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Theory and Practice of Leadership Roger Gill
Leadership today is a hot topic, with a mushrooming but fragmented literature. Theory and Practice of Leadership provides a comprehensive and critical review of the major theories of leadership and clearly lays out a more holistic understanding of leadership that integrates the disparate approaches and theories. Throughout the book, the author uses illustrative examples and cases, drawn from research and practice in the UK, mainland Europe and the USA, enabling students to better relate the theories to real cases and their own experience. A clear picture of leadership theory and development is set out through accessible language and a focus on bridging the gap between theory and practice. Theory and Practice of Leadership is essential reading for anyone needing a clear overview of the theories and practice behind this growing field. The book will be used by postgraduate students pursuing an MBA or other courses in leadership,......
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Pimp My Cubicle: Take Your Workspace from Boring to Bling! Reverend Smoothello G. Debaclous
Put some mojo back into your office! This tongue-in-cheek kit contains everything you need to pimpify a bland and uninspired workspace: a dollar-sign paperweight, gold push-pins, leopard print fringe to run around the edge of your cubicle, a disco ball, and "Bling" mousepad. But if that doesn't quench your thirst for individuality, check out the accompanying book for more design schemes. From a beach front theme to the Taj Mahacubicle, you're sure to find something that appeals to your inner pimp. With Pimp My Cubicle your workspace can become the hottest and most talked about stop on the way to the water cooler!...
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День рождения Лилиби
Росмэн-Пресс. Веселая раскраска с наклейками о приключениях Лилиби! Мышонок Лилиби живет в лесу. У него много друзей, и каждый день они вместе придумывают необыкновенные занятия: пускают мыльные пузыри и изобретают летательные аппараты, учатся рисовать, считать и читать, устраивают веселые концерты и придумывают новые праздники! По вечерам они пьют вкусный чай со сладостями. А еще Лилиби - очень гостеприимный хозяин, и он ждет вас у себя дома! Приходите!...
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Liveness Philip Auslander
Is it live or is it Memorex? In his provocative new book, performance critic Philip Auslander explores live performance and asks what relevance it has in contemporary culture dominated by mass media. Liveness: Performance in a Mediatized Society begins with an overview of live performance and reveals that media technology has encroached on live events to the point where many, like concerts and sporting events that feature jumbo video screens, are hardly live at all. Auslander offers a way of understanding the history of this development based on an analysis of the relationship between early television and theatre. Auslander goes on to a detailed analysis of what live performance has meant in rock music culture, arguing that live performance has been devalued here, as it has been in the culture at large. As a comparison, Auslander then considers liveness in the legal arena, for it is the one social realm where live performance has retained much of its......
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Choral Pedagogy
Brenda Smith, Robert Thayer Sataloff...
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Theory and Practice of Leadership. Roger Gill . Книги.
Нефтеюганск, Уфа, Бийск, Орск, Миасс,
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