized asymmetry did not follow the Beaux Arts insistence on a primary, often dominating, focal pointA?A€A”a vestige of its roots as a symbolic architecture for divine-right royalty. Following Wright's philosophy, Prairie design was emphatically democratic and non-hierarchical. Frank Lloyd Wright Prairie Houses comprehensively demonstrates this philosophy. Focusing on interiors and details, the book......

Still Lives

Sam Taylor-Wood

  Still Lives  Sam Taylor-Wood  As one of the leading artists of her generation, Sam Taylor-Wood is acclaimed for her compelling psychological portraits in photography, film and video. Over the last several years they've included a series of still photographs of male celebrities crying, and a short video observing the English footballer David Beckham as he sleeps. Each piece creates a slightly enigmatic situation replete with latent energy. Taylor-Wood is compulsively examining the contemporary psyche and the place of the individual within the social group, and in order to do so, she is displaying the vulnerability and fragility of the human body and self. Sam Taylor-Wood presents the artist's most iconic pieces alongside previously unpublished images from her own archives, including personal, reportage and documentary work. She asked musicians and writers who have inspired her to contribute text, and Nick Cave, Peter Doroshenko, James Fox, Harland Miller, Rufus Wainwright and Ossian Ward complied. Their...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин As one of the leading artists of her generation, Sam Taylor-Wood is acclaimed for her compelling psychological portraits in photography, film and video. Over the last several years they've included a series of still photographs of male celebrities crying, and a short video observing the English footballer David Beckham as he sleeps. Each piece creates a slightly enigmatic situation replete with latent energy. Taylor-Wood is compulsively examining the contemporary psyche and the place of the individual within the social group, and in order to do so, she is displaying the vulnerability and fragility of the human body and self. Sam Taylor-Wood presents the artist's most iconic pieces alongside previously unpublished images from her own archives, including personal, reportage and documentary work. She asked musicians and writers who have inspired her to contribute text, and Nick Cave, Peter Doroshenko, James Fox, Harland Miller, Rufus Wainwright and Ossian Ward complied. Their......

Motocourse 2005-2006: The World's Leading Grand Prix & Superbike Annual (Motocourse)

  Motocourse 2005-2006: The World's Leading Grand Prix & Superbike Annual (Motocourse)  Now in its 30th year, Motocourse continues to go from strength to strength as the fortunes of MotoGP worldwide continue to flourish. Compiled by leading motorcycle journalist Mike Scott, Motocourse is not simply a lavish document on the MotoGP and Superbike seasons, it is a highly collectible resource that has sold out for each of the past three years. It is widely recognized as the leading annual in this exciting sport. Motocourse is packed with detailed race reports, in-depth analysis, rider profiles and outstanding photography that brings to life the excitement of this massively popular sport.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Now in its 30th year, Motocourse continues to go from strength to strength as the fortunes of MotoGP worldwide continue to flourish. Compiled by leading motorcycle journalist Mike Scott, Motocourse is not simply a lavish document on the MotoGP and Superbike seasons, it is a highly collectible resource that has sold out for each of the past three years. It is widely recognized as the leading annual in this exciting sport. Motocourse is packed with detailed race reports, in-depth analysis, rider profiles and outstanding photography that brings to life the excitement of this massively popular sport....

Jamie Cullum - Catching Tales (Pvg)

Jamie Cullum

  Jamie Cullum - Catching Tales (Pvg)  Jamie Cullum  15 songs from the 2005 release by this British pianist/vocalist. Includes covers of classic tunes (Catch the Sun * I Only Have Eyes for You * Fascinating Rhythm) as well as originals: London Skies * Photograph * Nothing I Do * and more.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин 15 songs from the 2005 release by this British pianist/vocalist. Includes covers of classic tunes (Catch the Sun * I Only Have Eyes for You * Fascinating Rhythm) as well as originals: London Skies * Photograph * Nothing I Do * and more....

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Векторно-фазовые методы в акустике. В. А. Гордиенко . Книги.

Ноябрьск, Ульяновск, Химки, Стерлитамак, Петрозаводск, Димитровград, Владивосток, Артём, Октябрьский, Ульяновск, Рубцовск, Барнаул, Чебоксары, Питер, Тула, Йошкар-Ола, Междуреченск,
Современные драмы| Международное право| История новейшего времени (с 1918 г.)| Фантастические триллеры| Фитнес| Кино. Киноискусство| Спорт| Саспенс| Миронов Андрей Александрович| Релаксация и медитация| Аркада (Arcade)| Полнометражные зарубежные мультфильмы| История средних веков. Эпоха Возрождения| Школа рисования| Искусство и культура| Криминальные триллеры| Исторические личности| Любовь и эротика| Курсы иностранных языков| Спортивные| Финансы. Денежное обращение| Кассеты, диски, стартовые комплекты для видеокамер|
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