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Записки об Анне Ахматовой. 1938-1941 Лидия Чуковская
Книга. Время и судьбы. Записки об Анне Ахматовой. 1938-1941. Книга Лидии Чуковской об Анне Ахматовой - не воспоминания. Это - дневник, записки для себя, по живому следу событий. В записях отчетливо проступают приметы ахматовского быта, круг ее друзей, черты ее личности, характер ее литературных интересов. Записи ведутся "в страшные годы ежовщины". В тюрьме расстрелян муж Лидии Чуковской, в тюрьме ждет приговора и получает "срок" сын Анна Ахматовой. Как раз в эти годы Ахматова создает свой "Реквием": записывает на клочках бумаги стихи, дает их Чуковской - запоминать - и мгновенно сжигает. Начинается также работа над "Поэмой без героя"... А вслед за ежовщиной - война... Камерная манера повествования дает читателю возможность пережить вместе с автором то давнее, жестокое и трудное время. "Записки" Лидии Чуковской становятся важным свидетельством, документом эпохи....
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Risk Management, Speculation, and Derivative Securities Julian M. Alston, Philip G. Pardey
Its unified treatment of derivative security applications to both risk management and speculative trading separates this book from others. Presenting an integrated explanation of speculative trading and risk management from the practitioner's point of view, Risk Management, Speculation, and Derivative Securities is the only standard text on financial risk management that departs from the perspective of an agent whose main concerns are pricing and hedging derivatives. After offering a general framework for risk management and speculation using derivative securities, it explores specific applications to forward contracts and options. Not intended as a comprehensive introduction to derivative securities, Risk Management, Speculation, and Derivative Securities is the innovative, useful approach that addresses new developments in derivatives and risk management. *The only standard text on financial risk management that departs from the perspective of an agent whose......
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E-Business Innovation and Change Management Mohini Singh, Di Waddell, Dianne Waddell
Demonstrating how organizations around the world are capitalizing on new technologies such as the Internet and the World Wide Web to develop e-business, this book shows how evolving e-business models, integrated solutions, and improved technological infrastructure are continuously changing the way business is conducted. This discusses the ways in which the e-business revolution brings new ways of dealing with customers and business partners, new revenue streams, new ways of processing information, and new organization structures. In addition, advice is provided on developing new skill sets, electronic supply chains, new standards and policies, new collaborations and adaptable business strategies....
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E-Mail: Communicate Effectively Verna Terminello, Marcia Reed
Prentice Hall. This easy-to-read, in-depth book contains comprehensive information and expert advice on communicating effectively and responsibly through e-mail. It provides readers with learning activities, tools, and tips to help them actually change behaviors and learn this critical workplace skill. Five chapters cover a variety of e-mail topics: saving valuable company time; increasing the effectiveness of communications; learning this basic skill of the workplace; avoiding e-mail troubles; avoiding miscommunications and misunderstandings; avoiding lawsuits; increasing productivity; increasing sales; improving job performance; reducing junk and personal e-mail; reducing time and effort reading and writing e-mail; helping keep a company's e-mail database from growing out of control; protecting and strengthening an individual's and company's brand, reputation, and image; limiting virus attacks from careless habits; limit the potential for illegal and unethical e-mail; taming the e-mail monster;......
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Photoshop 7 Type Effects Dong-mi Kim
Through 20 stunning, full-color artistic projects and clear step-by-step explanations of how to complete them, this book teaches the professional designer the advanced type effect techniques of Photoshop 7. Readers learn how to use Photoshop to apply a variety of different effects to text such as swirl style, water drop type and 3-D blocks as well as how to use text effects in various mediums, including Web images and posters. All original artwork and source files are included on the accompanying CD-ROM....
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Записки об Анне Ахматовой. 1938-1941. Лидия Чуковская . Книги.
Миасс, Ковров, Ставрополь, Абакан, Арзамас,
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